
If you could live anywhere...

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I forgot about that....

Well thats only if you want me to come visit. Some people claim i can't live without the internet...i don't know why they say that...;)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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hmm..old wounds but, mostly healed so... literally my life (at the time) fell apart..a particularly nasty case of crossed and chaotic signals..i flew someone i had been seeing on and off for some 4 years, out there while i was working in Carson City for a few months, to wander and play and ask her to marry me. (un)fortunately it just completely blew apart, and changed my path, again….but i dont know that i would have ever started skydiving, or reached the (relatively) happy place i am now if things had gone more as i planned...

sometimes I wonder if I would trade the sky for life with her, and I’m just not the same person I was to really know..

havent been back since, but i expect i will be at some point to haunt myself and jump at Tahoe..(another bad memory spot)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Bad memories in C.C. myself, many years ago. Life since has been god. Really good!

If you should decide to jump at Skydive Lake Tahoe be aware that you can see the lake from altitude, but you're no where near it (maybe 30 miles).

Btw, I was married at Tahoe, overlooking the lake, and divorced 15 years later. I still love it though. Nothing can spoil the natural beauty of the lake!

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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About living here...
I know that it would be hard for you to habituate on living here just as I will have hard time to habituate in USA.
The difference is really big. You know that cos you have friend here.;)
If you ever have a chance to visit a friend, don't miss this place. You wont be disappointed.

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I got to this thread kinda late, I see. ;)

If I could live anywhere, no worries about money? I'd grab me a few acres of the very limited amount of privately owned land along the southern portion of the Big Sur coast of California, somewhere between Ragged Point and Lucia. Remote, private and flat out beautiful with coastal redwoods, pine trees, mountains, steep cliffs, wildlife and far below, the ever changing Pacific Ocean.

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An ex-Turners Falls, MA jumper has just moved back from Austin to western MA. Course he (computer geek) and his wife run their own business from home, so that's not a factor. But they did choose to move back (it's ~ 20 and windy as I write.)

Ideal: live in New England but have a spacious RV for whenever.


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