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I don't even want to think about buying gear

Then it's the trip to WFFC, Richmond, Lost Praire, Perris, Spaceland, Eloy for Christmas.....It never stops.....:D

Shhhh, make them think student status is the most expensive part, otherwise they'll quit and miss out on living life

Hook high, flare on time

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Good to have you with us, man. First things first, get your Icon sorted out. The general rule seems to be this : Use a mugshot if you think your handsome or pretty, use a snapshot of your skydiving activities if you think your good at it. If, like me, none of these apply to you then just draw something !
Sort a signature out as well. Plenty of good one liners out there.

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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Welcome to the funny farm. There are lots of crazies here but everyone means well so just take everything with a smile and you'll be fine. Watch out for Clay's sheep...nobody at our DZ will hang with him ( except maybe that new girl who was looking for a job and got stuck at the DZ for the night, and I heard she was not a sheep....hum....Did ya have fun Clay?????).

There are lots of really informative experienced jumpers here that have wonderful advice. Ask questions and learn. As for the advice about having a signature and picture. It is cool but not required...thank Gad as I can't do it.

Finally....Money, or the lack of in all our cases is simply a balancing act in floating funds. You charge , change priorities (food is overrated when there is beer around), and basically figure out how to get what you want if you want it bad enough. Skydiving NEVER gets cheap so don't even think about it.

Best of luck finishing AFF.


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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As for the advice about having a signature and picture. It is cool but not required...thank Gad as I can't do it.

That's a shame because you sound like you'd be a mugshot candidate to me. :$

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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I can clean up according to my old classmates at my 20th class reunion, (I freaked a few of those snobs out...WAHOO!!) but my favorite attire is a pair of shorts and a sports bra at the DZ. I tend to wear makeup every day just because it is a habit and because I'm old and want to hide some of the wrinkles.

There are some pics of me floating but I don't have the computer literacy to inset them where I want them, so I guess they shall stay in the twilight zone.


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I'm just stuffed full of stupid questions

there are no stupid questions...only stupid people.

do not use a picture of a naked woman's breast as your icon. this is construed as "porn" and gets people in trouble at work (hi Phree!!). however, if it is attached to a famous work of art, it's apparently ok.

skydivers love boobies.
spiral out...keep going...

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Welcome aboard SDRW!! Glad to have you..

Now get over there an ice down the beer maggot! All the n00bs get beer duty an trash cans.. An no "beer duty" doesn't mean you get to drink BEER you ice it down an hand them out..

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Hmm, you're nick is "SanDiegoRW" but your favorite discipline is freeflying? A little confused, aren't we? Then again, you are from California, the land of "fruits and nuts".B|

Just kidding and welcome to the forums!


They don't call it The Granola State for nothing....once you get past the fruits and flakes, all you got is the nuts!!

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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Hey what's happening? I'm new to the sport and I happen to run across this awesome site. I'll be around quite a bit I'm sure, I know I'm just stuffed full of stupid questions. So be nice and harrass the new guy will ya.

Hey, newbie, less yackin' and more packin'!

Forget what other people have told you about there not being any stupid questions. There ARE stupid questions -- the ones ya don't ask. So, if you're in doubt, just ask the stupid question!

Further, if you don't understand something in this sport -- keep asking the questions until you do understand. Not understanding stuff gets people killed, dead and burried 6 feet under.

As for "what's happening" -- hopefully, the thing that's happening is you getting your A as safely and efficiently as possible so you can travel around a bit and come up to Perris. Until then, pay attention to your jumpmasters and take all the advice you get on the internet with a grain of salt.

(Was that a sufficient amount of harrassment?) ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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