
Whoa..This is interesting..

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I did too...I was only there for two weeks but I drove almost constantly.

It was awesome.. I was in Berlin THE DAY the wall went down.. I was standing on it with a sledge hammer taking shots at it myself.. I have about 30lbs of the Berlin wall that I took home myself..

It is a cool country.. Very scenic.. The Rhine River valley was probably my favorite site.. Especially during the Octoberfest.


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okok you're right;) the lederhosen are for riding my motorcycle... they are not the real mountaintopjoddelingatthetopofmyvoicescaringthejapanesetouristsaway kind...

My mean german sheppard I do need to keep the boys away from my 4 daughters. I also have a few 12 gauge pump action shotguns but I've been asked by the local police only to use them, if I can't spell the name of the boyfriends...

how high can you fly with broken wings ...
life's a journey not a destination

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I really love being a capitalist Amercan pig!! We are the richest, and the strongest, therefore we can make all the rules - Right? Does that sum it all up nicely for everyone?


Yup, and that's why people fly jetliners into your office towers.


And that why we retaliate buy bombing the hell out of a bunch of caves, hoping our intended target inside! What a wonderful philosophy now, "do unto others before they do unto you" eh?

Man- what a weird and wonderful world we live in!!!

Easy Does It

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Did you hear the rumor, that this happened, because somebody wanted to claim the insurance money for something or the other and they did a cover up as a terrorist attack... pretty sick!

how high can you fly with broken wings ...
life's a journey not a destination

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"There is NO way Im saying 'Ya'll' at the end of each sentance. "
Make no apologies. Ya'll is a contraction of "you all", the "plural you" form that is seen in Spanish as "ustedes". Speakers of English who do not use it, lack the continental sophistication that the Southern US exudes. It is ok, part of our Southern courtesy is our polite understanding. :D

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As someone that had a family member expire from AIDS, I thank you for your post. Often times we just choose not to see beyond the confines of our own existance. Daily, we see people hungry,homeless, jobless and walk on by. We, the richest nation in the world have children that don't have enough to eat; Our eldery eating cat food because they have to spend their money on medicine that medicare won't cover. Yes, we in this the greatest nation in the world often times have our blinders on.....but we are trying. We have social issues just as every country has...remembering that with great power comes great responsibility perhaps we haven't done as well as we could or should have. I love this country and am proud to say that like everyone here save a few...we are a nation of immigrants, we are young and arrogant....but another truth is.....more often than not, as a country we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. I understand that many believed our reaction to 9-11 was an over-reaction. I understand too that terrorism has been going on for decades, but what made this different was that it happened here. If it feels as though all other nations have to please us, well perhaps they shoudn't be so ready to ask for handouts. I agree that we as a nation should not be so ready to shove our ideology down other's throats but in the same regard, perhaps those same nations shouldn't expect us to "fix" everything.
I will agree, that everyone of us needs to take a step back and remember that we are all human beings first. We all feel pain,suffering,joy,love,happiness and sorrow. We need to treat each other with dignity and respect.

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The South African government deserves credit for withstanding over the last several years massive pressure from the Clinton-Gore administration, the European Union and the drug companies themselves. Recently 39 multinational brand-name drug corporations (supported by the US government) dropped their suit against the government of South Africa to pave the way for the use of generic AIDS drugs.

Was this the same South African government where the state president refused to accept that HIV caused Aids? (he said there was no medical evidence). The same South African government that got taken to court by Aids activists because the government refused to give HIV-positive pregnant women AZT?

Sorry sangiro, you make a good argument but you built your soapbox of very weak material in this case.


PS btw it is very frustrating debating with HH in person, he uses logic and reason, I prefer shouting and swearing. ;) (actually we were arguing about the USA, and I can tell you for a fact that he really loves that country)

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Sorry sangiro, you make a good argument but you built your soapbox of very weak material in this case.

Woah kicked him of that box hard didn't ya? HUMPH and this from a guy that jumps 6 miles away from the DZ? Play nice or you'll get the fork too!! Course I get my turn first;):P

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"While I agree with your post I think that this bit 'My understanding is that America was founded on diversity of thought and tolerance of descent. ' Was a bit romantic. I thought that America was founded on the back of a strong slave trade, the genocide of the Native American and the theft of vast parts of Mexico.' "
I think that it is laughable when people try to retrofit today's morality into yesterday. They are not comparable.
"Diversity of thought" - exemplified by freedom of religion - was a lightyear's leap ahead compared to what was happening in Europe. Tolerance of dissent was a radical thought. Criticize a king and lose your life in Europe. This was a bold new right. Today's list of rights - voting, owning land, etc - have evolved over a period of 200 years. The original Constitution just outlined a benchmark for their creation.
Conquest of all of North America was being done in a brutal fashion by England, France, Spain, and everybody else with a boat. Life in the times.

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Was this the same South African government where the state president refused to accept that HIV caused Aids? (he said there was no medical evidence). The same South African government that got taken to court by Aids activists because the government refused to give HIV-positive pregnant women AZT?

Exactly the same government. Give credit where credit is due, and apply the mustard lavishly when they screw up. I didn't build my argument on the issues above. My argument certainly is not that the SA government = good and solid on the issue of AIDS. That would be the topic of a post much longer than this one! ;)

As for not throwing out the baby with the bath water - I will explain this logic using an example: Hypothetically, if someone exits a plane without checking the spot, let say miles away from the DZ by accident because he thought someone tapped him on the back. Does this mean that so far as skydiving in general is concerned this person can not do anything right, nor teach, lead or even set an example? :ph34r:

Let's give credit when credit is due! ;)
Safe swoops

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"Hey with that wonderful tanning weather and first rate Brit dental plan you know they are ALL hotties!!! "
"Hello, we're the vikings. We're here to steal the women. Get on the boat. Get on the boat. Ummm... not so fast honey. You wait here for a second. It's looking full." :o Talk about a blow to ego... whew!

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In Africa more people die every day of AIDS than everyone put together on September 11 in the US. I know horror can scarcely be measured using a numbers comparison but this is still happening, it's ongoing, every day. It's a silent killer, it's removed from your TV screens. It terrorizes a continent killing mostly innocent women and children. For years activists have been trying to win world (read mainly US) approval to distribute generic AIDS drugs in Africa. These are much cheaper and would be much more available. Millions of lives could be prolonged or even saved. The US government, together with large corporations have opposed and fought the use of generic AIDS drugs, citing intellectual property (IP) and patent violations. AIDS vaccines can be manufactured and distributed for 1/10th of their current price.

OK, maybe it's a deathwish for a newbie to question the Head Honcho, but there is one thing I need to say that no one else has.

I understand the suffering [as much as a non-carrier can] but here's the thing: If all that medicine is given out in suffering countries, it has to be given out here [we have suffering too] at similar rates. And if we do that, there won't be any miracle medicines anymore. No one would be able to afford to research and develope newer and better medicine for people to want.

It's not that we [read "I and people I know in the industry"] think life is more important here. It's that I have been blessed with living here, born to a family that can manage here. But if things go the way you said, development of future medicine could not happen. And that is terrifying as well.

I wish I had the answers, too.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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