
random memories - Perris boogie

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Taking a walk to Wingnuts RV to get wood and Mia tagging along hoping to find Tequila on the way (scary thing was she did!)

The "rockstar" Chuck form Megadeth...do you guys know he is STILL here!? In fact as i was writing this, he was looking over my shoulder...I think he may drive me crazy! I don't think Mia is starstruck anymore either:S

Finally meeting Viking and getting one of his famous hugs:)
Meeting Dragontail...and then meeting him again...and again...lol...oh and then having to guess his age..lol

Dragontail and too many red bulls and vodkas!

Mias scary stalker

And of course Lots of short jokes from just about ALL of you!:P


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Taking a walk to Wingnuts RV to get wood


does JT know about this??

And what about Viking?



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unfortunately, the asses in the window is one fortunately I really didnt see much due to the glare! whew

I do! I bet wingnut does to..since hes the one who took tohe picture...have you taken a look at your camera lately?? Lol...your face was priceless when you turned around!


The guy that showed up from Megadeth was really in the band..I saw pics of band with him in it..but the name doesn't match from what I remember

I wondered the same thing...he told me he used stage names...one of them being chuck Behler...but that name amtches a drummer...not a guitarist....he also said he went by Nick menza...who knows though...hes still drinking...he started as soon as the bar opened today...i am not quite sure why he's still here....:S


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Taking a walk to Wingnuts RV to get wood

does JT know about this??

LOL...the wood was his ceiling from his RV:P:P
As for what JT knows....:)

Oh and Viking...yeah he was too busy trying to keep the tequila away from Mia...and then trying to keep her from climbing the fence;):D


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Mia tagging along hoping to find Tequila on the way (scary thing was she did!)

LMAO... I created a monster, didn't I?????

Hmmm... Playing with Rhino under Canopy... There had better not be footprints on the topskin ;)

JT taking out a perfectly good formation at 6k

being buzzed by Shark Air on the sunset load..

trying to get down to that danged tube jump....

Drunk pool...

the tour of the skyvan ;)

The best memory I DON"T have was which was the windsock was facing on that last jump DOH!!!!
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Saturday night - Lancaster Bomber

Sunday morning - being reunited with my brother John after not seeing or speaking to him for nineteen years

Sunday afternoon - hop 'n pop from 12K. That was the longest canopy flight I've ever had

Monday morning - 3-way train (express elevator DOWN!)

Monday afternoon - giving away my tunnel t-shirt (brand new) to the young lady who was running around in a long-sleeved sweater in that heat.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Ok where to start,Hot chicks ,Hot dives,Down wind landing in a Xaos-27 93sqf in a wheat field,long spots,getting cut off on 270 hook and almost landing on top of the guys canopy,seeing a guy freefallin past me at 2000ft(DUDE)!!!!! And all the DZ.commers I met! And did a metion the REALLY HOT CHICKS!!!!!!!!;):$

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JTval outplayed that guy.. LOL

He most certainly did. Wish I had dragged mine out too, we could have done some more.[:/]
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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o.k. random memories?

Getting strip searched at the airport at Detroit trying to get to Perris because I had a parachute with me.. Gave him my cypress card and he said cypress what? LOL, 45 minutes later I was on the plane.

Got to Perris,

Waiver, had to watch the video.. Didn't have my current uspa card nor was my last 50 jumps signed.. lol

Had to have my home DZ fax my currency to Perris.. So I am off to a great start now..

20 or so hugs later and after saying hi to Hooksnswoop and Skycat I actually manifested.

Out of the plane at 12,500 in freefall trying to get familiar with the surroundings, dz, landing area. Start my hook at the normal altitude 550 feet ish.... HOLY SHHIIIIIT!!! Bumped the toggles at 200 feet, tired, senses going crazy from the different altitude, thin air, heat, humidity, shifting winds. I aborted the swoop and carved in..

2nd jump, started the swoop at 600 feet, alitude was a little closer to correct turn in, I am screaming in after initiating the hook and some guy kites his canopy right in front of me. Abort number 2.. lol.. Hook is like what the fuck man, you had that nailed. Told him why I aborted and he said that was probably a good idea.. lol

Took me 2 more jumps to get comfortable with the air finally getting my turn in altitude nailed down to 650 feet. I blew through my turn in a few times just trying to pay attention to the winds as thet can shift 180 in a second then back the next, watching for dust devils at the same time. It was very entertaining.. Got 5 jumps in that Friday, nailing the last 2 hooks feeling like I don't suck quiet as bad.. lol

Friday night.. One too many Coronas combined with sleeping on rocks in tent city and I woke up with a slight head ache. You know the ones where you need to drink water and water and water,. LOL

LTDiver is a doll!! She gave me a fantastic neck massage. Being a therepist has given her wonderfully strong hands! What a great lady!!

Fog lifted around noonish.. By that time I was feeling much better. Got 5 jumps in Saturday. 1st dz.com record attempt was scary. The second one we nailed it by 8 grand. I'm sitting there in my spot on the 15 way wondering "why isn't she keying for the next 2 points?", that is how fast we had it. I kept waiting and waiting.. lol That was a great dive!

I was VERY disappointed that the swoop pond looked like a SWAMP!!! The Bytch said it was allways ready and it SUCKED!!! LOL

I even volunteered to mow it and they wouldn't go for it. Bad Perris BAD!! lol :P

Michelle, She just kicks ass. She is better in person than on dz.com Wear gloves!!! lol what a wealth of knowledge is in this woman.. B|

Sangiro, he is just easy going and cool. It was great to meet him.

JTVal, the boy can play the guitar. Thanks for trying to film us on the crew jump.. lol

Hooksnswoop, Thanks for coaching me on hooks and tracking again.. Thanks for out tracking me by a mile and pointing out how much I suck. We "almost" got the syncronized hook in for Quade... LOL

Skycat, Thanks for pointing out to me that my current packing technique will lead to bag lock and laughing at me;):P.. lol

Viking, You just kick ass man.. Keep doing those hop-n-pops.. And don't be engine number 3 next year!! lol :D

Lummy, Lummy rocks.. I watched him do a downwinder and do 3 cartwheels and stand up like nothing happened!! That was cool!! Thanks for the crew jumps bro, you are a heck of a canopy pilot.

Phree, You are a maniac. B|. I've never seen anyone pack as neatly as you :P I got 5 bucks saying you cut away before you get on Mullins plane at the wffc.. lol :P See you there..

Wingnut, Stay out of trouble.. lol Thanks for the crew jumps as well. Hard to keep track, there was like 6 of us..

Bbarnhouse, hmm... She is just plane a hottie... nuf said.. lol :)

Val, Nice chatting with everyone by the fire wasn't it :P Your smile makes any boogie a better place. Hell of a jump on the record dive too!!

Blue, Congrats on quitting smoking!! Kick ass bro!! Good seeing you there!

Billvon, caught a glimps of him a couple times.. lol

Mouth, holy shit what a fun little lady!! Full of life!! :)

Cornholio, nice seeing you WAAAY UPPP THERE on the crew jumps.. lol, be safe bro..

Quade, Thanks for trying to take all those pictures for me :)
So many I know I am forgetting.. It was so much fun this weekend..

Bytch, The Rack speaks for itself B| As allways you are the coolest. IT was fantastic jumping with you :)
I don't think I've ever seen so many people screw up landings as at this boogie. I saw at LEAST 20 people practically not flare on landing. 2 dust devils go right through the landing area. It was interesting.:D

5 jumps Friday, 5 Saturday, 7 Sunday, 1 Monday.. What a time!!!

The way home.. I could tell this is a big skydiving town.. I pulled out the cypress card at the airport a some guy from security grabbed it saying "what kind of AAD do you have? smiling" He was a rigger. Even asked me if it was in date.. LOL

That was easy, off I went..

You said random memories.. lol


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Sunday morning - being reunited with my brother John after not seeing or speaking to him for nineteen years

I meant to ask you about that. How did it go? Did he end up doing a tandem, or at least express an ineterst? I know it can be awkward to meet someone after a long time, hope it went well.

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Don't know if they will read this, but HUGE thanks and hugs to the locals who I did a bunch of awsome FF jumps with my 1st 2 days there when no one else had showed up yet.

Oh lord where to I begin.

-Mouth with her Sherpas in tow bringing her gear, *hugs* girl you are the greatest.

-Islandcool, Sorry I didn't recognise you that 1st day

-Rhino, If I can fit your stows around my waist they are tooooo big :P

-Ltdiver you are such a sweety, thanks for trying to worry about my knee for me. *hugs*

-Phree, So when are you coming up here to go snowboarding.....A-basin is still opening. :D Oh and quit swinging the little girl around, it looks bad on video. :ph34r:

-Bets, another awsome job.

-Mandy, I'm so sorry I had to go to bed early, thanks for comeing out just to see me, next time I'm down I'll be sure to spend a few days at elsinore.

-Mike M, all I can say is my jumpsuit doesn't look that good in person as it does in your pictures.

-Michelle, I wish I could have gotten to jump with you girl....next time I'm out I definately will.

Lord so many people, so little bandwidth. If it happens again next year I'll definately be there, everyone was great and I already miss all of you already.

Oh and one last thought......
The best place to land is on the other side of the student circle, not only will they pick you up, but they will drive you back to the packing area, I beat everyone but Derek. :DB|

Fly it like you stole it!

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JTval outplayed that guy.. LOL

He most certainly did. Wish I had dragged mine out too, we could have done some more.[:/]

thanks guys!;) I did tell some people what I thought of the guys playing but Ill keep that to myself now:o


JTVal, the boy can play the guitar. Thanks for trying to film us on the crew jump.. lol

Thank again rob.and lum for letting me get back in the air that day! I was gonna call it a day but my shoulder stopped hurting! I heard a ten minute call on a light skyvan I was ran my ass to the manifest and load with you guys last minute! thanks!;)
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Random images? Lessee...

...The look on Islandcool's face as he suddenly disappeared from the formation with JTVal on his back at 6,000 feet.

..Watching Michele showing off her new gear to everyone, one person at a time.

..The look on Viking's face as the fire-suppression on engine number 3 kicked in.

...Seeing Lemme drop in on the tube in a stand, after we had already broken up (we were really getting some speed there, apparently!)

...the 8-way tube exit on Skypup's 200th

It was great to finally meet all of you in person!
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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..Watching Michele showing off her new gear to everyone, one person at a time.

Everyone had to see it. Absolutely everyone! I was (and am) so incredibly thrilled!!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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