
This is just plain sick, wrong..WTF is wrong with people..

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CNN.com stated that people are STEALING shuttle debris, and there have been SEVERAL people offering shuttle debris on F*CKIN EBAY!!!


Aside from the fact that it could verry well be a crucial part they need to determine the cause of the accident, it also just plain SICK!!!!!

Why in gods name would someone do such a thing....I just don't understand...

Just wanted to vent...
I'm an Athlete?

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How about those people that tried to capitalize on the WTC relief efforts? For some no low is too low I guess.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Yeah some people are just assholes.>:(

I heard theres a $250,000 fine + 10 yrs in prison for doing it though.They're considering this a federal crime scene so they'll prob hang them with obstruction, tampering w/evidence and a few other charges. Stupid jerks deserve what they get.>:(

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Well we are talking about people from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, etc... What did you expect?B|B|:ph34r::ph34r:

I will not speak for the people of the the other 2 states, but FUCK YOU for singling out the proud people of TEXAS! The home of the Johnson Space Center! Only Florida may have as close a relationship with the astronauts as we do! I happen to know a current jumper with "Deguello" that is a current astronaut in the program and yes, it's a she! When something like this happens, it hurts "us" harder than most! So don't attack the state that supports the space program a whole lot more than most.

If you have a problem with some low life,trailer park trash in NE Texas, go ahead, but blame the whole state and FUCK YOU! I do believe you have friends here. If i'm wrong, excuse me. This just happens to hit WAY too close to home! I jumped at Ballunar last year at the JSC.
Blue ones to all,
Conway 1156:|

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Well we are talking about people from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, etc... What did you expect?B|B|:ph34r::ph34r:

Bite My ass... you NorCal FREAK!...

...oh wait.. I'm from Nor Cal...:|
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Do you realy believe that everyone on e-bay actually has the merchandise they list for sale???:S

Now the factthat someone would list these things true or not is plain sick I agree. Perhaps the sickest part is that if there wasn't a possible market for these things there would be no merchants.


Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????

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I have to agree with conway on this one and take offense at the stereo type. Please don't blanket an entire state with an opinionated label on account of a few people who have a serious lack of judgement.This is a very sensitive situation and shouldn't be taken lightly.:|

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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"Wouldn't it be poetic justice if the parts they stole were radioactive and fried their privates?"


Why am I thinking of farva beans and a nice Chianti?

"I think that was the wrong tennis court."

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"Wouldn't it be poetic justice if the parts they stole were radioactive and fried their privates?"

Gawsh I hope not, otherwise the vapourised trail of radio active contamination will, by now, be spread over a larger area than the debris filed.

But torching the culprit's private parts does seem fitting.
Have these people no respect?

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There was one asshole who set himself up as someone who would insure that any coffins donated to him would go (gratis) to the families of the WTC victims. He got a bunch of coffins (from well meaning companies) and promptly sold them on the black market for a huge profit. He was recently sentenced to fines totaling less than he had illegaly made. All in all he made $ on the deal.>:(

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Are you seriously taking my post so seriously? Um we are a bunch of skydivers in here right?:S And if you ever read my posts Mr. Conway and Ms. Barlow you would realize they are for the most part light hearted and in good nature, as I intended the above to be. No disrespect intended to the astronauts, no disrespect intended to Texas, Louisiana, or Florida. Just a stab at some dopes who stole parts from the shuttle. I really don't see how the above post was taken so seriously...[:/]

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Welcome to America. This is one of the many things we (Americans) do that make the rest of the world pissed off about us. Example taking a piece of the Parthenon, or the Coliseum. It's not everyone but it's enough to get us stereotyped.

Don't get me wrong, I hate it and it's stupid, but I'm just not surprised any more.

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My public apology to Seebazz,
You hit a tattered nerve and I took it wrong. Many people have a very grave misconception of Texas and Texans in general. Any joking statement in regards to the shuttle, sting. I believe the idiots in N.Texas should be strung up.

After rereading your post, sorry for taking it personally.
Blue ones,

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Wow, look at the way this thread has gone, from people rightfully, trashing greedy individuals, to misinterpreted slights at people from a region, to making a sweeping statement about Americans in general, to one Texan trashing other Texans(in jest, of course?).

We have met the enemy, he is us!

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I do think that your taking it a bit far... Everytime a Boeing aircraft crashes and kills all aboard does everyone in Washington get defensive about it?

Ohio has 2 Nasa offices emplying over 7000 people. Ohio is the home of the first person to step on the moon and the first person to orbit the Earth. Texas and FL are not the only locations that Nasa has employes in.

State lines mean nothing...
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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