
Ever "Snuck Off" to Jump?

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I've been taking off every Friday except this one, to jump a King Air at Chambersburg, and waiting for the starters' pistol to take off to Rantoul in any way possible!
it's KILLin' me!
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Only when I lived with my Mother .. ahhahah

Oh hey, that is NOT funny>:( I happen to be staying a week with my mother til my new digs are ready :$

The Dude Abides.

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got a friend that told his wife (at that time) that he hade to go to the store for smokes.he had been sneaking his base gear in the car for days.told her he was going for smokes and went to bridge day.they aint married anymore.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough

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:)Told my boss I was off to the dentist. Rushed off to court helicopters for a demo jump into a University Freshers week. Found we had 25 min on the chopper, so beat up the uni for 15 min - popped up to 3500 and jumped. Dropped the gear - back in the bird to court, in my car and back to work.

Boss says.. "How was the dentist?"
"Fine. No cavities..."

He says - really? you should see yourself in the mirror.

I go to the bathroom - and I have a goggle imprint on my face no one could miss. I was SO busted!:D Cool boss though. Just wanted to come along to the next one!

It's the year of the Pig.

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I had a mate who just had his PPL. We snuck off to France, got a quicky in (skydive before you dirty minded individuals get ideas) then back. Was supposed to be at a bbq.

I managed to get one in before work last July. Jumped in my Suit and Tie. Then hopped onto the motorbike. Traffic was terrible / road was up etc as I arrived 45 mins late for work.

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I bunked off work on a really hot day to due part of my AFF. I had to put on some really strong sun block so I didn't go back to work the next day with any tan lines.
If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers

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I called in sick and went off to the DZ sun shinning, couple of white fluffy clouds, torn off on my bike got to the DZ and the Friggin thing was closed, all the tandems cancelled in the am b4 I got there>:(>:(
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Ever sneak off and jump when you really shouldnt, for whatever reason?

Got an opportunity and looking for backup here.


I left about 8 people at a BBQ to go for hotdog buns and somehow ended up at the dropzone. My wife (ex) tracked me down as I was getting on the plane. Of course I jumped anyway.

never pull low......unless you are

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Told my boss I had a family thing, had to leave Thursday evening so that I could take Friday off and go do a couple of AFF jumps.:ph34r:
Told him another time that I had a doctor's appt and that I was getting an oil change so I could go on a Monday afternoon.:ph34r:
I don't see anything wrong with it; I got plenty of vacation time!;)

Blondes do have more fun!

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Ever sneak off and jump when you really shouldnt, for whatever reason?

Many times. The only bad one was when I did a mid-day demo, forgot I was supposed to be at work, and did an interview with the TV crew that was shown during the 5:00 news. Luckily I didn't hear about it from management, just co-workers. I've been late to work after early morning jumps, have taken a couple extended lunch breaks that included full altitude, have told the girlfriend "I'm going to Home Depot" without mentioning where else I was going, etc, etc.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Hell the last year and a half I was in the Army I almost forgot that I was in the service. I don't think I ever was a friday formation. I was always at the DZ. Then I got on the Ft. Lewis Demo team and that was it for my unit. They never saw me and where always leaving notes on my door to go see the 1st SGT. I would go see him and get lectured for an hour about not checking in with the unit. I loved that time in my life! Nothing but jumping from airplanes and helicopters.

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I go right near the DZ every now and again for work I was dying to go and do a hop and pop one day but I wussed out. I couldn't handle the thought of trying to explain to my boss how I twisted an ankle or similar on a coffee break

One day I had a really bad flu and took the day off sick. It was minus 18.C up there but I still reckon a jump is good for colds.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

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