
What Would You Do?

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i just found out that a very dear friend of mine, who is a single mom, was told today by her 16 year old daughter that her step-father was sexually abusing her since age 9. the couple i speak of are getting divorced and the young lady is no liar, that much i know. my friend called me and asked me what should she do, i told her to let me think on it for a while. her daughter is traumatized by this whole situation and doesn't know what the hell to do, she is undergoing some tests right now to confirm her allegations. i, personally have no place in my heart for child molesters/abusers...period. there is no excuse for this type of behaviour from an adult. years ago down here, he would have been lynched, which is really what he deserves now. when i think about the hundred of thousands of innocent children who are abused each and every year it makes me sick to my stomach.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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I voted for "Let The Law Handle It". Here's why...

For starters, you won't go to jail for something some other asshole did.

But in terms of Karma payback, he'll get more than his fair share when he meets his new "roomate" in prison. Convicts hate three things: cops, snitches and child molesters.

When he gets to prison, he's toast.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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for the record, i voted "Let The Law Handle It" but they better get it right, can you imigine what this young lady will have to indure on the witness stand while being cross examined by the defense attorney? like she hasn't been through enough. i'm sorry, i hate child molesters, i honestly believe God has a special suite reserved just for them in hell.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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The mother needs to call the Assistant DA that handles Sex Crimes in her area, make a formal report to the police and make an appointment with her family doctor for her child's testing. In addition, there may be a doctor that works closely with the sex crimes division that may be able to test better than her family doctor only because that is their specialty. The sex crimes division should be able to help her find that doctor. She also needs to get group and individual counseling for herself and her child, immediately.

I have worked with sexually-abused children before through my Court Appointed Special Advocacy group and it is vital that they go through the proper channels to ensure a smooth, swift recovery for both herself and her child.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
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I would gladly shoot the bastard. Child abuse has no place in my book. However, if you damage him, you might as well head south of the border right now.

Definitely he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Definitely his stuff should wind up on the curb tonight. There is nothing illegal about it. He should be out of the house ASAP.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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this totally sickens me. good idea to let the law handle it but as you said tyhey better find the case and PROSECUTE THE FUK OUT OF IT>

I hope all of those options happen to him in prison>:(
there is no justification for this type of behavior
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I voted for "Let The Law Handle It". Here's why...

For starters, you won't go to jail for something some other asshole did.

But in terms of Karma payback.

someone has to be the hand of fate, and the law often does a piss poor job and only increases the trama to the victim by drawing out the process for public ridicule.

there are lots of ways to take care of oxygen thiefs like this that are very hard to trace and will keep your hands clean..

i have no problem with being the tip of the karmic spear on occasion..
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Option one is the easy way out. Put him in jail for a few years of prison sex. When he gets out, he has to deal with being a sex offender for life. This puts him on a registry, so anytime he moves his neighbors will be informed of his past transgressions.

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-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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I can hear his defense lawyers now...

"YOUR HONOR, this is nothing more than an attempt by my clients estranged wife to harrass and humiliate him by making false accusations. She is going as far as to make her teenage daughter accuse my client of inproprieties that have never happened"

messy messy messy

My advice, tell your friend to get help for her daughter.Helping her deal with what's she's gone thru is what matters.
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Absolutely positively get the police involved NOW! I speak from personal experience.. as much as you want to kill the sick bastard, the law will handle it nicely and mother and daughter need some counseling.. >:(
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

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can you imigine what this young lady will have to indure on the witness stand while being cross examined by the defense attorney

Yes, that's the big problem. She has to relive all of those traumatizing events over again. And she has to see his ugly mug in the courtroom again.

My personal inclination was to cut his nuts off. But I honestly think the best punishment (from our perspective, not his) will be to go to prison.

If he skates, there are ... um ... ways of returning Karma. :)

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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This is a tough issue...
Molestation is somewhat about sexual urges, so cut his nuts off; it's also about power and control, so make him a prison bitch. I think someone mentioned earlier that prisoners hate cops and child molesters--I've heard that many times before.
Is that enough? I don't know. Will this young woman have peace of mind knowing that he is locked away and can't hurt anyone the same way anymore? I don't know that either.
All I know is that she's been traumatized, and that could last her whole life. But would a jury take that into consideration? I would certainly hope so!

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Prosecute the bastard. He is no priest, it should be no prob......

Help the kid, by all means as said before in this thread, seek prof help/
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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for the record, i voted "Let The Law Handle It" but they better get it right, can you imigine what this young lady will have to indure on the witness stand while being cross examined by the defense attorney? like she hasn't been through enough. i'm sorry, i hate child molesters, i honestly believe God has a special suite reserved just for them in hell.

Speaking from experience if she can go on the witness stand...speak her story....have him put away, she will be able to conquer this horrible thing that has happened to her. Yes, it will haunt her but being able to put him behind bars will make her feel better in the long run. She is tough & I hope her the best.
~Porn Kitty
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I am the mother of a sexual assault victim. My daughter was 14 at the time and was sexually assaulted by the estranged husband of a family she had babysat for over a period of several years. He showed up at the house in which the wife and children were living and where my daughter was babysitting on a Saturday morning. He was eventually convicted of 'Indecency with a Child by Contact", a Class C Felony and served time, and is now a registered sex offender.
What was important to my daughter at the time and had a lasting effect were several choices we made.
1. She was allowed to decide each step of the way if she wanted to be present during the many many court appearances of the defendant (the 37 year old man's mommy and daddy hired a very good attorney),
2. I eventually understood what the Victim/Witness Coordinator (bless her) kept trying to get through to me: That the state's attorney general's office administered the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund and that monies were available to pay for counseling I could not (nor did insurance cover).
3. We got that counseling and the AG's office paid over $1000! And the counseling involved not just my daughter, but her sister and I as well.
4. My daughter knows that I had feelings of not being there, failing to protect my baby, but she also now understands that I could not and that once she told me, I did everything in my power to seek justice for her.
5. We reported the assault to the police immediately.
6. She is 21 now, healthy and happy. Oh, she will carry that experience with her the rest of her life, but it is just a part of who she is. It does not define her entirely. So, I implore you to tell her mother to be tenacious. Be fierce. Be her gladiator! And give her a hug from me.
Attitude is everything!

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Let the law handle it, but throw a twist. When found Guilty, give him some Breast implants so his ahhh friends in the pen will really find him attractive.

as TXblondie said, sometimes sex is about power.
I would guess in prison the would "castrate" him then treat him like a bitch.
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The Law is the only avenue you should even consider

this is exactly the response i was waiting for. point being, we as civilians HAVE to abide by the law when dealing with criminals, who do they answer to? what law(s) are they following? shouldn't the same justice they apply to innocent civilians be applied to them?

if the law is the only avenue we should consider, then the same goes for these criminals...right? i look forward to the time when we are given the right to carry a weapon in plain view, and exact justice on such criminals whose sole purpose is to perpetrate crimes, and kill people, innocent women, children and men. i say "put one in the zone"
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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