
what mcgowan did for the bombshelter wall

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OMG. It's there. It's awesome. Lots of us are on it in pictures, and everyones name is on it too.

He took the two points of the record dive and photoshopped them into one picture, with the first point smaller and in the middle of the second point star. Can't even describe the effect... I'd love to have a print of it.

Actually I'd love to have a copy of the whole thing. ;);) nudge nudge...

Thanks Mike. I'm honored to be up on the Bombshelter wall in your pictures.

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There is a very cool pic on there that will have to be censored before it can be posted

Censored? on dz.com? I can only imagine it's because of who's funneling what ;)

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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No, he doesn't mind his face being here at all. Infact most of us has seen it. Although it was too bad about that radiation leak in SA that turned his face into a big round green smiley...
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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:)i am way glad you like the photo (your post made me smile)i had a great time at the boogie. enjoyed some fun skydives and made some terrific new friends. does it get any better than that?

my intent was to try and capture the spirit of the boogie which was to me, friendship , skydiving and community. i am already looking forward to the holiday boogie so i can enjoy more of the same

i don't want to use this forum as a place to market my wares so if you really do want a copy e mail me and i will see waht i can do

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Thank You M2 for the countless hours on this project, and for putting up with me ;) You captured the spirit that is Dropzone.com....community and friendship. I am pleased that all those that visit the Bomb Shelter will have the opportunity to see this piece of art and know that we are a family.
With Warmest Regards,

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Yes, it is awesome! Thanks, Mike, for a trip into our family album created just a few months ago. The detail is just amazing.

Guess if others are to view it, they'll just have to come to the -next- dz.com boogie at Perris. Yeah, that's it! b^2, hottamally, skybytch...you ready to organize it? :)

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Just waiting for your new leader to take the helm July 1;) Man you are all so lucky to have him in your ranks....

Yes, we ARE blessed. I was with skybytch, taking the big-way camp with him, Kate, and Tony this weekend. The energy he pumps into every dirt dive...every debrief...it's contagious!


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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