
Dancing Queen!

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I'm turning to the good people of dz.com for more advice (the last few polls I did had great success, so I want to try once more!)

Anyways, I'm going to take a dance class this summer, but I need to decide which one to do. There are so many, and they all sound like fun, so I'm having some troubles deciding. Here's what I'm thinking about:

Ballet: I did it for years, and I really enjoy it
Brazilian dancing: the Samba is included! That sounds like fun!
Breakdancing: I heard the 80s were coming back
Cajun dance: I'm going to Mardi Gras again
Caribbean Folk dance: I love steal drums!
Flamenco: I want a pretty dress
Hawaiian hula: I want a pretty coconut bra
Irish dancing: so that I won't get made fun of for doing the jig anymore
Hip Hop/Funk/House: so I can look cool at the bars
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I voted for Hip Hop/Funk/House, but Latin dancing would have been my second choice if multiple selections was allowed. Nothing like a sexy, sensual dance to get the blood pumping. ;)

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It's not on your list, but Salsa is great fun and a pleasure to watch the ladies in action. ;)

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Putarubia, As your padre I had to vote for ballet.
I vote for it because you already have experience and really enjoy it, also becuase it demands so much concentration, awareness of ones body, physical health and its so dang nice to watch;).
I really feel that these attributes will help you in your skydiving as well.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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I had to vote for Irish, so you can dance and not spill your beer. If Azul was around, I'm sure he'd vote the same way! :D


the last few polls I did had great success, so I want to try once more

You do realize you're taking advice from people who, for the most part, (aside from your shameful rigging of the poll) think Bud Light sucks less than Miller Light.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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iHola, mi padre! Wow! Thanks for the actual reply! Yeah, I agree that ballet would be the most beneficial, and it would really challenge me (I don't do the graceful thing well.) I'm afraid of taking the ballet class since my flexibility stinks now (well, it's above average, but not how it was back in the day) and my feet are really weak.


It's not on your list, but Salsa is great fun

I know! But, they don't offer it!


Nothing like a sexy, sensual dance to get the blood pumping.

:o I hear ya! I love the rhythm of it!

Oh! And I decided not to go with Hawaiian (it doesn't look like much fun) or break dancing (I would seriously hurt myself.)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I had to vote for Irish, so you can dance and not spill your beer.

Dancing and spilling beer isn't my problem. It's watching baseball and spilling beer that messes me up! :D


If Azul was around, I'm sure he'd vote the same way

Why isn't he on here anyways (yeah...that was completely off topic...but now I'm curious!)


You do realize you're taking advice from people who, for the most part, (aside from your shameful rigging of the poll) think Bud Light sucks less than Miller Light.

1) I would never rig a poll!
2) Your vote doesn't count since you think Miller Light sucks less than Bud Light :D My faith in dz.com was restored with that last poll (and the donut poll!)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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:D That whole me being a feminist thing gets in the way of that!

Hey wait. Didn't I see you on the alter with you boob exposed? :P


Ugh...you get much too drunk one night of your life and look what happens...Yes, I regret that and feel like a tool for it!

But, anyways...it looks like I'm stuck between ballet, Brazilian or Hip Hop!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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What about pole dancing??? B|

seriously though...i'd go for brazilian or hip-hop/funk...oh or maybe break dancing!!!!

Break!!! It's just Fun as heck
Hip-hop/funk: gotta look cool!.. or not.

Brazilian so you can dance with a partner and it looks like so much fun and the music kicks ass.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Well, one thing is for sure. Ballerina butts are the best! I had a ballerina friend for many years and her butt had hypnotic powers. So perfect, scientist callibrated their instruments on it. Further, it rhymes. Vallerina the Ballerina...:P

As far as sensuality goes, you can't lose with anything latin...

On the topic of hip hop/funk/house. Nobody looks cool in bars anyway, just drunk.

Whadda 'bout Slamdancing???


death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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Ballerina butts are the best!

I remember having one of those like 10 years ago!


Vallerina the Ballerina...

Yes, my nickname was cleverly given to me by an 8 yr old!


As far as sensuality goes, you can't lose with anything latin...

That's because you've never seen dorky, awkward girls like me trying to do it!


Nobody looks cool in bars anyway, just drunk.


As for any other style of dance mentioned, sorry! The ones listed are the only ones the school offers (well, there's a few more....but if I can't pronounce them, I'm not going to them.)

And, Jim, no coconut bra! :D I'm all up for a grass skirt, though!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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