
Hey runners! I need some advice!

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I have found that running on the street is easier than running on a treadmill.

I hope so! I guess my biggest concern is pacing myself, since I don't have to with a treadmill.


Not that you can afford/have time to try all the different brands of shoes before the race, but over time, try the different brands to see which work best for you.

I'm thinking about doing that, too. They have a shoe store downtown with people who can tell me what shoes I need for weird feet!


27 minutes and you could almost walk 5k...

Hey...don't make fun of my slow ass :(


maybe if you knew there was a little kitten atthe end that would be killed after 22 minutes that would help..

No, I don't like cats. I'll imagine a million dollars is at the finish line!


i bet we could get phree to help ya on that motivating factor........

Yes, after beating the crap out of him in freefall, I probably should be running from him!


I think the 'beer light' just went on.

Jogging is NOT a beerable offense!

Thanks for the advice everyone. I guess I'll go and spend way too much money for shoes. Also, (I said it before, but nobody answered me :() how much do you eat before a race? I get cramps pretty bad, but I don't think a small apple would be too much.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Thanks for the advice everyone. I guess I'll go and spend way too much money for shoes. Also, (I said it before, but nobody answered me :() how much do you eat before a race? I get cramps pretty bad, but I don't think a small apple would be too much.

Check out www.halhigdon.com
He does mostly marathon training, but that site is loaded with cool links and many, many tips.

And if I can drag my sorry ass across the line before the course closes - I have no problem with buying the beer!

Scars remind us that the past is real

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i think you can do it, wait, let me rephrase that, i KNOW you can do it!! a 5k is 3.1 miles ( i use to do cross country). if you have been running, and have the endurance, then i say, give it all you got. believe in yourself and you'll make it. the trick i use when running further than i have before is to keep my mind off of running and how tired i am. i sing a song in my head or think about anything that takes my mind away.
about running on pavement vs. a treadmill, well, from personal experience a treadmill tears up my knees. pavement or small gravel is the best to run on.
i do advice that you have a good pair of running shoes that are broke in, but not falling apart. you usually want to replace your shoes once a year, just depends on how much and where you run. this helps reduce knee, low back, and muscle probs.
about your waterboy (wow, wish i could have one of those!) the best place to have him is at or anytime after the half way point. the closer to the finish, i tend to think "yeah, i am almost there, keep going!!!"
just a little runners advice, eat bananas or kiwi about an hour or so before your race, helps reduce cramping.
good luck with your race. be sure to keep us posted on how it went. ;)
all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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Val, check out Fleet Feet - there's on Downtown Chicago on Michigan Ave just south of Monroe. They have you try on new shoes & jog on an indoor treadmill to see your running style. Also, take in your old shoes, they'll look @ the bottom to help determine what's best for you.

Or if you're up near Piper's Alley (where Tony & Tina's wedding is) there's a Virtels that does the same thing.

On eating... have a good dinner of mostly pasta earlier the evening before (not after 7pm). Then have a power bar or the like about 1.5 hrs before the race & an apple a bit closer, but nothing less than 45 min before running. cramps are brought on by the fact that your energy/blood is trying to get to your stomach to aid in digestion but it also needs to go to your legs & other muscles for running.

Even in July in chicago, water is not necessary for a 5k. Though about 98% of the area races will have stuff @ the end of the race (banannas, oranges, water, gatoraid, bagles....)

For motivation, i watch the people infront of me & find someone i want to keep up w/. Then I "follow their footsteps" like following someone in the snow. I always find myself catching up to them & having to find a new "rabbit".

No matter what GET GOOD SHOES!!! Don't even think of stepping on the pavement in cheap shoes!!!

I've been running races for 20 yrs now... ask me ANYTHING this weekend - I can go on forever (almost as long as talking about skydiving :o).

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Hey Val, I used to do some running, and they say to eat something light but with a lot of protein and some carbs, like a bagel with peanut butter.

This is a really good Web site on running and training for races. Has some pretty good forums, too.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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Okay, this is something I know a bit about so I'll throw my advice in.

First, the shoes for training are definate must. When it comes to races I wear something light that provides a fair amount of fore-foot cushioning but that's probably not something you'd want to try if you're hitting 25-27 minutes for a 5k.

Two weeks isn't much time, and you won't be able to improve your endurance factor at all over that. If you've been on the 3 miles 3 times a week thing for 6 months you've already got a decent base to work with -- so it's time to get some speed in those legs. I'd have started this around 4-6 weeks before the race, but here goes.

Do some "repeats" on a local track. If you're currently at 27 minutes (9 mins per mile) I'd start shooting for a 7:30 mile. Go to the track, and try and crank one out. Watch your time every 200 meters (half a lap) so you know where you're at. After your mile let your body cool down until you're heart rate is back to a reasonable range (100-120 beats I'd say... unless you've got a resting heart rate of around 50-60. If that's the case you should drop to 80 beats in a reasonable time). Hit a half mile repeat at the same pace, rest, and then do a quarter, a half, and then a mile again. You'll be stressing your heart over this entire time which is what you really need to keep that pace for 3 miles. Your legs will keep up generally... it's the cardio that kills you.

As for water, don't bother. If it's going to be hot out just load up days before and make sure you're hyrdrated when you hit the line. Just make sure you've emptied your bladder before you toe the line.

Load up on starchy carbs the night before and get a good night's rest. Keep eating the morning of the race to a minimum... a bagel and an apple perhaps up to an hour before. I generally liked to suck down a bunch of sugary ice tea the last few hours too. The caffiene, so long as you don't overdue it, tended to help me.

Oh, and carbo loading on beer is NOT an option. My father tried this the night before a marathon once with not so good results.

DO drink 2 beers a day though during training. European distance runners have this as part of their regiment I beleive, or so was the case when I was in high school. It's the best source of chromium that your body will absorb. Much better than the supplement pills and way more fun to ingest.

Lower the distance you run for the repeats over time. Over the next week keep the 1 mile, half, quater, half, mile thing going. The week of drop the miles out and do a half, half, quater, half, half, quater, half. Try and keep the overall distance at 3 miles though. Three to four days before the race drop down to doing 200 meter repeats and drop the time down too. Shoot for a 6 minute mile (45 second 200meter spurts) and hit 24 of them with about a minute between repeats. You'll be used to running faster by the time you toe the line and your body will naturally run faster.

If you want to make it real "fun" shoot for total devastation by the 3 mile mark. That last .1 (about 220 meters I think), no matter how bad you hurt, WILL still come out of your body. Time it so you feel like you're going to die right at 3 miles and then just keep moving your arms. Your legs have to keep up else you'll fall over.

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Thank you, Erica! :)
Thank you so much for the extremely difficult training method, GigaBuist. I really want to try that! It sounds painful, but fun!

And, the rest of you are a bunch of liars! I went to jog 3 miles on the track last night. Ouch! I am in so much pain today, and it took me 30 mins to run 3 miles :( I wasn't exhausted at the end of the run, my legs just couldn't move much faster. The track was definitely more difficult than the treadmill, plus not having ran in over 2 weeks HURT!

Sigh...well, I'm already signed up for the race on the 12th. At this point, I'm just hoping to finish it alive! This will also be a big learning lesson for me. I'm going to try another race in Sept or Oct, so I'll remember to start training and get good shoes well beforehand!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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They do lie... the treadmill, set @ level is much easier because you're basically just swinging your legs back & forth - not having to push the weight of your body forward. To get a more realistic run out of a treadmill, use at least a 1.5 incline... I use a 2 & then running on the road is REALLY EASY - almost like going downhill.

Um, running this weekend :S will have to see, but it's highly doubtful... esp if I smoke my typical pack a day @ the dz - ugh@

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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One other thing... I heard a trainer once say that you can run half again as far as you've trained for... so Val, you could actually run 4.5 miles. Also, half the battle is knowing your body can actually do the work for the time required.... you're already there baby!!

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I didnt read any of the replies to your post, nor will I, but I'll give you a quick answer. I think you know the answer to this question already! Get out and run tomorrow morning a mile or two, then in a couple days run again, then a few more days run 3.1 miles. After that run later 3.1 miles at "race pace". The only way to see if you can hack it is to hack it! :)

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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For a 5K, you don't really need much food. You are running 3.1 miles and you won't hit the wall in there. Do whatever you do before you treadmill. The worst thing in the world is to try something new the morning of a race. You never know what it is going to do to you.

As far as the race goes, you can do a 5K if you have been running 3 miles 3 times a week. Just having all the other people out there with you will pull you through it. One word of caution, be smart at the start of the race, you will start running to fast because people in the group will be running fast and you will be hyped up and just running along with them. Don't let yourself get hyped into a 7 minute first mile that will cost you in mile 2 and 3.

Best thing for the race is to do what you do skydiving. Relax and have fun B|

Let us know how you do.


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