
weekend numbers, Sept 6/7

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My weekend is effectively over all ready so I'll start. Don't forget the proper format - humps (or other significant number from the weekend with explanation):jump:cases of beer owed (paid or not)

?? times the button was pushed:2:0

Saturday was my "last" day jumping at Perris. Did a wingsuit jump with billvon and diablopilot (bill you may never give me shit about getting lost again!!! :P) and a FUN 8 way RW jump with Geronimo (Jan Meyer), billvon, diablopilot, laurie, dgskydive and two others that I don't think post here. Wanted to jump more but my back muscles didn't agree with me. So I drank copious amounts of adult beverages instead.

edit to add - We also drunk dialed katecooper. :)

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Well, you at least got to jump this weekend. I'm still suffering with lung congestion from post-pneumonia crap so I'm staying on the ground. I'll get up there next week though. I'll even repack both of my reserved this week.
Mike Turoff
Instructor Examiner, USPA
Co-author of Parachuting, The Skydiver's Handbook

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Moved outta the RV into the house this weekend -- thank dog the weather was shite, as jumping was out of the question. Of course just because we will be free to jump this next weekend doesn't mean the weather will be any better.>:(

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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Great weather on Saturday. Semi-great weather today. Pilot circled over clouds for 40 minutes on a load and got everybody Hypoxic (probably him too).

Postal Rodriguez
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Postal Rodriguez, Muff 3342

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24 stolen hours at DZ but well worth it. Gonna pay for it tonight and tomorrow though with a backlog of reading to do.

Packed 14 student Mantae (Mantas??) - about enough work for three free jumps next time out. They will all be freefly jumps:)
Three AWESOME sitfly dives and I went from going unstable as I aproached terminal to being able to hold a solid, fast, sit on heading and doing figure 8's. I can even slow down enough so that my Raven doesn't kill me on deployment. I'd but a case of beer just forthe fact that it's starting to snivel and open with collapsed end cells when I decelerate before I dump!!

First time I've done a complete FF dive from our Cessna. Strange to exit first and be on the ground before the next group even opened !!

I'm Baaaaack!!


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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Sat in on an FJC course today so that I can get current in instructing.

Got Mouth really good while she was in CA. Everyone just remember to greet Mouth with any form of Blue liquid. NO labels though. Then you say "I heard you nedded some Blue Stuff" ;):ph34r::P

It was pretty wet down here in SUnny Florida yesterday. Only 4-LOads went up at the Hill. Todat has been better but I was doing the FJC and my reserve needs to be re-packed.

Sunny Again,


"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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I've learned a long time ago not to bitch too much about your current state of affairs because no matter how bad your day has been, somebody had a worse one.

This weekend had a very large range of happy to sad.

I did manage some really interesting projects in the last few days. One of which allowed me to give a friend of mine some extra work at higher than his normal rate and I also got to have a front row seat to see some really amazing DEMO work performed by the GKs in a really tight landing area. Way cool.

Photos when they become available. I -couldn't-take any because of what I was doing, but I have an inside track on getting some, so, I'm pretty confidant I'll have something to show. It was well covered by the media.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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0:3:1* (Raeford keg pending)

2 jumps today. First one landed near DZ-center in turbulent air...totally slid that one out on my arse but managed to stand-up near the end of the lawn-mowing process.

Second jump was much better...smacked a nice toggle-turn onto final out near the sock (where Tony said the landings would be friendlier). He was right and I knew it the instant I started pulling both toggles down. The landing was so nice I actually had to exclaim "Oh baby, that is SWEEETTTT!" to the amusement of a couple of jumpers who I landed near.

I'm still constantly wondering about my pack jobs whenever I pull the pilot chute out. I do ask lots of questions in the packing areas though (thanks Josh, Liz, MonkeyLip, et al) and I haven't had anybody rush over to me saying "HOLY CRAP....DON'T DO THAT!!!" :P.

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2 jumps on Saturday - one free for referring a freind of mine for a tandem. The second one was a demo, where I landed in a field of 8-foot corn. Got my canopy untangled, put few holes in my slider, hiked 1/2 mile through very tall corn with a canopy and streamer singing songs about corn.

The sad thing was out of all of this, there was nothing new to buy beer for :S
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Camera, RW and FF jumps, a cool tube jump with Chopchop and a flag jump with vdoschoor or whatever it is Iwan's tag is.

One high speed malfunction and chop.

One compliment on doing reserve rides better with practice from Quade.:P

These pictures are cool.

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We found a guy who'd done one before. The grommets have pullup cords through them and they are not tied to the jumpers hands, just curled around a couple fingers. When he opened up his hands the flag came right off.

Tube jump openings are scary to watch. ChopChop is real good with the tube, but he'd never seen what's going on in the opening.

Skydivers. "How can we make this more complicated and dangerous?" "Hey, how about a big fabric tube!"

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1 (got over the willies):3:0

YAY! I got my mojo back -- after almost an entire season of being less than lukewarm about jumping, actually a bit nervous and fearful, I actually had a great time in the air today. I had three great jumps with good friends, and even improved my landings a little.

I was feeling like a non-jumper, and getting angry at myself for not wanting it. But I'm back to myself now. :)

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ok weekend, working on all kinds of differnt skills. Had a good time, wish it wasn't about to be monday again.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Good Lord, I've never seen a picture of a canopy opening next to a tube either-yikes! :S Very nice pictures though, JP. It really looks like you know what you're doing! ;)

1 official letter telling me the closing date of my house: 0:0

Friggin' rain and cloud cover in Florida for yet another weekend! >:(
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Lots(how much i love Wingi):13:2

Wingnut is so awesome. I'm honored to have such a good freind.

13 totally awesome jumps.

1 case for first hook turn landing. 1 case for something else that i can't post. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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10pt 3-way. Attempted a 4 way hybrid; the idea was surfers on top of the base from sits. Didn't jump Saturday because it looked crappy here in Fla, but they swear they were jumping. :(

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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