
Farting in the plane- Do you...

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I usually fart:D before I get in and then hold the rest until the door opens[:/]>:(:S. But sometimes:).... Well every load I have ever been has been poisoned, what is your coutesy (technique) of releiving the pressure on the way to altitude?

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No need to keep the pressure built up in the belly. If I have to let it go, I let it go. Just ask the Aggieland skydivers. As for courtesy, I am very courteous to let everyone know it was me!
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I drop ass before I get on the plane and claim my own. I then inevitably get blamed for any occurrences in the air - be it Hollister or Monterey.:S All of you evil smelling bastards know who I'm talking about too! You know it's you, and you sit there and blame me! Bastards! >:(;)

At Monterey in particular, Steve Rafferty has a conspiracy going to blame me for every iota of flatulence that occurs on any airplane, regardless of my presence on the plane or even in the county/state/country. I think he has started this conspiracy to hide his problem with his own noxious emissions, but that's just a theory.

Beers to all!

Vinny the Anvil

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I usually fart near Vinnie and look at him with disgust! Other times I'll use it in freefall when sitflying if I have to slow down or head down if I have to speed up.. :P

gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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I KNEW it! Fucker! ;)>:( I'm kicking your ass!

Hurry up and get back here from Florida. B| My only hope of reaching your head is to get you so drunk you have to walk on your knees - then you'll still be an inch taller than me. My plan is for NoShit and I to feed you liquor until you can't stand, then I'm going to take my frying-pan hardened face and headbutt you right in the noggin'! I can only see one flaw in my diabolical scheme for revenge, and that's interference from certain ladies......that and it would do nothing to prevent repeat occurrences.....

I shall ponder this.....beware Roy! :D:D

See ya soon.



Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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The best time is right after we close the door for takeoff. Then everyone is stuck with it until we get high enough to open the door.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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First of all, to the nearly-20% of people who said they never fart in the plane; LIARS!!:P
And second- I noticed blaming it on the students is not an option. Not blaming it directly, but if there is a student on the load, people will probably think it's him/her. Fear does funny things to the digestive tract, you know.

Anyway, the proper procedure on our plane is to walk to the door, open it a bit, stick your rear end out and do what you gotta do. For to do it inside the plane might provoke 'counter-attacks', and before you knew, we'd be going down with the pilot unconscious at the controls.

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I agree with the ladies. STOP THE INSANITY, GUYS! >:(
The plane turns into a gas chamber when you let loose. (I am VERY sensitive to any foul smell due to chronic health conditions :(). I know that it's funny, but seriously, some of us get nauseous easily, guys.

One time, tears were running down my face, and I began to dry heave. The offender was truly impressive...like a machine. I almost threw up as he was firing away in front of me. I almost couldn't walk to the door (my legs were shaky), and when I landed, every one of his team mates ran up and apologized to me. It was a close call.
Gassy ones, please think about the consequences to others. Personally, getting that nauseous leaves me very weak. I really think that it's dangerous to be that way in freefall. Just something to think about, guys.

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Walking to the door in a King Air is a liitle tough! So, just let em go.... Pull in Place! It is a good way to get the pilot to not give you some extra altitude. As for those who post "yuk" or "please hold it"...give me a break:P You can't break the rules of physics, even if you are a girl who typically does not fart!;)


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Rules of physics?

Come on cowboy, pinch your butt cheeks together. I know you can do it. I'm sure if a penis got too close to your butt you could figure out a way to defy physics and make this happen.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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NOOOOOO...I'm totally serious. I can be brave...as I dated a spectacular farting KING for 5 years (now my ex). After being with him, I understand that maybe some people produce more gas than others.

On the plane, it's a different story. I am SERIOUS about getting dry heaves easily. I always get super nauseous when I have to use public restrooms, too. I think that if you guys are serious about not being able to hold it on the plane, I will just have to get a full-face helmet. :|

Laurel -- You tell 'em, girl!!! I like your style...

Fundgh...Were you the one with the picture of Shauna at Taft drinking beer?

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