
When are we going to finally get rid of guns and war?????

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you know you just found in 30 min what i took 3 weeks to find during college...

the internet rocks eh?

still want to find the paper i wrote, it was one of my better works...that and the analysis (with classroom demonstration) of how the poisoned blade switch in Hamlet was probably fenced in Elizabethan times..

i miss college. when i win the lottery i'll split my time between DZ philanthropist and professional student
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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you know you just found in 30 min what i took 3 weeks to find during college...

Some of it came from years of reading things....most of it came from a few keystrokes in a search engine.

The internet does, indeed, rock. However, regarding college...I managed one single year and decided it wasn't for me. At the time, that was correct. Now, when I have the interest and the discipline, I don't have the time nor the money....



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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oddly enough im totally familiar with the info you just put up, michele, my family has been in the northeast u.s. for some time now, a relative of mine worked up a geneaology back to 960 a.d......turns out we lost a couple female relatives in salem, massachusetts a couple centuries ago. local hysteria problem you might have heard about. hanged, not burned. up till then i thought they just burned witches.
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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hanged, not burned. up till then i thought they just burned witches.

They also drowned them, crushed them, and tore them limb from limb. Nasty business, that...

As for it being odd that you'd be familiar with the information, I don't see it as such.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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see thats why i want to go back and become a professional student, no goals, just an intent to study whatever interests me that semester..

of course thats what i did when i was there last time too and the reason i ended up with a BFA (painting/sculpture with a minor in art education) and a BA in English literature (with minors in history and religious studies (actually it was more philosophy but they didnt give minors in philosophy so..i floated thru enough dedicated religion courses to qualify.)

and of course now i work on radar and radar explotation systems...go figure:P
no goals can be a bad thing sometimes:)

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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what we need to outgrow is the strange delusion that there is this entity called a "god" and that it cares about what we do with ourselves. once and for all folks, WE ARE ALONE we are on our own.

GOSH, thanks for clearing that up for all of us.:S We never in our lives would have even considered that possibility if you hadn't enlightened us.:o

Uhh, Speedy...I didn't post that...lol.


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so how come it never seems to occur to the people doing that shit that "well shit maybe pulling this guys thumbs off with pliers is an evil thing to do"? why do so few ask questions? question themselves? i think maybe thats why i never majored in philosophy it just leads you in circles. all the answers come in the form of two more questions.
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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hi, I'm back on! Yer still not getting it. It's not about whether or not religion/belfief in God is correct or not. Actually, it's not about religion at all.

screw it, here I go, I've had a couple drinks & I'm feeding the trolls again.:S

Speed Racer

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I question all the time. It drives some folks nutz, but I do it anyway. I look at things, and ask a question. And if there are more questions, I go after them, too...why not?

As to them understanding it was "evil" or not, I don't have the foggiest notion. I'm old, but I'm not that old!

I have taken rough positions because of what I personally know as "right" or "good", and have caught some hell for them. I've lost friends because of that. But maintaining my own ability to look into my face in the mirror in the morning, and say "I treated others as I would be treated; I have done right by that heart thought". I have taken the position of strangers when I knew it would cost me friends...but who was doing "right" at the time? It wasn't my friends, unfortunately.

It takes a great deal of personal conviction in "something" to stand by a decision which costs you friends and creates the potential for public humiliation. When you know that an action is correct, even though it sits on your heart and you understand that you will be vilified for it, and then you take the steps to maintain your personal integrity and conviction, you are betimes lambasted and hurt. No matter in the long run, despite how sad or how hurt you are, standing by your convictions and morality and integrity is far better than not.

I would more rather ask the question of "why do people stand and do nothing when they know somethings happening that they can change"? Why did the Kitty Genevese murder happen? Why does a crowd gather at the scene of an accident, and yet no-one steps out of the safety and comfort of their car to help? Why do people not get involved?

Those are the questions I ask....


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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oh hi again racer....
but if its not about the (anti)religious content of what i said, then what offended you? the sarcastic and high handed presentation? that was for the amusement of myself and others, it was also equally a joke on me since im quite certain im just as wrong as anyone else anyway. "once and for all", indeed. scuse me. and dont worry racer im done trolling you might have noticed i kinda went from fencing to discussing mode here. im just bored on a weeknight not looking to start arguments but sick of the same old shit..
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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high handed presentation? that was for the amusement of myself and others, it was also equally a joke on me since im quite certain im just as wrong as anyone else anyway. "once and for all", indeed. scuse me.

yeah, that's basically it. I see what you're saying now.

If we can get off a subject as touchy as religion, and use another topic as an example, say, the war with Iraq :S (oh gosh that's not controversial, is it?:P) you have people on both sides of the issue trying to make a complex situation simple in order to push their views...basically the implication is that MY opinion and knowledge is perfect, and anyone who disagrees with me is ignorant, or has been brainwashed AND ALSO doesn't have the intellectual courage to question their ideas, and thereby, of course, reach my OH SO obviously correct conclusion.

Sorry if that came out a bit harsh. I realize now that you were not really doing that.
Speed Racer

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thanks, racer. a lot of my humor is based on being an asshole. sometimes it comes off as uniquely funny, sometimes it just comes off sounding like an asshole. this kind of philosophy contributes weight to my opinion that everything is in fact a big joke and humanity was picked to play straight man. im probably wrong about that, too. which is whats so funny.
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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shit my original reply got eaten by the cosmos.

well what I was going to say was that I identify with what you're saying. Life is absurd.

Which is why I replied to the original post which was actually a very serious topic, re. when are we going to get rid of guns hatred, etc. by saying that smartass shit about the fairy godmother. Followed by Monty Python quotes. (Which I believe we started doing in that other thread wherein you saved a bird:)).

Anyway, it's all cool. Yes I am a Christian, but I think you would be surprised if I sat down with you face to face and told you how and why I believe what I do, but a web forum isn't the proper place for it. Suffice it to say that I am 38 years old, and I have been around the block a few times. And I, like you, am a skydiver and cannot be cowed into believing in a religion based on fear of a red guy with horns and a tail & a hot pitch fork. Except for Sangiro, of course.

Well if you want to explore this further I would recommend "Mere Christianity" by CS Lewis, which explains things pretty clearly (although I don't agree with 100% of it) how a thoughtful, intellectually-brave agnostic could be convinced that perhaps there is something to this Christianity stuff.

It's not a long book, and it's very readable. It was based on a radio series that CS Lewis did during or after WWII. If you're interested. There are other authors & philosophers I've read as well. Teilhard de Chardin (The Divine Milieu, among others) is another one that comes to mind.

Speed Racer

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the .454 casull. simply the last word in oversized hand cannon. takes down a charging bull with one round to the head. or bear. or tyrannosaur. or whatever. if you shot a guinea pig with one the guinea pig would simply vaporize into a tuft of greasy hair and vapor and a rodent smell.
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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I guess you haven't seen S&W's latest offering in the ridiculously large handgun market: THE.50 CALIBER MAGNUM REVOLVER.

Naaaah, I will stick with my concealable custom Springfield Armory M1911-A1 in .38 Super. I can certainly vaporize a guinea pig as well as his mate and any offspring before you'd be able to get the sights back down from the recoil of the .454's first $3 shot.;)


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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>I can certainly vaporize a guinea pig as well as his mate and any
>offspring before you'd be able to get the sights back down from the
> recoil of the .454's first $3 shot.

And we all know the kind of shit you'd be in if you couldn't finish off such vile rodents quickly! I agree, the .38 is the weapon of choice for home defense when facing down a guinea pig with mayhem and murder on his mind. Of course, if you were to find a sloth, siamese cat or giant tortoise breaking into your house, that S+W .50 might be the better choice.

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just checking, but are there any 'touchy" subjects we've missed in this thread yet?

i dont know but im having fun watching this thread get hijacked over and over and over..............:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
my site

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bla, bla, bla, same old shit, bla bla bla, same old shit, bla bla bla, same old shit, bla bla bla, no new arguements, bla bla bla...

Tell you what, go everyone here go read my "guess what" thread.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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How about next tuesday? Is tuesday good for everyone? If not we could make it wedensday maybe.


When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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