
What do you call soda?

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Didn't that die along with Tab?

Heh, last I knew, you could still get Tab in some places. My step-mother-in-law practically lived on the stuff (her tawnic). She would source it like a junkie sourcing heroin. She had people who would get it for her because they lived near a store that carried it, or she would see it while they were travelling somewhere and buy cases of it to store up, just in case.

Now were is my Pepsi Light (the original lemon Pepsi), that's what I want to know!

If you hadn't read this, would it have made a sound?

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actually, sodie pop made me almost pee my pants!!!
even soft drink sounds funny....but it's not used as much as you think, most people ask if you wanna drink? not softdrink.

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I hate when people use the word "pop." For some reason it irritates me. I refer to it all as soda.

Don't you hate it when a WORD makes you mad? You look at yourself from the outside and it seems rediculous, yet every time you hear it, you want to scream!

Why is that?

If you hadn't read this, would it have made a sound?

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I'm with you Dave. Here in GA we call everything COKE because it is bottled here I guess. Even Orange or Grape drinks are called Coke. The first time someone said to me "I'll have a pop" I laughed and told them they really didn't want me to hit them!:o

Hot Mama
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It doesn't matter what brand it is, what flavor it is, its a coke. i.e. "Hey, what kind of coke do you want?" "I'll have a diet pepsi, thanks..."

Ah. The power of advertising. Undoubtedly, a bunch of (Yankee) advertising executives are drooling right now about how their mind control techniques have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. ;)

Coke. Pepsi. Soda. Pop. Cola. It doesn't make a difference what you call it. It all rots your teeth and makes you fat. :S

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Don't you hate it when a WORD makes you mad? You look at yourself from the outside and it seems rediculous, yet every time you hear it, you want to scream!

Why is that?

In my case i blame it on mental instability.;)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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There are other things is this world to drink besides beer?
Hell yeah..
Its called Irn Bru, its real useful if you drink too much Beer!..;)


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I grew up hearing only "pop" for a carbonated beverage. I always knew that the proper name was actually "soda pop", and "pop" was a shortened form of this. Occasionally I would read the word "soda" for what I called pop, and it sounded hopelessly old-fashioned to me, just like when my first grade teacheer called boots "galoshes" and coats "wraps" and the bathroom the "lavatory". All those words, including "soda" just sounded completely out of touch with the 20th century. It would be like hearing someone say "horsless carriage" for car. By the way, does anyone out there want to start a page on the "lunch vs dinner vs supper" debate? If you're from the rural Midwest, you must know what I'm talking about.

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My understanding is that people from Texas and California call it "Coke", people from Ohio and Michigan call it "pop" and everyone else (the normal people) call it "soda".

The default for national marketing campaigns is generally "soda".


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Where I am from, everything is "Coke". A typical exchange goes like this: "Want a Coke?" "Yeah." "What kind?" "Doctor Pepper!"

Another similar, funny thing still sticks in my mind from a trip I took a long time ago to an out-of-town four wheel drive shop (to buy a new set of 44 inch TSL super swampers): Me and a buddy were sitting in this little hole-in-the-wall diner in bum-fuck, North Carolina (actually New London) and we are ordering food, waiting for the 4WD shop to open. I ask the waitress what kind of chips she has and she tells me (with a Marlboro hangin out the side of her mouth) "tater chips". I shit you not, I thought I was going to fall on the floor.


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