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Heard from a budding young skychick.

"So, how long is the rope for the 15 second delay? What about the 30 and 60 second delay? Can they even fit that into the plane?"
"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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Tandem: "How do you shoot the video of the jump?"

T Master: "After we jump out I will disconnect you, fly in front of you, shoot the video, then fly back to you, hook you up and then deploy."

Tandem: "I don't want video anymore."

Actually heard this. Bwaahahahahaha! :D

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heard from jhonny gates before a muff dive
"and the most inportant thing on this dive DONT FUCKING DIE"

I love it, he got me with that last weekend," Attention, please, very important safety briefing....DON'T FUCKING DIE"

And the best line heard at my dz.... " Who's beautiful? Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me." Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Tandem: "How do you shoot the video of the jump?"

T Master: "After we jump out I will disconnect you, fly in front of you, shoot the video, then fly back to you, hook you up and then deploy."

Tandem: "I don't want video anymore."

Actually heard this. Bwaahahahahaha! :D



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Thats fantastic,
To an nervous AFF student....
JM "Avoid the clouds"
Stu "What if I can't?"
JM "Don't worry, if you do land on a cloud just pick up your 'chute walk to the edge and jump off again"
Stu "OK!"
JM "I'm Joking!"
Stu "Oh...right....."


When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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"Get this fucking hippy off my plane!"
Well known CCI of military DZ near Salisbury plain, addressing a very young Nacmac.

Nacmac was duly ejected from load, for sporting 'unsuitable footwear'...Tevas.:(


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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