
England has the worst crime rate in the world!

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Oh - I should have read more thoroughly. I would still wager that crime is higher in non "leading economy" worlds. Crime and poverty tend to go hand-in-hand.

Let's see - I spent a few months in England/Scotland - London, Cambridge, York, Edinburgh. London and Edinburgh were definitely the shadiest places, but overall it seemed to me to be less dangerous than the states. Probably the highest crime area I saw there was the airport - UK airports have one of the highest rates of pick-pocketing. That could be what pushed the UK over the top in this report ;)

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Probably the highest crime area I saw there was the airport - UK airports have one of the highest rates of pick-pocketing. That could be what pushed the UK over the top in this report

Careful reading is a must.


The UN reports also shows that England and Wales are the second-worst places in the world for assaults, with 851 people assaulted per 100,000, and seventh for burglaries and car theft, with 1,579 burglaries per 100,000 population.

It seemes you can get just as beat down in the UK. They rank higher for assaults than they do for the biggest proerty crimes. I can't wait to see the actual report. If anyone sees it posted let us all know.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I think they need some very strict gun control laws in England . That would solve all the problems with crime , assault and murder . No children will have to die needlessly ever again or witness a violent crime . At least this is what I keep hearing some guy in canada scream about the violent Americans .

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I think they need some very strict gun control laws in England . That would solve all the problems with crime , assault and murder . No children will have to die needlessly ever again or witness a violent crime . At least this is what I keep hearing some guy in canada scream about the violent Americans .

Better yet. Make crack legal. I wouldn't have to steal to support my crack habit. Just think...cheaper than cigarettes and less addicting.

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Only the Dominican Republic, New Zealand and Finland have higher crime rates than England and Wales.

Oh, I live in the crime-capital of the world! Gee, I'm glad you told me, since otherwise I would've never known....

(the rest of the post goes assuming that the report is genuine and the reporter didn't hold the chart upside-down...)

That makes interesting reading, but it raises more questions than it answers. Having lived in Finland all my life, I just don't see my homeland in that report. I've rarely been afraid to walk through Helsinki in the middle of the night on weekends. We don't have "areas to avoid" if you want to stay healthy and breathing, anywhere in Finland.

The only reason I can think of that could've contributed to the result is the way crimes are reported in different countries. And not just the way the authorities report to the UN(as mentioned in the article), but the way people report to the police. Here, no matter how small a crime, a report is filed most of the time. If the police are involved, in many crimes you don't have a choice: charges will be pressed even if you don't want to.

If someone gets beaten up in a slum in Johannesburg, do you think it's going to make it in many statistics?

The largest newspaper in Finland didn't have anything about this on it's website. Maybe they're suppressing the information to avoid widespread panic?


PS: The New Zealanders seem to feel the same way I do...

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I think it's about time for us to get at least a couple of semi-automatic guns... Do you have any military connections - I'd feel _much_ better if I had my RK-62 assault rifle with me all the time. :S:S. Darn, it's been too long - I can't even recall my "girlfriend's" serial number... :( I think it started 618... or something...

No seriously - the new laws (example: If you beat up your wife and a neighbor hears it and calls the police, damn, you can't even put terror into your wife's mind and tell her that you'll beat her even worse next time if she would tell anything :S... The stupid law says that the police has to investigate no matter what the couple themselves say. ;))

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The largest newspaper in Finland didn't have anything about this on it's website. Maybe they're suppressing the information

And such suppression of important information is clearly a criminal violation, and further proof of the corrupt, crime riddled state that the Finns have sunk to.

If the one Finn I know (a BASE jumper who eats light bulbs for fun) is any example, then Finland really is the world's largest den of corruption and debauchery.


...to avoid widespread panic?

Too late! Begin panicking immediately!
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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We get a better class of criminal in the UK. They shake your hand after they mug you.
Criminals over here have to use more imaginative ways of doing their work as they can't get guns. Just look at Harold Shipman! One of the most prolific serial killers in the world and never used a gun! Bet you can't beat that, 400+ murders and still counting - Carry on Doctor!

Instagram gary_wainwright_uk

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I've been a Welshman all my life and I find it surprising that we are near the top of this alleged report. I've only assaulted 5 people this year, so I wonder who's doing the rest ?

Like Erno mentioned earlier, there are places in well known cities like Cardiff which are generally known as no go areas after 23:00hrs, but I walk through the City Centre at 01:00 in the morning on a fortnightly basis and have never had any problems, or fear of assault.

Like other statistical or data based reports, regardless of who produced them, they can be manipulated to reflect a picture that suits the needs of the individual who is using it. Further details as to how the figures were collated and calculated need to be produced before I will take it seriously.

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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I've been a Welshman all my life

I'm sorry. ;)


Further details as to how the figures were collated and calculated need to be produced before I will take it seriously.

I agree. South Africa had 21 000 murders last year, do I feel safer living in the UK (without burglar bars, alarms, armed response and guns)? Most definitely yes!

Sorry, but having lived in both SA and the UK, I know which is safer.


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If the one Finn I know (a BASE jumper who eats light bulbs for fun) is any example, then Finland really is the world's largest den of corruption and debauchery.

How can Crazy Thomas pass this up? I mean, we have a judgemental, assumptive, stupid argument going on here, backed up by what, numbers?
Same people who believe they are better than me at skydiving because they have more jumps?
I'll admit it, I am not a very good person to invite on a 4 way skydiving. A 4 way BASE? I'll pass on that. Then I might have to see something I don't want to see. Don't make me mention examples either. It's a touchy subject still to this day.
I am not a good skydiver. I can't figure out when to throw the pilot chute. Last time I tried I went to 1800 feet, and my crappy A license says 3000. or was that changed again to be 3500?
Even D licenses are only good to 2000, so I guess I just need to try out for my psycho license, which allows me to pull when I want. USPA still issuing psycho licenses? And what do they charge?
Back to the crime rate deal. I have met some Finns before in person, and they weren't even BASE jumpers. They were ski jumpers, and they were very nice, sane, normal people. Ski jumpers are the BIG sports stars over in Finland, if I remember correctly.
That's why the US always fails to make any kind of medal stand in the olympic ski jumping event. I do think I recall it happening though.
Anyways, you judge Finland based on ONE single BASE jumper that you met? And you already know some of us BASE jumpers aren't the most normal people. Not everyone in finland BASE jumps.
Like QUADE says in "Total Recall"--Free your mind!

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The key words here are reported crimes, Russia would top this list easily but most crimes don't get reported as compared to the U.S. or England. The facts (under the UN parameters) state that England does have a higher crime rate than the U.S. but that you are much more likely to be killed during a crime in the U.S., hmmm. England must have a lot of polite criminals, or could it be that they respect human life more that people in the U.S. do?, or just maybe it is because they don't have guns to kill eachother. Remember it is only reported crimes, and in a society where you do not fear the police dept you are much more likely to report something than in a society where the police don't do anything (report a crime less than murder in the U.S. and little happens) or where the police regurarly extort money from the public at large in exchange for not going to jail (there are many reports of Russian police making up drug/weapons charges). If you report a rape in the U.S. the chances are less than 50% that the rapist will ever be found and if you pull a gun on your assialant your chances of not living through the expierence more than double.


Don´t belive the hype

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Remember it is only reported crimes, and in a society where you do not fear the police dept you are much more likely to report something than in a society where the police don't do anything (report a crime less than murder in the U.S. and little happens)


The last crime committed against me was a theft in 1979. I reported it to the Chicago police and they weren't interested. My (ex) wife had her purse snatched, and the perp. was arrested but the police didn't follow up.

We get the odd theft in our neighborhood, but to the best of my knowledge no-one bothers to report them.

According to the FBI web site, homicide is the only crime that is almost always reported and therefore makes a good basis for comparison. Unfortunately the US doesn't look so good in this category.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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