
I'm in deep shit, what should I do?

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I've got a really nice black lab who really needed a bath. He's a super bird dog and family pet, but he has this bad habit of rolling in shit and he was starting to stink to high heaven. So last night, when the wife was gone, I decided to give him a bath. Since it was colder than hell outside, I decided the best place would be inside the house in our new jacuzzi tub. So I fixed old Bro a nice bubble bath and proceeded to wash off the layers of stink. Bro loved every minute of it. He almost fell asleep as I scrubbed away on him. I don't know what it is about old dogs, but I ended up with black hair everywhere. I figured if my wife saw a few black hairs it wouldn't be any big deal. Since she is a brunette I'd just blame it on her. The only trouble was she came how early and spotted what was going on. I'm starting to wonder if old Bro has mange or something, because there was hair everywhere. Well as things ended up I almost had to move into Bro's kennel last night to find a place to sleep. The wife says the only person she knows who would be stupid enough to give a dog a bath in a new jacuzzi tub is my brother. I was thinking of asking Anne Landers for advice on this one, but I was wondering what you would do in a case like this. Should I move in with Bro or should I do what I usually do and plead insanity and beg for forgiveness. Steve1

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I suggest collecting the hair and making you a fur coat as you may need it after a few cold nights in the dog house. How does Bro feel about you sharing his house???

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Don't feel bad, I did the same...it gets worse...my canine terror then went and rubbed himself dry on the new beige rug!!

Plead insanity after one too many riser slaps!

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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Did you pay for the jacuzzi? Is it yours or hers?

If it is hers (her money) you need to beg.

If it is yours...well...you just go and ask Ann Landers..:D:D:D

"Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.

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I'd say, keep the dog out, buy a bottle of Champagne, some candles and lure her to take a bath with you, chicks dig that.

Of course, you have to clean that tub REALLY good before :P

Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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I think she's overreacting and shouldn't sweat the small stuff so much. But, don't tell her that, it will only piss her off more. Disinfect the tub, remove any trace of dog hair that there is, and wash the towels. In fact, go ahead and clean the whole bathroom, it's almost Christmas and all. Treat her like a queen for the night, agree with her that you are an idiot and you don't know how on earth she has the patience to put up with you and beg forgiveness.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I'd say, keep the dog out, buy a bottle of Champagne, some candles and lure her to take a bath with you, chicks dig that.

Of course, you have to clean that tub REALLY good before :P

Lure the dog or the wife?
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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What Andrea said, but when you do clean it out get her to watch you. Let her see how hard your working to clean up your mistake. Let her see the seat rolling down your body. If your lucky she'll forgive you. If you're very lucky she'll shag you. If your incredibly lucky she'll do both.

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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Dont sweat it for a minute, clean the tub and that is it. No big deal. If she wants to complain after its clean then she is just complaining to complain and that's just a waste of hot air. Your not a kid after all.

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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I laughed so hard when I read this:D:D:D cause I could just see some guy in the hot tub giving his dog a bath.
Plead insanity and beg for forgiveness.
There is a really cool place in the town where I live, it's a self serve doggie bath house. Really cool, you take the dog there, give them a bath, use the blow dryer to dry them off, and leave the mess there;). I have three dogs, so naturally I have bought stock in the place.

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Tell her to grow up, clean up the tub and the rug and move on with your life. Don't get sucked into playing games or politics with your wife, be adults about it.

You did get the shit off the dog, right? ;)

If you hadn't read this, would it have made a sound?

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Tell her to grow up, clean up the tub and the rug and move on with your life. Don't get sucked into playing games or politics with your wife, be adults about it.

You did get the shit off the dog, right? ;)

Dog advice from a Dog Terrorist? Dude, look at that avatar!

Reply to this post, or I'll shoot this spouse:P.

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Tell her to grow up, clean up the tub and the rug and move on with your life. Don't get sucked into playing games or politics with your wife, be adults about it.

Agreed. So you fucked up. Big deal. You gonna say the wife never did something stupid and made a mistake? Goodness, nobody is perfect and she needs to realize that, grow up, and move on.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Drain the Jacuzzi then clean with bleach.
REPLACE the filters!
The new water will smell of dog if you reuse the old filters.
p.s. the intakes now have dog hair running through all your tubes and jet valves. This my take a few tries to really clean so DON'T put the new filters in until you know it's clean. A Jaccuzzi can flow without the filters for your cleaning/flushing process.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Drain the Jacuzzi then clean with bleach.
REPLACE the filters!
The new water will smell of dog if you reuse the old filters.
p.s. the intakes now have dog hair running through all your tubes and jet valves. This my take a few tries to really clean so DON'T put the new filters in until you know it's clean. A Jaccuzzi can flow without the filters for your cleaning/flushing process.

It's a jacuzzi TUB not a jacuzzi.. my last apartment compex advertized "we have jaccuzzi tubs!" thinking it would be this nice big tub.. nope it's jacuzzi brand tubs.. nice and small.


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Drain the Jacuzzi then clean with bleach.
REPLACE the filters!
The new water will smell of dog if you reuse the old filters.
p.s. the intakes now have dog hair running through all your tubes and jet valves. This my take a few tries to really clean so DON'T put the new filters in until you know it's clean. A Jaccuzzi can flow without the filters for your cleaning/flushing process.

It's a jacuzzi TUB not a jacuzzi.. my last apartment compex advertized "we have jaccuzzi tubs!" thinking it would be this nice big tub.. nope it's jacuzzi brand tubs.. nice and small.


Well, that should be a 30min. clean up job then...
what's the BIG hairy deal?;)(The dog is going to roll in poop to get the shampoo scent off him any way:S).
I had a 8 person "Jacuzzi" :)
I'm divorced and I miss that hot tub and 61" TV :(
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I think this calls for some WORLD CLASS GROVELING. Flowers help....tell her how beautiful she is...clean the house....basically kiss her ass for about a week and it should blow over. :D She'll forgive you eventually...remember, she loves you because you are a knuckle head sometimes. B|

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She's bitchin' 'cause your tub is dirty - guess what - she would have been bitchin' if the dog smelled like shit, too. You're a guy, tell her to go do some goddamn laundry or something - after providing you with a cold beverage of your choosing.


"I think that was the wrong tennis court."

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I think this calls for some WORLD CLASS GROVELING. Flowers help....tell her how beautiful she is...clean the house....basically kiss her ass for about a week and it should blow over. :D She'll forgive you eventually...remember, she loves you because you are a knuckle head sometimes. B|

see how sweet he can be;)

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