
Do Chicks Dig Skydiving?

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I'm a 19 year old male college student, and I'm not one to brag about myself to people, so not many people know I've started skydiving. But I can't help but wonder, do chicks dig skydivers? Or are they afraid of them?

I need words of wisdom from you 25-35 year old 'fellas with a bit more experience than I. Let's hear it. ;)



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I need words of wisdom from you 25-35 year old 'fellas

Damn I'm out of your age range. Apparently I'm no longer useful. I think I'll go eat worms.

Me neither.. save some worms for me.. As soon as I can get my walker outta the car.. [:/]
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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It can help as an opener in idle conversation but, if they don't have anything in common then...."F" it.
If you love jumping one day, and she doesn't jump.
SHe won't understand and you will pay.
I only dated 1 girl(of 9) that didn't at least try jumping, including my ex-wife. Ones that jump once and done are NOT going to "understand" either.
(chicks dig me in my speed suit;))
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I'm a 19 year old male college student, and I'm not one to brag about myself to people, so not many people know I've started skydiving. But I can't help but wonder, do chicks dig skydivers? Or are they afraid of them?

I need words of wisdom from you 25-35 year old 'fellas with a bit more experience than I. Let's hear it. ;)


I'm my albeit limited experience, I've found that if a chick likes you, she likes you. If she thinks you're a muppet, being a skydiver isn't going to help. Basically, it's very complex and I've no idea. Although I did read an article once that said women want to sleep with men who take risks. I've been playing the lottery for weeks now and it's not working, no matter how many lottery tickets I 'accidently' drop in front of women.


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Some girls like it, other girls don't. Heck, some women like brown hair, some like bald guys.

Try being a woman surrounded by whuffo men. There is such an issue with a woman jumping from a plane to whuffo men. I asked my broker why that was - he and I have a good relationship. He basically said that men see themselves as "providers and protectors", and it's hard to provide and protect when their woman is flinging herself out of a plane. I told him to come into this century, please.

However, he does indeed have a point. I find my jumping, as infrequent as it is, is very intimidating for most of the men I come into contact with off the dz. It's puzzling to me, but it's very real.

Or maybe I just intimidate them anyway??:S

However, please discount my entire opinion because I am not a 19-25 y/o male.:P


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I think that if you are trying to romance a female skydiver, then it gives you brownie points. If not, I don't think that it would matter too much, unless you are in a relationship with a whuffo who wonders why are at the DZ every weekend. You know what, though? I would be VERY turned off if I was a whuffo and had a skydiver trying to impress me with his skydiving. That is so obvious. Just be yourself, and if activities come up...share yours. ;)

Anyway, with whuffo men and myself, I have not encountered any men that were intimidated, but they are a little incredulous as I am so small and feminine. They do NOT expect it at all. It seems to turn them on, in a way. I truly think that when someone (male or woman) has a passion for anything, that is very sexy. It is VERY sexy when someone is so talented at something so difficult. Also, it makes me admire someone even more, when I know that he/she has worked HARD to get there. :)
P.S. I am a 32 year old woman, so I am not sure if you want to go with my 2 cents...

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I only dated 1 girl(of 9) that didn't at least try jumping, including my ex-wife.

NINE?! Damn! And people accuse *ME* of going for the young ones!
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Chicks dig skydiving if they're skydivers or if they want to skydive. That's like saying, "Do chicks dig skateboarders?" Personally, I am not impressed by scars and whatnot, so guys talking about whatever injury they get from whatever sport they feel like badasses in does nothing for me. If a guy tried to impress me by yapping about how cool he was since he was a skateboarder, I would start staring off into space and wondering just how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. The same goes for any sport that I don't enjoy. Sure, I would like hearing about it and all...it's neat for people to have strong interests. However, when you get to the point of where it's all you can talk about and that's all that's making you interesting, then you won't be scoring in college because of it.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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This is a blessing in disguise so...


1) I must agree with the rest, it's about 50/50. Learn to use this to your advantage.

2) The right girls will think its cool. The rest are obviously self-restricting and overly opinionated.

3) If you date only the chicks that are on "the cool 50%" side, you'll have a much better ratio of meeting them and some starter lines to work with.

4) Never exagerate your skydiving experiences. The truth will be enough to overload them.

5) If they say that they would never "try it"; that's terrific as long as they are cool with you jumping.

5a. Also, in this scenario, you won't have to spend the next few years of your life giving coach jumps to your sigificant other for free (and miss out on all the big-ways). LOL


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I need words of wisdom from you 25-35 year old 'fellas

Damn I'm out of your age range. Apparently I'm no longer useful. I think I'll go eat worms.

Woo Hoo, Fockers!!! I fit that age range! :P

Now, for the answer, chicks don't freaking care what you do. Some might think it's cool, some might think you're nutz. Big, fat, freakin, hairy deal.

Chicks either dig or do not dig YOU. It's all about you, to them. Be an asshole, and most chicks will boot your ass out the door, while a few will grovel at your feet. Be (one of) the nicest guys on earth and some chicks will throw themselves at you (not), some will wonder why you are not a prick, and the vast majority will just be a good friend.

The hard part is finding that one in the friend category that's worth trying to take to the next level. Good luck dude. By the way, if you were serious about the dig it crap, good luck, and I hope you like lonely nights. ;)
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I wouldn't dig a male skydiver who is in it just for the recognition. don't know if i would ever date a whuffo now that i am really into this sport, however.

edit* first time around, it came out wrong :S
all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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Woo Hoo, Fockers!!! I fit that age range!

Bummer, that means you're too old for me. :$


The hard part is finding that one in the friend category that's worth trying to take to the next level.

Sometimes just finding a freind is good enough for me. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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This has been more than I would've hoped to hear from you guys, God bless.

Alright, if you old foggies wanna chime in and entertain us with your attempts to pick up chicks, go right ahead! B| Haha...keep it comin, I need all the help I can get.



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My last GF and I got into skydiving at the same time, but was pissed at me for continuing it (It was her b-day present. And i contribute that to one of the many reasons we split. Read not that she did not like it she just thought it was her thing and i was invading that.>:( she was just pissed that i was off student status in 7 aff jumps......and at that time she had 12 jumps and is still stuck on aff level 5:P

sorry had to vent. Any way my girlfriend now, who is cool loves it. When i told her i skydove her thought was that maybe he's done a jump or two and in exagerating. She told me that was her initial impression after taking her to the dz and like cheers where "everybody knows your name" she did a tandum and i bailed right in front of her.
Anyway point being she thought i was full of shit
I found its a good conversation if their into it and keep moving if there not

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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