
Point Break, watched it again!

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I named my Golden Retriever Bodhi, after Patrick Swayze's character in the movie, so I kinda of got a soft spot for the movie. (It was the only decent movie I could remember with skydiving in it and it seems everybody has a pet named Quincy. Although I guess Rantoul is an option for new pets...) So everytime it comes on my dog bugs me until I turn it on.
So in watching it this time I decided I'd actually time the free fall. Actually it was my dog's idea, but he don't have a watch. (I bought him one but it keeps sliding off his leg.)
On their first jump, they get 4 solid minutes of freefall. Of course not to mention the fact that it is Keanu's first jump and he manages to get in a 5 way without taking it out and the obvious lung power they have to communicate in free fall. I also noticed for the first time the Keanu was also smart enough to steer his canopy using risers....always something a first time jumper does.
On their second jump...when Keanu throws himself out the plane without a chute to chase Patrick......They get a full minute of free fall....from 4000 feet.....
Tonight for shits and grins I think I'll watch Terminal Velocity and Drop Zone to see how long their free fall lasted, unless anyone knows already.


"Call me Darth Balls"

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I guess so far Cutaway was the most "realistic" skydiving movie, atleast in terms of what freefall is and how long it lasts. Except for the idea that after doing a formation jump and deploying between 2k and 3k everyone has time to fly around a couple CReW stacks and fly up to different people under canopy...hmmm
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>deploying between 2k and 3k everyone has time to fly around a couple CReW stacks and fly up to different people under canopy

I've built a Stack on the bottom end of a freefall jump before, and have kicked a few pilot chute on cruises back from long spots... its actualy alot of fun. BSR's say you have till about 2000 so have fun till then!
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I don't remember if the stunt was in the movie or not, but I did see them land a two-stack. They were hangar height when they broke. There was also a couple of excellent down-planes.

Don't know if these were playing or stunt work. I do know that you don't want to try this at home. All had huge amounts of experience. Definitely a lot of trust between these guys. Lots of shared canopy-flying time.

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Ah, the obligatory "Oh, like you could really freefall for 4 minutes!" post about Point Break. Of all the skydiving movies I've seen in the past ten years, I thought the photography in PB was the most impressive. It's only been rarely - during a demo in Montana, a working jump in Cabo san Lucas, a jump just before a storm in Quincy - that I've looked around in freefall and been as floored by the scenery as I was in that movie.

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Heck, I don't have to look any farther than Keanu Reeves to admire the scenery :P

Unless a movie is embarrassingly bad, I'd rather pretend I'm on the outside watching it. That way the incongruities just don't bother me that much. It's not like I get a lot of my education from movies.

Wendy W.

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Obviously the freefall was way too lomg, but I never knew how bad. I own copies of Terminal Velocity and Drop Zone, I'm gonna have to time them now.

Point Break did have some great scenery. I'd put LP on a par with that. Anyone know where Point Break was shot over?


"Call me Darth Balls"

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...just before a storm in Quincy - that I've looked around in freefall and been as floored by the scenery as I was in that movie.

Were you there a couple of years ago when a microburst was coming and the sky turned orange and then green? The green part was the weirdest thing in the world. 20 minutes later, 50 mph wind and tents rolling like tumbleweeds.

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Are you guys nuts? None of these movies, in my Xpert opinion, are good skydiving movies;). The only thing cool about them is someone got to do some stunts.

The only movie I really love is Dropzone and NOT for the skydiving scenes but really just b/c I really liked the movie:P

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>Were you there a couple of years ago when a microburst was coming
>and the sky turned orange and then green?

This was, like, 3 years ago. The jet hightailed it out of there right before the storm hit. I made a jump about an hour before the burst hit, and could see the thunderheads in the distance. It was sunny at exit altitude, but by 5000 feet it was dark and shadowy - we were in freefall a few hundred feet from a big cumulus cloud. Far away on the other side I could see lightning. The edge of the cloud was ragged, and we were close enough that you could both see your speed and see that the cloud was incredibly _big_. I never got a sense for that before, but here I was passing it at 120 mph and it still took 20 seconds to pass it.

Under canopy there were wisps and streamers of cloud. We landed, and it looked like it would clear up. I tried to take up one more group, but the clouds started moving in again. I was going to have to be the bad guy and pull us off the skyvan, but fortunately bryan burke put us on a hold first. I had just enough time to pick up all my stuff and get to the RV before the winds hit.

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Are you guys nuts? None of these movies, in my Xpert opinion, are good skydiving movies;). The only thing cool about them is someone got to do some stunts.

The only movie I really love is Dropzone and NOT for the skydiving scenes but really just b/c I really liked the movie:P

"Are you guys nuts?" Well...yes...yes, I am. ;)

I am unsure of what makes a good "skydiving" movie. "Endless Summer" was a good pseudo-documentary of surfing because it gave you a feel for the emotional and social side of surfing. "On any Sunday" was a good moto-cross movie of the same type. I am not sure that I want the public to know that much about my sport.

James Bond movies are a group of stunts loosely surrounded by a plot and some techno-tricks. No one is checking them for accuracy. They are just movies.

Dropzone and Cutway were both populated by people that skydivers can identify with, but you need to have a plot. The day-to-day sameness of life on a dz would not make interesting film really. Ever sit and watch people sweat and pack? Creep? Dirt-dive? A car movie would be boring if the cars weren't racing, right?

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I loooooove Point Break, for the simply fun of it. But here's a new twist. I saw it again last night and watched Patric (well, his brother) do this fantastic back layout on one of his four minute freefalls. I've been working on back layouts for the board and I finally saw what it was SUPPOSED to look like. Went to the DZ today and NAILED it! So, I guess PB is Eda'cational! ;)



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When I first watched this movie I was surfing a lot, had never tried skydiving, and the movie made sense. Since I started skydiving I find it odd that the group of thrill seekers (bank robbers) that they are portrayed to be surf constantly and skydive a little. I think it should defeintly be the other way around...:)

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I own copies of Terminal Velocity and Drop Zone, I'm gonna have to time them now.

No long freefalls, but time the exit delay between the girl (name???) and Charlie Sheen, then look to see how close they are once out of the plane when they should be about 1,000 ft apart.

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I own copies of Terminal Velocity and Drop Zone, I'm gonna have to time them now.

No long freefalls, but time the exit delay between the girl (name???) and Charlie Sheen, then look to see how close they are once out of the plane when they should be about 1,000 ft apart.

Probably unrelated, but this is a fun thing to do with video. Have the camera flyer zoom out their lense. Do some 4-way and then watch the video. You get the coolest effect. When you start to see below the horizon in the background, it looks like the trees are coming up and you are going below the treeline and land the 4-way. Seeing a car close up in the background of a video is wild looking.

Just a fun idea to try sometime. B|

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Are you guys nuts? None of these movies, in my Xpert opinion, are good skydiving movies;). The only thing cool about them is someone got to do some stunts.

The only movie I really love is Dropzone and NOT for the skydiving scenes but really just b/c I really liked the movie:P

Hey carrie have you seen the scene in Dropzone where they land in the back of a truck? If you watch closely the 2nd guy really misses it, but they edit it to look like he made it. Did you know that is Delands own Bob Hallett that missed it. Too funny.

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Yea, Bob and I were just talking about it actually...subject came up b/c I'm trying to sell a reserve and he said a lot of the main canopies for the movie were reserves and it caused a few problems...won't get into the details b/c don't want to start controversy over what reserve is better, etc.;)

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