
What is wrong in this packjob?

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We were all pretty drunk after the beer light came

I had a night like that. A slightly senior to me jumper was complaining about the slammers he got on his Sabre 210. I mentioned I had never been slammed on one of my own Sabre packjobs, and said I could give him a nice, soft opening too. We were both quite drunk at the time. He asked me to pack it for him. Well, we were both drinking in the hanger, by ourselves since everyone had already passed out and/or gone home. I said "shhlurr, wfat ta fluk". I ran his lines out, cocked his pilot chute, unstowed his slider and set his brakes. In the time it took me to do this, I glanced over to see him passed out on the floor of the Porter (the same night he did his first night jump, too bad the plane never left the hanger :D). I seriously thought about doing the same at that moment, in the 205. Well, I had told him I would pack it for him, so I did.

Our first jump of the day (noonish) was uneventful. After we landed, he came up and said "Man, that was the sweetest, softest opening I have ever had! How did you pack it?"

I felt really bad telling him I had no idea. I barely remembered telling him I'd pack it, and didn't remember at all (at that time) actually packing it!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I made a couple hundred dollars replacing a cell and doing some other work for someone who won a packing contest like that.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I made a couple hundred dollars replacing a cell and doing some other work for someone who won a packing contest like that.

I agree. When I see somthing like that I just make sure that I have my cell phone to call 911, medic bag and start clearing the loft to get ready for the repack.B|

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Dang, i give up. Whats wrong with it??

Funny story - This is serious, i saw this with mine own eyes. Some guy who just bought a rig showed up at the DZ, his first packjob i think, but when he open the container up to show us his canopy, the slider was outside of the bag!

"I like bushes because the don't have pricklers. Unless the do. This one did. Ouch" - ralph wiggam
=========Shaun ==========

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right there with ya.....

my fist canopy off student status was a cloud lite (230 7cell, DOM 1980 (shame.. as my student canopy was a sabre 170, but i digress)) that routinely smacked the hell out of me EXCEPT when i flat-packed it blind drunk in my college house in a room not wide enough to lay it out completely and not very well lit besides.... those were always really nice openings... *shrug*


*DISCLAIMER* you probably shouldn't pack drunk, and if you do, make sure you remember your emergency procedures!!

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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And someone dare me that I wasn't able to pack his canopy in less than 3 minutes.
The result is on this picture and I won :D:ph34r:

3 minutes to closed container and stowed pilot chute, or 3 minutes to what we see in the picture? BIG difference there. and one certainly more impressive than the other.


Nobody jump this trash packjob and I was aware enough to undo it, to be sure nobody jumped it. :P

pah!!! only counts if it's jumped!!!

though the best packing race story i ever heard was the guy who stuffed the main into a paper shopping bag and coiled the lines in on top.

he jumped it.

he won.

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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I tried a packjob recently where I all I did was get the slider really cupped, made sure the chips were clear, wrapped the tail, deflated the thing by about 80%, shoved it into the bag without s-folding it, and only did the locking stows. Took about 3 minutes and I jumped it with a wingsuit. It actually opened great.

I've put the canopy in the bag sideways a number of times, too, and if I don't move on deployment, I stay on heading. Maybe some rotation, but that's usually body position.

This was the result of a discussion wherein a friend of mine and I were talking about the only necessary elements of a pack job: get lines away from the material, expose and cup the slider, and lock the bag. Wanted to put my money where my mouth is and it worked.

Keep in mind, I jump a Sabre (not Sabre 2), and it doesn't have a lot of time to screw up between deployment and inflation. Especially with a wingsuit. The story might be different with a Crossfire or Velocity.

Hell, I'd jump the pictured pack job. I'd pitch out the door, but I'd do it. I collapsed my slider before an 1800' hop and pop and left it on top of the pack job to get a fast deployment after a thre second delay.

I also shave my genitalia regularly.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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