
Is Skydiving better than Sex?

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what kinda surgery?


Subacromial Decompression on the right shoulder and removal of loosebodies from the right knee. Upon the loosebodies removal, they found a torn ACL and a major crater where the loosebodies came from...uurrgghh!!! Told me I may need a reconstruction, we have to carefully consider it because it may decrease the flexibility and increase pain. What a drag! He told me I should consider another sport. I said I'll just upsize and land on my behind! :P

if its any consolation, I hope you ahve a good holiday,anyway![:/]

You're so sweet! :)

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I'm not sure if there's an exact way to compare the two, since sensations and such are different. I know both get your heart beating, but beyond that, they're not easy to compare.

The only fair way to judge it would be by price. I guess stuff that you want more, you spend more money on. I spend most of my money on skydiving, so I guess that's what I want most.

I'm really not sure of another way to come up with a yes or no answer!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Skydiving is BY FAR way better than sex, you can jump ALL DAY, as MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT , and do ANYTHING you want, I don't know of a canopy having a 'headache' :P

The only problem is 'Mother nature' that's right MOTHER, because only a female can BITCH like that and spoil everyone's plans when it decides to 'rain' or 'blow' some wind >:(>:(


Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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Sweety...I have met you remember....I don't think you have any problems with supply and I DOUBT you have any large outlays of cash in getting some.

Okay, supply isn't too big of an issue for anyone, really. I guess when you have to figure in that whole quality bit is where things get all complicated!

Yeah, really, instead of putting money into a 401K, I have it going into my Gettin' Some account!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Skydiving is BY FAR way better than sex, you can jump ALL DAY, as MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT , and do ANYTHING you want, I don't know of a canopy having a 'headache' :P

This is soooo funny!!! :D I've never been one to say "No, honey, I've got a headache" or anything similar. However, I have been given the "No, honey, I'm not in the mood. Too stressed....too tired....etc."
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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I have been given the "No, honey, I'm not in the mood. Too stressed....too tired....etc."

I'd like to go on record right now as saying I'd never do that to you, no matter how stressed, tired or what the cost to my body would be...tee-hee.

"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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