
Do you believe in God?

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unfortunately as soon as someone (on any front) begins to make assertions about where anothers soul, karma, satori, fate or lack there of (varies depending on who starts it) will lead them, the discussion goes right out the window, and the name calling starts.

some people have never seriously questioned their beliefs and get terribibly offended when anyone else does, this mindset that usually prohibits anyone learning anything about themselves or anyone else...

all discussions of religion, faith and spirituality must begin with an open mind an a willingness to accept that what you believe may not actually be true, otherwise there isnt any point in participating since that individual already knows the answers
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Well I find it funny, that quite often the reason we as people want to not believe in God falls back on being judged.......I mean how dare anyone judge me?? We want to think we are on the top of judgement chain. Yet those 10 rules are basic common sense that would make the world a better place.....What's wrong with not killing? Not stealing? Not coveting you neighbor's wife? (Even if she is a babe?) If you were the supreme parent of a bunch of corruptible kids....wouldn't those be the kind ground rules you'd lay down??? Especially when your kids develop toys like guns, drugs and nuclear weapons?? And what kind of threats would you use on a "mankind" scale? Go to your room??? I think the penalty needs to be a bit stiffer than that.
But even so, I think God is a bit more forgiving than that.
I think mankind is a child that could use a bit more Godly parenting...We got the science part down pretty good. But when it comes to logic and objectivity we have been screwing up things for a long time.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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Come again amigo? I didn't see BillVon's question? And you are saying the entire New Testament is wrong?

IMO,the bible is one of the biggest books of BS. ESPECIALLY, the new testament. The Old Testament is more factual...IMO

This is just my opinion. I believe in "To each his own" and it is our differences that make us so interesting.If we all believed in the same thing, the human race would be quite boring....IMO;)

Different Strokes for Different Folks!

It really doesn't matter what somebody believes in. What matters is our love for eachother as human beings.

I went to a friends funeral a couple of weeks ago, and the service was in the church. Do you think that mattered?...well, for me...no. The others that didn't believe still went too. We just left out the Amens, and also with you parts. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that religion doesn't matter. What matters is our love for each other and happiness.


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stop being of a "double mind" (religion when it's convenient, or can serve us a purpose, and when it can't...humph...well?) EVERYBODY sends thoughts, and prayers, and EVERYBODY believes that person is in heaven,


you hyprocrit. do not EVER take my words out of context to fit your protocol. what i said was crystal, no reason for missunderstanding. "lake of fire" it's a phrase...look it up. "truly i say unto you, today ye shall be with me in paradice" "no one can come to the father, except he comes through me, jesus christ, the son of man" Author: Jesus Christ

Richard, I looked something up, here is a definition of hypocrite:

Main Entry: hyp·o·crite
Pronunciation: 'hi-p&-"krit
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ypocrite, from Old French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritEs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai
Date: 13th century
: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

I have never put on any pretense of being religious. Which was exactly my point in questioning your post that stated "EVERYBODY believes that person is in heaven". Please don't make broad generalizations. I would have had no problem with your statement had you chosen a different word than "EVERYBODY". I agree that some people believe that person is in heaven. Be careful with your choice of words in a public forum, especially a thread as controversial as this one.


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Not in the strictest sense that most religions require and excuse my wording "Preach".I really take offense to having religion thrust upon me by anyone.Does anyone remember the "Separation between Church and State".Here,in this part of Va. if your not a Southern Baptist Bubba or Bubbet you ain,t shit.She my point?

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Does anyone remember the "Separation between Church and State".Here,in this part of Va. if your not a Southern Baptist Bubba or Bubbet you ain,t shit.She my point?

No, I don't see your point. Are you saying that if others don't believe like you they are wrong? Or are you saying that if you believe something different from everyone else, everyone should be your best friend? No, I don't see the point you were trying to make.

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

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Of course and have and do. God knows I'm a moron. In fact I think he laughs his ass off watching me fight my way through life and dealing with stupid shit. I also think he forgives me. I think all God asks of me is they I try. I'll never claim sainthood and I don't think God asks for it.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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all discussions of religion, faith and spirituality must begin with an open mind an a willingness to accept that what you believe may not actually be true, otherwise there isnt any point in participating since that individual already knows the answers

Thank you!

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In response to the question "Well do ya?"
QuickDraw replied:

Just had to check your profile before i answered.


Color me really really slow. Good one, QuickDraw.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Just came back from spending the weekend with family and had to read the whole goddamn (oops;)) thing. May I just say that Zenister, you rock.

I've been an atheist until I took a philosophy course. There I realized that atheism is simply another form of religion, so I questioned myself some more, ala Descartes. And I came to the final barrier:

What do you mean by God?

The word God is bandied about like some volleyball. When you say God, what do you mean? Omnipotent+Omniscient+Omnibenevolent? It's a valid definition, of course, but it seems to be rather bland. Furthermore, the omnipotent part of it is not too compatible with science. I have developed my own definition of God, but I won't post it here cause it's rather long.

Another thing I want to add. Regarding science, unfortunately things are not that simple. When you are talking about Newtonian mechanics, the reproducible experiment thing comes into play. Today we have a branch of physics called quantum mechanics, where the experiments are so complex and the subject so alien that they are beginning to put new twists on old Newton. Has anyone here read Sir Karl Popper? Or good old Occam?

Regardless, all of this is just an interpretation of Hume. Science is an inductive argument: because it has happened so in the past, it should continue in the future. This becomes more and more convincing as the number of occurances grows, but it never reaches 100%. This is, in fact, the real difference between religion and science. Religion is deductive - we begin with our concept of God and take it from here. Science is inductive - collect observations on the world and attempt to predict future interactions by examining the past.

Which argument is stronger, in a purely logical sense? Religion. But, it's not much of an argument if you think about it. Whenever you take an axiomatic premise about the real world, this premise can be reversed. In other words, if you assume something, prepare for people to reverse your assumptions.

This wonderful argument shouldn't die. Please post your concepts of God, so we may continue slinging the proverbial mud at each other:)

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Did you know Einstein believed in God? It's a favourite of the televangelists. He believed in a God that created the universe and left it alone, like winding up a clock. Not at all what you would expect...

from a letter Einstein wrote in English, dated 24 March 1954.

It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.

Did you know that Hitler was Catholic?

The more people understand the scientific explaination of the universe the firmer becomes the belief that there is no room left for explainations of any other type. The existence of God is unlikely to be completely disproved by science since God can always be said to exist in areas that science has not yet addressed. Any belief system which is only able to exist in areas that have not been explained in a more rational and logical way must eventually lose it's hold over people and be discarded just as all bad theories do. I'm only surprised it's taking so long.

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