
What is a beautiful woman?

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A beautiful woman befriends you even when you've been a prick.

A beautiful woman shows love unconditionally even if she is meeting you for the first time.

A beautiful woman gravitates towards those who are in pain and gives unconditionally to the point of exhaustion.

A beautiful woman gives hugs not just from her body, but from her heart.

A beautiful woman has patience with you when you are being completely annoying due to physical pain you are experiencing.

A beautiful woman forgives you in a split second and then forgets.

A beautiful woman laughs at your jokes even when they are not that funny.

A beautiful woman remembers your birthday and gives you a gift you will treasure forever.

A beautiful woman respects your religious beliefs even if they are different from her own. And shows true interest in learning more about it.

A beautiful woman can smile at you and you know it came from the heart and is genuine.

A beautiful woman can hurt inside, but never let it show. Instead, she will show concern for your well-being.

A beautiful woman is Michele.:)
Love ya my friend,


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Methinks Muenkel has been hit hard by the Love Virus ;)

Oooh just a tip. Unconditional love isn't unconditional. I can guarantee you that. Don't sleep with her friends. Hell, don't even call 'em 'cute' B|

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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The Perfect Man..

The perfect man is gentle
Never cruel or mean
He has a beautiful smile
And keeps his face so clean.

The perfect man likes children
And will raise them by your side
He will be a good father
As well as a good husband to his bride.

The perfect man loves cooking
Cleaning and vacuuming too
He'll do anything in his power
To convey his feelings of love on you.

The perfect man is sweet
Writing poetry from your name
He's a best friend to your mother
And kisses away your pain.

He never has made you cry
Or hurt you In any way
Oh, fuck this stupid poem
The perfect man seems gay.


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Chris has a crush on Michele!!!!

Heeheee....*even more annoying*....Chris and Michele, sittin' in a tree...;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Lucky for me she's on the other side of the country!

Considering that I'll be on the road to there this time next week I shouldn't be worried, right?

But she's coming out to Perris to see me on Saturday. So, y'know, I gotta watch what I say for a few more days. ;)

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