
Stupid whuffo co-worker

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Why invite trouble? If someone came to my place of business and made threats like that I'd send him on his way. I mean, where negligence is involved, maybe suing works as a last resort. Maybe ask him what would he do if he shits himself on exit?

(BTW, I have a coworker who won't make a jump because he's afraid he'll shit himself:D)

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Hey GQ can I bum a smoke? :);)

Why of course perhaps a whole pack hehehe Illb bring ya one when I get back up that way
- GQ

... it was the love of the air and sky and flying, the lure of adventure, the appreciation of beauty ...
-Charles Lindberg

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Just tell him most people die. You're only the president cos you're the last man standing. It's an Alpha male thing. We kill our weak, and our wounded.

Then follow him around asking if he's chicken - and what's the worst that could happen?

This dude belongs on the ground. We don't need that kind in our family.

It's the year of the Pig.

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So do you think I should let him jump?

Hell NO!!! if he gonna sue you what ever then punch him in the face and feel much better.Dont let him ruin your dz or jump activity in the area.. What a moron...(that wuffo)>:(

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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then punch him in the face and feel much better

Or better send him this way i could kill him for free if im drunk drivingB|Ofcours ill need some jump tickets on your dz for that:)and i promis i wont sue you.. i think..he he

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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You pack at work? I can't even imagine what would happen if I did that..lol. Where do you work?!

Yeah I pack at work between calls or on my break etc. I work for SBC Yahoo! that everyone hates.

If anyone needs to know how to get rid of all the yahoo stuff, ie connection manager, yahoo components and stuff like that, there is just one simple program that you need to connect to dsl. PM me your operating system and if you want your phone number as well and I can look it up in the system and see if I can up your speed on the rback

<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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To add to my stupid co-worker incedent, he has come up to me today and said "Chris, btw, my mother said if you every speak to me again about skydiving, she's going to kill you. Not only kill you, put cut you up into pieces so they can't find you and you won't skydive anymore" WTF?!?!?! I swear I just wanted to smack the little shit. He thinks he's all big and bad, I straight up told him. Do not threaten me and even if you wanted to skydive I'll make sure you don't jump at my dropzone or any other in the USA! I've already blackballed him in Kansas. Anyone want his email address to bug the shit out of him

Stupid prick

<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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You pack at work? I can't even imagine what would happen if I did that..lol. Where do you work?!

Yeah I pack at work between calls or on my break etc. I work for SBC Yahoo! that everyone hates.

Are you trying to get laid or something? I mean, I may have a "look how cool I am" skydiving picture as the wall paper on my laptop, but to pack at work? Do you wear your altimeter to bars and stuff too?

What would Vic Mackey do?

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If anyone threatens me, I stand up and walk away from their half-packed, half-patched, half-deployed, etc. parachute.
After that it is their problem.

Now if the coward's "momma" is threatening you, we can get into a whole slew of tasteless "momma" jokes.
Hee! Hee!
Let the flaming begin!
Hee! Hee!

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Are you trying to get laid or something? I mean, I may have a "look how cool I am" skydiving picture as the wall paper on my laptop, but to pack at work? Do you wear your altimeter to bars and stuff too?

Umm ok where the hell did that come from? I guess i'm just lucky enough to actually be able to jump after work, so sometimes i have to bring my rig into work so i can make the first load at 6pm and not have to pack at the dz when i get there. and unlike you, i don't have a cool skydiving picture on my laptop. i sport incubus instead.
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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Lol, so you've made it so he can't go anywhere else to jump in Kansas? Awwww, you should send him up to skydive kansas, i'm sure they'd love him!! ;)

wait, he said his mom won't let you talk to him about skydiving? how old is he???? Like some 40 year old virgin who lives at home? Loser.


=========Shaun ==========

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