
Dubya's Visit to the Abraham Lincoln - YES!!!

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Dubya's Visit to the Abraham Lincoln

I hear Abraham Lincoln visited Dubya...in a dream. Dubya asked him, "What can I do for the good of my country?"

And Lincoln answered, "Go see a play!"
Speed Racer

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BTW for CV afficianados, it looked like the pilot hit the #2 wire...B|

More like an OK 3 wire. He did look a little high, though. FFF, did you see that? Think that made the greenie board?

Baby Bush is a tailhooker after that trap. So, now Bush 41 has more traps and more skydives.:o:D

Yup, that's true. Bush 41 was a tailhooker from way back. Dubya's a chip off the old block!:D

I was wrong.... 4 wire, a little high.:o Guess the pilot was a little nervouse about going into the pick up. Or it could have been the tall moose that kept him slighty left.:D

UPDATE: I was in a liquor store yesterday afternoon, when two sailors from the Abraham Lincoln walked in. Everybody in the store applauded them. :D They were embarassed by all the attention :D

In discussing Dubya's landing with them, it turned out that they were Aviation Bosun's Mates, and were the ones who trapped the president the other day.

They confirmed that it was the #3 wire.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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But do you know how he arrived on the carrier (DiverDriver take note!!!)???

An arrested landing in an S-3 Viking!!!

Now THAT is my kind of president!!! YAAAAHHHH


Baby Bush is a tailhooker after that trap.


I thought that was pretty damn badass for a President.

WTF? Kinda going overboard with all the adulation, aren't we? My cat could have done the same thing the President did.:P
Speed Racer

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You may have seen the news about the President's visit to the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln, based here in good ol' Washington State.

BTW for CV afficianados, it looked like the pilot hit the #2 wire...B|

There's never a firey crash when you really need one is there ?

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i dont know about that..the Dems did a pretty good job of taking the wind out of that sail..I'm sure they (the Reps) intended to use some of the footage (and we'll likely still see a bit) but the comments about "arm chair president putting on warriors garb" were pretty harsh (and pretty accurate)

i've got no problem with him visiting the ship and congratulating the troops in the manner he did (actually the "wheels" should say thanks more often and with more sincerity, perhaps in the form of pay raises??) but if they use the images from that visit as political ads they are REALLY taking credit away from the troops who actually did the job.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Talk about a bunch of CRAP, SHIT, DODO, or what ever. I thought it was GREAT that the President went aboard the Aircraft Carrier. What a better way to come home after 10 (TEN) months at sea than to have your Commander and Chief come to visit and say, "Thank you for a job well done." As for the Yahoo (ASSHOLE) complaining, SWOOP THEM if they can't handle it.
Blue Skies, No Wind
Feet and Knees Together

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>I thought it was GREAT that the President went aboard the Aircraft Carrier.

I did too, although a helicopter could have gotten him there just as easily. But heck, if I had a choice, I'd have gone in the S-3 too. I'll be disappointed, though, if he ends up using the troops on that ship as part of an ad.

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>I thought it was GREAT that the President went aboard the Aircraft Carrier.

I did too, although a helicopter could have gotten him there just as easily. But heck, if I had a choice, I'd have gone in the S-3 too. I'll be disappointed, though, if he ends up using the troops on that ship as part of an ad.

It's all part of advertising, image, and politics. Don't tell me slick willy didn't mind campaigning to the different ethnic groups. He would have gone to a CVN, but there was not enough Secret Service to ensure his safety.

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Willy did go to a carrier, just by helo. It got him no political capital though, the military always distrusted him and held him with a great deal of contempt.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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>but if they use the images from that visit as political ads they are
>REALLY taking credit away from the troops who actually did the job.

Yep. Although to tell the truth, moving the republican national convention close to ground zero, and changing its time to be close to the anniversary of 9/11, bothers me a lot more than using a carrier landing in a political ad. It's one thing to use soldiers in a campaign ad, quite another to use the deaths of 3000 americans to help win an election.

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> I'll be disappointed, though, if he ends up using the troops on that ship as part of an ad.

Considering I'm still active duty after 22 years, I'd be proud to have him use me in an ad........He is the CinC, has the right to use assets under his control, and it was a nice touch to show off his troops the way he did....Let's give the guy credit, best fucking commander we've had in a long time.......HooAh!

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[He is the CinC, has the right to use assets under his control

uh not for personal gain he doesnt, using images from his visit to the Lincoln in a re-election ad campagin would certainly count as personal gain, and is grossly unfair to anyone running against him who lacks access to such great photo ops.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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[He is the CinC, has the right to use assets under his control

uh not for personal gain he doesnt, using images from his visit to the Lincoln in a re-election ad campagin would certainly count as personal gain, and is grossly unfair to anyone running against him who lacks access to such great photo ops.


Like or not, that's politics. People can bitch all they want. Just think about all those euro vacations bubba made, and then the subsequent photo op. What about when he paid a hospital visit to the wounded guys in Task Force Ranger. Another opportunity for a photo shoot. I don't think those guys enjoyed his visit. Bottomline, this is the way it is and we do not have to agree with it.

Now let's get back to jump stories....:)

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uh not for personal gain he doesnt, using images from his visit to the Lincoln in a re-election ad campagin would certainly count as personal gain, and is grossly unfair to anyone running against him who lacks access to such great photo ops.

Bummer for them....B|

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>I thought it was GREAT that the President went aboard the Aircraft Carrier.

I did too, although a helicopter could have gotten him there just as easily. But heck, if I had a choice, I'd have gone in the S-3 too. I'll be disappointed, though, if he ends up using the troops on that ship as part of an ad.

You might be disappointed but I would bet you the troops on that ship wouldn't mind.

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>Ok, kidding aside. I thought that was pretty damn badass for a President.

Yep. And I bet we'll see it over and over again during the next campaign.

It beats watching clinton butchering heartbreak hotel on the saxophone on arsenio halls show. Many say that prank alone got him elected. Arsenio needs to die just for that! But maybe the next lefty press will give us some more interns gone wild featuring snoopdog monents with the abandon of ol Billary. ( or maybe you are hoping for some page boy antics?)

Fuck that it was cool, it was bad ass cool. He should have really pushed for an F-18/14 ride to the carrier fuck the secret service they're working for him. You know you would too if you were the prez.

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#4 (FOUR) wire confirmed. Bush was NOT at the controls. I would imagine the young Commander was playing it safe, not to mention if he had to show the Commander-in-Chief a low approach (all us jumper-dumpers KNOW about low approaches, DON'T we?) better safe than sorry. Ramp strike with Navy-1? NOT an option...
Deer in the headlights look sometimes look sometimes?
Honor and decisiveness where it counts?
Wish I was still there...
LCDR/Pilot Dan
Hartwood Paracenter - The closest DZ to DC!

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no personal attacks.....no personal attacks......

For Christsakes Billvon, that was some dumb shit you posted! Bush and the Republican party are not capitalizing on the Sept 11th attack. Bush is the one that issued the payback to those fucks. And I hope that it doesn't end with Iraq!!!

As for the limpdick Sen Byrd pissing and moaning about the "deskbound president" (what the fuck is that anyway? Clinton was the deskbound prez with interns heads bumping beneath) wearing warrior clothes, it was A FLIGHTSUIT!

Operating cost for that helicopter and the S3 are very similar.

Bush has balls, says what he means and you liberals can't hack that can you?

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no personal attacks.....no personal attacks......

For Christsakes Billvon, that was some dumb shit you posted! Bush and the Republican party are not capitalizing on the Sept 11th attack. Bush is the one that issued the payback to those fucks. And I hope that it doesn't end with Iraq!!!

As for the limpdick Sen Byrd pissing and moaning about the "deskbound president" (what the fuck is that anyway? Clinton was the deskbound prez with interns heads bumping beneath) wearing warrior clothes, it was A FLIGHTSUIT!

Operating cost for that helicopter and the S3 are very similar.

Bush has balls, says what he means and you liberals can't hack that can you?

All that I can say is I agree. Thanks and yes I will be voting for President Bush in 2004.
Blue Skies, No Wind
Feet and Knees Together

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