
Riggers who do not jump!?!?

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I have met two or three riggers during my short time in sport who did not jump or only did a few in their past. I just thought it was interesting that here is a person who does not jump that is giving you advice about packing, packing your reserve, assembling gear, etc... etc...

Just tought it was wierd. Anyone else ever met a rigger who did not jump? I never met a DZO who did not jump though. I know some SO's of DZO's who did not jump but hmmmm....

Just thinking out loud...B|

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...ever seen a mechanic driving a beater, or a sick doctor, or a lawyer with morals..or.... :P

I gotta admit, a non-jumping rigger makes me wonder, but then again once I have my rigger's rating I STILL plan to have another rigger do my reserve.... something about fate and a plan 'B'

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I never met a DZO who did not jump though.

Wasn't there an article in Parachutist a while back about a DZO down in FL who didn't jump? I seem to remember that she had a tandem or two, but that was about it.

Am I remembering this correctly or was I just on crack that day, or maybe I'm on crack today. Hmm....

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I know of one....I think you and me both know who that is, Seb...

Funny thing is, he taught me how to pack my main and I have never EVER (knock-on-wood) had a problem with any of my openings yet. I trust the guy completely and would continue to have him do my repacks if he didn't have to relocate to another dz. By the way, tell him I said HI, Seb.

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Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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There's a fella at my home DZ that does not do a lot of jumping (if any), but is a rigger and packs a lot of chutes during the day/weekend etc. Great openings!

The fact that he doesn't jump doesn't concern me too much. He also invented Skybands, a competitive product to the SuperBanz that Aerodyne sells.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
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>I just thought it was interesting that here is a person who does not
>jump that is giving you advice about packing, packing your reserve,
> assembling gear, etc... etc...

Happens in other places all the time. Plenty of A+P's (aircraft mechanics) air traffic controllers and airplane designers are not pilots.

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Wasn't there an article in Parachutist a while back about a DZO down in FL who didn't jump? I seem to remember that she had a tandem or two, but that was about it.

Am I remembering this correctly or was I just on crack that day, or maybe I'm on crack today. Hmm....

I seem to remember this, too. I thought it was a photo, with a caption like, "After 25 years of owning such-and-such dropzone, so-and-so does her first tandem..."

I can't imagine knowing that much about a rig or about the sport and not wanting to try it!

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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Wasn't there an article in Parachutist a while back about a DZO down in FL who didn't jump? I seem to remember that she had a tandem or two, but that was about it.

That was Betty Kabeller who runs the DZ at Lake Wales. Her husband was George Kabeller. They owned the DZ in Chambersberg PA, and the DC-3 called Southern Cross, many, many, many years ago. They sold that DZ and bought an established DZ in Z-Hills, next to where Skydive City is today. That DZ changed it's name to Phoenix after a fire destroyed the gear store and equipment storage area. There were some serious political problems that drove a few jumpers to start the Skydive City DZ, and from there the Phoenix business fell apart. Betty and George split up, and Betty bought the DZ in Lake Wales.

You are correct that she isn't a jumper, but she has been around the sport forever, and was a primary reason for the success of the old Chambersberg and Z-Hills DZ's. George could be a bit of a prick, but Betty knew how to keep jumpers happy. If you like the DZ at Skydive City (and what's not to like), find George Kabeller and say "Thanks for making it happen!"
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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We have a guy named Packer Bryan at our DZ. He has about 400 jumps, but he hasnt jumped in a long time. Last time I saw him jump was like 6 months ago, and he was just doing a hop n POP.
He is a very col guy though
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We have a rigger at our DZ called Pat.
She used to jump but she doesn't anymore.
Maybe she has done enough jumps that she can't be bothered or that she can't for some medical reason or she might be too busy attending to all our rigging needs to jump.

There are lots of reasons why a rigger might not jump but if they have years of experience as a rigger then I wouldn't think twice about using their services.

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Something I have seen which is similar is TM's who don't do anything but tandems. No more students? Time to go home. I was at a DZ for almost three years and saw some TM's who never did a fun jump. It was just a job. Turn it on for the video, turn it off when the red light is extinguished. Kinda sad really.
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I know a rigger who basically doesn't jump. But he isn't a rigger I'd trust with a paper bag, much less my rig. I'm not saying the two are related though. I heard that the last time he jumped, he flailed his way all the way down to a cypres fire. I didn't witness it, but I'd believe it.

Needless to say, I'm not naming names as it would be slanderous, but there are riggers that don't jump. Some are perfectly fine, and some aren't, just like anything.

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My rigger jumps. The old DZO at SD ATL has several tandems to his credit, but was not a regular jumper. He also was our pilot,and did a wonderful job....best spots around.

Hot Mama
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I know a rigger who basically doesn't jump. But he isn't a rigger I'd trust with a paper bag, much less my rig. I'm not saying the two are related though. I heard that the last time he jumped, he flailed his way all the way down to a cypres fire. I didn't witness it, but I'd believe it.

Needless to say, I'm not naming names as it would be slanderous, but there are riggers that don't jump. Some are perfectly fine, and some aren't, just like anything.

Isn't it libelous since it would be written? Or does posting count more as talking?:P

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Needless to say, I'm not naming names as it would be slanderous, but there are riggers that don't jump. Some are perfectly fine, and some aren't, just like anything.

Gee I wonder who that could be. :P I've heard that rigger has had 6 cypres fires, and will admit to it when asked. Of course that has nothing to do with his rigging skills. Overall he definitely knows what he's doing and is very talented with a sewing machine, but he can be a little forgetful.

But what REALLY gets me about him is that he is the original owner of my container. What kinda guy chooses to put pink on his rig? All you guys with pink rigs and pink jumpsuits that think it's perfectly normal, IT'S NOT! I'm a SOPS and proud of it (even though I wear pink)!


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