
5 terror attacks in 2 days

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I've been to Bahrain and Saudi - and Oman and UAE as well.

big deal, i just got back.


The Saudi's are strict on that bridge. Too bad they sure as hell aren't the same way while they're in Bahrain. Hypocritical bastards. I've seen more Saudi sheiks drunk off of their asses arm in arm with Russian hookers in Bahrain

i've witnessed many of the same antics on at least a hundred occasions. so what, we're all hypocritical in our own way.


than I saw camels at the camel races in Dubai. Speaking of Dubai, they've got a slew of east european hookers and boozing establishments all over the place. And a nice ice skating rink too - in the Hyatt I think. Iranians, Saudis, and folks from all around the world are there - in much larger diasporas than Riyadh. Hope a flight there and hang for a while dude - meet some more people.

just got back from all of those places as well. your not the only one who gets out, and you not by any means the only one to experience different cultures, so stop trying to berate others to make your self look more intelligent. and by the way, i don't have any Saudi buddies, and i take offense at that remark. your dodging my whole point, the majority of the third world countries dislike us intensely, mostly because of the "ugly american" sentimism, it exists, like it or not, cold...hard...fact...live with it. and before you assign another culture or nationality with a moniker such as "hypocritical bastards" look around the usa first, go over there, past Ad Damaam, and call one of the Saudis that to their face, and you won't have to worry about having a head anymore. no wonder they disslike us intensely, with guys like you representing us. take it easy, lighten up bro.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Hey folks! Some synapse fired this morning, reminding me that Arusha is in Tanzania and not Zimbabwe. Late night mistake on my part. Didn't mean to mislead anyone, but it doesn't change my point at all. Arusha and Moshi are right at the base of Kilimanjaro near the Kenyan border.


Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I've been all over the third world. You point is completely untenable. 'Tis you not I that attempt to lord your travels over others. You just have sour grapes because I've been where you work and won't let your misrepresentations sway me at all. The anti-Americanism of which you speak existed before we went into Iraq and will exist after we leave.

If you're living in Saudi and don't have any Saudi friends I find that odd. Many are friendly in their own way and quite interesting to speak with.

Yes, there are American hypocrites too. Yawn. There hasn't been a society without them and never will.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I infer your Bush hatred from the context and toneof your writings, SkyDekker. Perhaps it's an incorrect inference. 'Use your noggin' a bit' is used in jest and if it offends you, my apologies. I use such terms/colloquialisms/expressions freely and often and don't mean anything by them. You assertion that I can't have a discussion without that sentiment is quite funny.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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You assertion that I can't have a discussion without that sentiment is quite funny.

I am not the first, nor the only one to mention that your style of writing comes across as very degrading to other people. Take it for what you want.

I usually find it far more interesting to talk with people who actually have something to say. Talking to some one who is only interested in trying to make himself look superior gets pretty boring after a while.

On a last note, questioning some one and hating some one are quite different. Some one as travelled and intelligent as you claim to be should be able to see the difference. Specially since you say you have been to countries where hatred can be very prevalent.

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You just have sour grapes because I've been where you work and won't let your misrepresentations sway me at all.

let me straighten you out a bit Mr. 150+ jump sky diver. you got me all fu*ked up with someone who cares what you do, and where you go. this ol' country boy could give a rats ass where you've been, and when you've been there. and i have missrepresented nothing, no reason to, why should i?


The anti-Americanism of which you speak existed before we went into Iraq and will exist after we leave.

now oh wise one, your contradicting yourself. in a previous statement you stated that nobody hates americans. which is it nancy boy? make up your mind.


If you're living in Saudi and don't have any Saudi friends I find that odd. Many are friendly in their own way and quite interesting to speak with.

by the way, to set you straight on another point, i do not live in Saudi-Arabia, i work 28 X 28 for Saudi-Aramco, and i'm HNIC, not them, they work for me in their own homeland. and take time out on the way home to see the world, and i have aquaintanances there, but no friends, i'm much too clever to "buddy up" with an Arab/Muslim, if your as clever as you say you are, you should know this, but you did already...right? have a great day professor.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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>Not something to ignore, but not an emergency either.

I agree it's not an emergency yet; it would be nice to stop the growth of the deficit before it became one.

>I'd be all for exempting gasoline and groceries from any National
>Retail Sales Tax (which I ONLY support in conjunction with a flat tax).

I agree on groceries because you need them to survive. I definitely don't agree on gasoline, since you don't need it to survive. Exemptions on absolute neccessities only.

>As for income redistribution, I'm still against it - and I've eaten
>ramen noodles and thought them a feast while growing up.

Not sure what the connection between those two are. I don't think we should allow US citizens to starve to death because they can't afford food; if you're eating ramen noodles regularly you're not starving. Reducing taxes on the poor is a lot better, in my mind, than taxing everyone, taking half of that for a bureacracy, and then giving the remainder to poor people.

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> Despite what some think, we really just can't print money to make up the difference in what we take in vs what we spend.

Didn't we just fight a war so we could continue to print the money to pay for our oil?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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To safeguard the Iraqis' futures? Bullshit! The average Iraqi oil well produces more oil in one day than over 700 US oil wells. Drilling a barrel of oil costs $1US in Iraq, in US it costs $10US (Saudi is $2.50US).

consider that the 58% of US oil consumption a year is from imports (that includes all opec nations, canada...everywhere put together)....in 2002 the US imported 525,000 barrels per day from Iraq, while US produced 5,800,000 barrells of oil per day....the links below take you to the US Dept of Transportation, where i got these numbers....

get over the fact that this war is not about oil. the oil refineries and supporting infrastructure were protected so that the iraqi people will have a means to support themselves during the rebuilding of their country and into the future....

those are the facts, deal with it!

2002 US Oil Imports
2002 US Oil Production

Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

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now oh wise one, your contradicting yourself. in a previous statement you stated that nobody hates americans. which is it nancy boy? make up your mind.

He said: "Everyone does not hate us." This is not the same as saying that no one hates us. I tend to think that would be fairly obvious to anyone with a three digit IQ.

rgoper, referring to TheAnvil as "nancy boy" constitutes a personal attack. [irony] You should know better, you dumb shit. [/irony] :)

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525,000 barrels per day from Iraq, while US produced 5,800,000 barrells of oil per day....

Have you ever looked at the cost difference between the barrels produced in the US and Iraq?

Canada produces it's fair share of oil and gas, yet the oil companies export it all since they can make more money that way. We then have to import oil for our own consumption. Funny how that works.

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So, because the USA imported very little oil last year (while Saddam was still in charge) means they have no desire to import a greater quantity of Iraqi oil in the future? But of course American oil reserves are infinite so no need to worry there.

There is a demand for oil in the west (Europe too, go figure), there is a very large supply of oil in Iraq which can be drilled rather cheaply. I'll accept that oil wasn't the only reason for the war but I still believe it was a very big reason (if not the main one).

Quoting the USA's imports of oil from Iraq in 2002 is not a valid argument, I'll go out on a limb here and predict that those imports will be growing rather substantially in coming years. All for the benefit of those poor suffering Iraqi people of course... ;)

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rgoper, referring to TheAnvil as "nancy boy" constitutes a personal attack. [irony] You should know better, you dumb shit. [/irony]

well, judging by the amount of crying and whining that went on this last weekend, ah, nevermind.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Drink to that. This deficit thing confuses me sometimes. Have you ever looked at the Bureau of Public Debt's website? There's an amount of debt held by the public and an amount held by the government. It used to be a good website a year or so ago when I checked it out. I need to get my buddy who is an accountant to explain that thing to me sometime. Anyway, I found the deficit's structure quite interesting and surprising and wonder if you knew anything about it, as I don't. We DO need to keep an eye on it. I don't see how we could avoid it with all of the surprise expenses that came up over the last two years.

Gasoline is a necessity for some to get to work, which is why I favor the exemption. Current gas taxes shouldn't be increased or decreased as a result of a national retail sales tax. Isn't it amazing how the price of gas really wasn't indexed with inflation from the 60's to the present? Neat, huh?

My reference to my beloved ramen was to put into perspective that I grew up in the lower tax bracket and am still against income redistribution in any fomr I've seen proposed.


Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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i know that. i assigned the two imbiciles those monikers because they fit them so well. they're "cowboy" nentality is getting us in more trouble than we know what to do with

Ummm...remember who "Made" Bin Loser a hero to the entire radical Islamic world. Yep...Bill Clinton. When the piece of shit chose to lob some Tomahawks at a couple villages and factories. Didn't accomplish anything positive, made the USA look like a bunch of pussies in Islamic eyes, and garnered LOTS of really BAD press for blowing up a "Baby milk factory." Yeah....bill sure did us a favor there. That's the kind of strong willed leadership this country needs. Remember Ronald Reagan? When Khadaffi (SP?) was linked to SEVERAL terrorist incidents....Reagan PURPOSELY blew up his house and killed one of his kids. Made it personal....do you think Khadaffi would have cared much if a factory or military installation was blown up? Have you heard ANYTHING from Khadaffi since then? B| Have you heard much from Bin Loser? He's down from Video to audio tapes anyway....and those are few and far between. Oh...one other thing....What have you done for the country or to counter the terrorist threat lately? ;)

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From billvon's interesting post to this drivel.

Richard, you're clueless. The problem is, you don't know you're clueless. You think because you work overseas for a bit anyone should take your word as gospel on anything related to anywhere outside America. You've travelled a bit outside of the great state of TX, possibly for the first time in your life, and in your own little fantasy world that makes you an expert on many things. Good for you.

I like my jump #s and don't care how many jumps anyone has when it comes to debate outside the realm of skydiving. If you hold jump #'s to equate to knowledge in all fields, try arguing satellite control theory with me for a bit if you'd like. Or optimization theory, orbit mechanics, or anything space related. Or we can branch out into tobacco farming, cattle (you Texans are pretty good at that as a rule of thumb; there you might have a chance in hell), or a multitude of other topics for that matter. LMFAO. Your assertion and insinuation there, as elsewhere is laughable.

Saying you know better than to buddy up with a Muslim or Arab is indicative of prejudice. A statement worthy of Jesse Jackson or David Duke himself. I have a few Arab friends and like/treat them the same as my skydiving buddies. I'm quite proud to be their friend and don't give a rat's ass about things like that.

In closing, Richard, I've taken your argument apart and destroyed it from every aspect you've cared to present. Because you have no viable argument, you resort to personal attacks like Nancy Boy and the rest of your previous email. I grew out of that long ago. Don't exect another reply from me if you're going to go the route of the teenage punk when arguing with me. Read your previous posts and assertions, and my responses, after you've chilled out for a bit.



The Anvil

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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All for the benefit of those poor suffering Iraqi people of course...

i love when this is thrown in....the iraqi were grande before the us started this blood for oil war, i can not believe that soldiers went in there and disrupted their perfect society and ruined all the joy they had!

can not believe i got sucked into another debate about politics and why we shouldn't let the bad guys do whatever they want to....

Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

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>Ummm...remember who "Made" Bin Loser . . .

Uh, Reagan made Bin Laden (and funded the creation of Al Qaeda) by giving millions to the Mujahideen so they would kill Russians in Afghanistan. I agree Clinton did little to contain the threat thus created, but let's give credit where credit is due.

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