
getting dumped SUCKS

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OK, first you are a skydiver...You got Cutaway...Whuffos get dumped!

Second...I don't know how old you are, or how many times you have been cut, but trust me it is not that bad....There are plenty of damn fine mates out there...Some you just have for a night...others longer....But NOTHING is forever.

There have been two that really messed with my mind when they left.....Now I can't remember why I liked them so much.

I just turned in my Divorce paperwork yesturday....And I am in a good place. Happiest I have EVER been.

Just relax...Enjoy
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I have to work the rebound angle. Just got dumped for the first time (BEER ALL AROUND) a few nights ago after an 11 month stint and, good lord, OUCH! It is so hurty I never knew. Truly, this doth suck.

About not drinking, Airann, um, you're kidding, right?

How else can I indulge in shameless self pity???[:/]

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OK, first you are a skydiver...You got Cutaway...Whuffos get dumped!

Second...I don't know how old you are, or how many times you have been cut, but trust me it is not that bad....There are plenty of damn fine mates out there...Some you just have for a night...others longer....But NOTHING is forever.

There have been two that really messed with my mind when they left.....Now I can't remember why I liked them so much.

Just relax...Enjoy

yeah I know, I know I'm not even that broken up just sad cause I though I had a good thing and I don't like the reason

hey congrats on the divorce!:)

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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yeah I know, I know I'm not even that broken up just sad cause I though I had a good thing and I don't like the

Hey, how old are you anyway?
And it could not have been that good...It did end.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Hey, how old are you anyway?
And it could not have been that good...It did end.

24 (and yes I know life goes on etc, you're young blah blah blah, more fish in the sea etc) I'm not that broken up just sad

and you're right it did end or well kind of I just though it was going well

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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24 (and yes I know life goes on etc, you're young blah blah blah, more fish in the sea etc) I'm not that broken
up just sad

Oh I would not feed you that line....It is true, and time does heal all wounds as well...Both are true, and both suck to hear.

What I was gonna tell you is a story....Sit back kids while I get my story tellin hat on:

When I started this sport 10 years ago I was 20 and had only one super serious relationship (We lived together for a year). After I started jumping and that ended...I found it VERY hard to start another relationship. I worked nights loading airplanes at an airport....Not alot of women there, and the ones that were there were not my type..YIKES!!!! Plus working Mon-Fri nights made it so I could not "club" or "bar hop"....As for my weekends, well I spent them at the DZ's I went to. I found that a 20 year old male at a DZ had very few chances of hooking up. Most women my age (The few there) went for the 25-30 year olds. And non jumpers I did meet, didn't understand the jumping so I had no chance with them. The fact I am ugly as hell, and kinda stupid didn't help.....Lamenting my story to a buddy of mine he told me "Ronnie (only person that calls me this), Wait until you are 25-30 with a good job and a couple of thousand jumps"....Well its true...Not many guys are 30 with 3,000 jumps. Now who gets the 25 year old girls? Me or the new 20 year old with 100 jumps?

Looks like you are in the right lane...Just hold your course.

I hear a big cock and a trust fund helps.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Good story Ronnie ;)

I hear what you're saying and its not like this one was the one its just out of the blue. I've always seen break up coming.

I'm not much of a dater, I've always just had relationships fall in my lap. I know that sounds lazy but good things come when one isnt looking.

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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I'm not much of a dater, I've always just had relationships fall in my lap. I know that sounds lazy but good things come when one isnt looking.

Quick, look the other way as i fall into you.... :P


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Good story Ronnie ;)

What part of the only guy that calls me this did you miss? Jeeze


I'm not much of a dater, I've always just had relationships fall in my lap. I know that sounds lazy but good
things come when one isnt looking.

Not lazy..smart. I read a book once(yes just one, once)..It was written by a prostitute. She said that the ability to not need sex/love...Makes it so you can demand it.

Made sense to me.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Go get some friends and go out drinking, or go watch a really stupid movie. Make obnoxious comments about it while sitting in the back row. Fart and burp out loud.

It's the equivalent of girls getting together to go shopping, right? Works every time.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Go get some friends and go out drinking, or go watch a really stupid movie. Make obnoxious comments about it while sitting in the back row. Fart and burp out loud.


Hell that happens every weekend at my dz....;)
and we wonder why we have such a shortage of female jumpers:$

Huh?!? What cloud?!? Oh that!!! That's just Industrial Haze
Alex M.

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Being dumped is akin to bumping into the damned sofa with yer toes when you get up for a piss during the night.

Exploding pain, followed by lots of curses. You know it'll subside eventually but that doesn't make it better.

Come morning you spot two very blue toes that aren't very attractive and yer lumping around like someone from Notre Dame.

A week later you wonder what all the fuzz was about and you return the sofa to its rightful place.

Been there, done that. Haven't bought the t-shirt yet as I am bound to return :)
Just hang in there bud.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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Fuck her. She's not that hot and she's a bitch anyway. Let her go make somebody else's life miserable. You can do better.

Wow, you're good at this cheering people up thing!! :D


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Fuck her. She's not that hot and she's a bitch anyway. Let her go make somebody else's life miserable. You can do better.

Ahhh thanks but I really can say anything negative towards that person, we had a good time together :)

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Ahhh thanks but I really can say anything negative towards that person, we had a good time together and will be good friends

Exactly...Being bitter never accomplishes anything in the long run anyhow. :)
Hope you guys can remain friends if you wish so!

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