
week from hell!

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Ok, sorry people,but I need to rant for a sec.If you dont want to hear it..leave now.

This week has totally sucked!!
I had a "run-in" with someone creepy that I cant stand,yet he wont leave me alone.Either he is too dumb to realize I hate him,or he knows and is just a freak!>:(
Then I ran into my exfiance and his new girlfriend and had to sit and watch them cuddle and make out right in front of me.Not to mention get the "20 questions"routein from the ex.I barely made it back to my truck befor I lost it.:([:/]
Also,I think I might have slightly messed up my knee sometime this weekend during the boogie b/c its kinda stiff and really hurts when I bend it or move it much.[:/]
I was already in a bad mood,so I figured I'd buy a new CD to try to lift my spirits. As I was going into the store who do I run into? My exfiance's freakin' mom!!! (to say that we never cared for each other is a serious understatement...I hated that little woman!!!)So this just sucks!>:( I go home to find that my dog has gotten out and is currently chasing the neighbor's cows and defeathered one of his chickens.I retrieve dog,but now my dad is strongly suggesting I get rid of my buddy b/c he keeps gettin out.:(
Wake up with a migraine,but get ready for class anyway. Walk outside..WTF?!! My truck has a flat.(4th one in 3 months!)>:(So I wake up my dad(piss him off) he helps me fix the tire and I still end up late for class. After class I go to the photoshop to get my pics from the AOT boogie.Well guess what?There was a new guy in the lab and he overexposed ALL of my film.None of my pics could be saved.Dammit!!>:(>:(:(:(

Someone please show me where the delete button is on my life!!!!!

Ok,ranting over.Sorry[:/]

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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It's times like these that you need to remind yourself of the good things you enjoy in life (take for instance skydiving). I know it's easier said than done. But each day that we wake up and face the world, we make the decision to face it with a smile or a frown. It's your choice. What will it be?
Now if only my cold would go away, my toe would heel so that I can start jumping again, work would slow down, the economy would pick up, the world would be at peace and the love of my life would introduce herself to me. Then my day would be better as well.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Put your hand on your closing-pin necklace if you have one, close your eyes, and think about beer and a blue and fluffy sky. Resolve that you CAN handle your troubles and pride yourself in your ability to manage your feelings right up to the next jump, which is coming soon!

I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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I usually find that when I feel down like this, all I have to do is post topless picture of myself on the internet, and immediately I feel better. It may not work for everyone, but it's worth a shot.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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I find choking the life out of someone who desperately deserves it an excellent stress relief. Plowing a clenched fist deep into someones flesh, or executing a beautiful standing armbar and throwing them down sharply on their head and neck carries its own sort of graceful beauty, too... Or I just look forward to my next Airgasm.
P.S. The touch of a beautiful woman helps, tew...

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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Hey we had a good time at AOT remember? Quit thinking of the bad things and concentrate on the good, fun stuff. Start planning for your next great weekend and forget all that bad stuff. Go where your friends are and if necessary stay there for a day or two. I'll bet you don't even think about all this stuff then. We're all here for you!

Blue skies,


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Here's one for ya, I've been in the military 6 years and I've never done my job a single day. I've spent 3 years in schools and I'm working as a secretary. I'm getting out in a matter of weeks and I have to go to the field at the end of the month. And here's the best part, our field exercise is within plain view of the DZ so while I'm hating life, I get to watch skydivers. ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just keep swimming...just keep swimming....

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1. Think of all the bad things about your ex, and be glad that the new girl has to deal with them. And, cherish your independence and being able to go where ever you want, and do whatever you want, without having to consult with anyone. You're too young to be tied down with a fiancee anyway-trust an old girl on this one.

2. Be glad you're not saddled with the ex's mom anymore too. You can be a bitch to her now if you want with no repercussions!

3. Find a way to fix the fence (or whatever you have to corral the dog) and maybe visit some websites to get tips on keeping him from straying.

4. You still made it to class, so be glad dad was there to help you fix the flat. Give him a big hug tonight and tell him how much you appreciate him. Take some medicine to help with the migrane.

5. Ask some of your friends who were at the AOT boogie if they got any good pictures, and if they would mind getting copies or e-mailing them to you.

6. Don't sweat the small stuff. Life could be MUCH worse. :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Yeah,AOT was great,but now I have no pics!:(Some of em woulda been good had the nitwit at the photoshop not had his head up his a$$!(this is one more excuse to get a digital camera and do it on my comp!)
I really have no where to go other than the dz.All my friends moved off to college,got married or joined the militry and I'm stuck here.[:/]I cant afford to just up and take a road trip or mini vacation b/c I have school and all my $$$ is going for my AFF jumps.

Thanks for trying to help gemini... it was great meeting you at AOT!

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I have those days....weeks...sometimes months or years. I usually just find something....anything that will make me laugh. I even laugh when I start wondering what else will go wrong. Oh well, the sooner you realize that life is just one kick in the gut after another you'll be better off. See, it's that your expectations are far too high.....;) Just laugh it off and move on.

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3. Find a way to fix the fence (or whatever you have to corral the dog) and maybe visit some websites to get tips on keeping him from straying.

Remote shock collar. About a hundred bucks at Wal Mart. Works wonders!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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yeah but I'm a very broke college student. Not to mention AFP student. All my $$ is either in tuition,books,or jumps.[:/]

But I have been considering something like that.I really dont wanna lose my puppy.Hes soo sweet and cute! Hes just too adventurous right now.[:/]

Heres my puppy!

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."


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Wow! He's beautiful! You can't part with him! Great things about dogs is they are trainable (and containable!) Anyhow, sounds like you've reached your "quota" for bad shit. Me too. Things will start to look up. The smile that usually graces my lips is finally back today - got a lot of shit in my life straightened out. And the other crap that still remains is easily tolerable. Hang in there babe! Dump on us - we're here for you!


Fall in dove.

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