Is your SO a Skydiver or Whuffo?

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Seeking opinions. I am in a dilemma. I am six months out of a relationship with a skydiver. I can't seem to figure out if I want to date another skydiver or not. We both jump at the same dz and it feels awkward for me. I want to date someone that I can spend most of my time with which would include skydiving but now I question that, just for the reason that if it doesn't work out with the whuffo then atleast I won't have to run into her at the dz. Everyones thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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All I got to say is goooooood luuuuuck!!!! choose wisely, otherwise when the breakup comes it becomes very tense at the dz ....... the fun goes out of everything there.....and if you are like me, you move across the state and get another home dz, but its never quite the same.......

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Since I don't have a SO currently I will comment on my last 2. Which were both skydivers. The first I started skydiving with and the second I met on the DZ.

I almost don't want to date whuffos in the summer cause I don't feel the need to explain why I spend every weekend at the DZ and not with my city friends or Camping or something else.

S.E.X. party #2

..It is far worse to live with fear, than to die confronting it.

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I almost don't want to date whuffos in the summer cause I don't feel the need to explain why I spend every weekend at the DZ and not with my city friends or Camping or something else.

Then you need to get a job at the dz so you have a good excuse and alibi.:D

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Good Idea! My Coach ! rating will be done at the end of the month and I am about half done my instructors training so I will have the alibi all lined up.

then I may need to explain the need to travel south in the wintere...;)

S.E.X. party #2

..It is far worse to live with fear, than to die confronting it.

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Four and a half years together. About 2 years ago he and I decided to skip the Mexican vacation and get him into and me back into skydiving. Now we jump at least two weekends a month in good weather and he's become an active base jumper as well.

It's a nice thing to do with someone you love.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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follow your heart.Ive got ant skydive student as gf.She know what i were up to before we started,but it also gives some unnessesary diskus.Like if she try to tell some one about,but have got things wrong and i correct her.That aint fun for her.The other way its fun to share interests,learning EACHOTHER things.Well atleast ive forgot some of the learning from the classroom,but now im updated:ph34r:

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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My SO has made 2 tandems and has enjoyed both of them very much so; however she does not want to peruse skydiving beyond tandems and maybe some day a few AFF jumps just for the accomplishment of it. It’s cool though, she’s met some people at the DZ and thus does not get so bored when I’m up, and she does wants to make more tandems, just when ever the time and money is right. Were going out of town soon and I’m going to hit up some DZ’S, she has expressed interest in making another tandem because it’s been a while (she definitely has a very mild bug) and just jumping at different locations (scenery, the coast) has her kind of excited. She listens to my stories, watches my videos and knows quite a bit about gear. Don’t let this fool you though she often hurls “you love skydiving more then me”, “if only I was your rig I could get your full attention”. All in all it works well, hehe just today she reminded me to set my clock foreword on Saturday (I had no idea it was that time again) and she immediately noticed my face light up and said “yes yes Neil one more hour of jumping light”.


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my SO is on the cusp so to speak.. she made two jumps about 9 years ago with her ex, then one more with me when i did my first a year and a half ago. this year, i talked her into pff, so i'll make a skydiver out of her yet!
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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My SO happens to be none other than the lovely FallinWoman. she is grounded due to illness...BUT...she's still a skydiver. we like to do more than be "just" skydivers though. we enjoy other things and that helps life so much for us. today we have the 5$ challenge scheduled....should be fun.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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My SO is a whuffo but bless his heart, he knows how much it means to me. Some days when I don't even plan on going to the DZ he'll just look at me and tell me to get my ass to the airport. Otherwise I'll just be staring at the sky all day wishing I was there. Just make sure she knows how much this means to you and then if it doesn't work out you can always come up to SA and jump with us!;)

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. -Oliver Wendel Holmes

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My wife does not jump, but before we got married I told her "If you ask me to stop jumping you are asking me to leave!"

It works great I leave for the DZ on Saturday AM and come back Sunday night. She has lots of relaxing time away from me.


To my wife: 'If you ask me to stop skydiving, you are asking me to move out!'

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We are both skydivers. We met two 1/2 years ago just after I graduated AFF. I know there have been arguments over jumping w/ your S.O. but I am 100% all for it in my case. We LOVE jumping together, and I have learned so much from him. I am very fortunate to have my own personal trainer on every jump.

We try to jump every weekend and he does video at the DZ as well as competes in swooping. We wouldn't ever see each other if we didn't enjoy doing some of the same things, especially something like skydiving.


Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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