
I hate stupid people..

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Today I had to run a bunch of errands around town. A typical day driving around in Orlando....lots of traffic on the surface streets. Less than 5 miles from my house, I damn near T-boned a woman that turned left in front of me and STOPPED in the middle of the intersection for no apparent reason. I'm in a 4,000lb truck. She's in a Ford Focus. When I came screeching to a halt(along with the car in the lane next to me) just a few feet from her car....I realized...she's not even looking up...she's reading a fucking map!

A couple hours later, a friend and I had just had lunch and we were leaving the parking lot. Some guy pulling into the parking lot nailed my buddys' car because he tried to take the turn into the parking lot way too fast. He tried to blame my buddy for being "too far over" in the driveway. When the police showed up, he had this elaborate story made up about how my buddy had pulled out in front of him, then after he hit him, backed up and made it look like he was just sitting there. I saw it....I know the truth...oh, and my buddy...he's a cop..the guy had no idea until the OPD officer told him that after filling out the report. B|

Then, of course, there was the usual stuff....people slamming on the brakes, nearly stopping in their lane, then making a left turn from the right lane.....people not noticing lights turning green for 20 seconds - just long enough for it to turn yellow just as they go into the intersection, screwing everybody behind 'em...people not paying attention when changing lanes(because they are talking on their cell phone usually) and nearly hitting ya...

....but the thing that pissed me off the most today.... This dumb bitch was driving along, swerving all over the place...using her lane and half of the next, plus the shoulder.. Finally she kinda calms down and stays in her lane...so I decide to pass as quickly as I can...as I'm approaching the back of the car on the right, I see two kids - one about 5, the other about 8 or 9 - climbing on the seats, over the seats, and just being rambunctious as hell......and she's reading a goddamn book! We ended up at a stoplight about 1/2 a mile down the road, and I ended up just rippin her a new one(her windows were down) about not having her kids seated and belted in(she was important enough to wear one, but not the kids). She told me...Fuck off and mind your own business dickhead! What a great example for the kids she so obviously cares so much about. I'm not normally this much of a prick....but when I spotted a cop a few blocks down, I had to stop and tell him about her kids climbing all over the car...I have zero respect for shitheads like that that obviously don't care for their kids safety.. When I passed by a couple mins later, he had pulled her over and was writing a ticket....it's not much, but maybe it'll teach the dumb bitch a lesson...

I fucking hate stupid people..


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a woman that turned left in front of me and STOPPED in the middle of the intersection for no apparent reason. ...she's not even looking up...she's reading a fucking map!

This is called a Darwin Award


I know the truth...oh, and my buddy...he's a cop..the guy had no idea until the OPD officer told him that after filling out the report.

Sucks to be that guy ;)


when I spotted a cop a few blocks down, I had to stop and tell him about her kids climbing all over the car...

She had it coming I guess.

Note to self...don't screw with Aviatrr
"Dancing Argentine Tango is like doing calculus with your feet."
-9 toes

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Shit, and I thought that NJ and NY drivers were bad. :P

Nah...I'd rate the worst drivers a tie between certain parts of Florida (typically central FL, Tampa through Orlando), Oregon (west of I-5 from the WA to CA borders) and suburban Connecticut.;):P:D In a close second, Kentucky (Lexington), suburban Massachusetts (not Boston...for some reason, I have a soft spot for Boston drivers) and Atlanta.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I'm in a 4,000lb truck. She's in a Ford Focus

Ok so why a whimpy little 4,000 lb truck....my 4x4 weights in at 7500....just get a bigger truck and those speedbumps wont bother you a bit.;) I mean FL is too freakin flat to begin with.. with too many tourists....(Orlando)...EEEEKKKK
[singing] have you driven OVER a foooooord.... lately[/singing]:)

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Jeannie, that's just wrong.

If I was back in my old job, and you were being a pest, I would have shown up all bullet-proof and badass and seen you and regretted eating such a big lunch, cause kicking your ass would take a serious effort even on my part. And I am an effective asskicker.

You in an 3/4 ton truck and all pissed-off means I would have just taken the 870 out and shot you.

He did ok just getting mad.


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Gee.... me a pest....naaaaaaahhhhhhh

But sometimes you have to wonder at people in little cars doing stupid things in front of big vehicles.....I guess its natural selection at work. If it was just the perps of this kind of stupidity who would get smushed.. I say no harm no foul.... but usually when they do it other people get hit as well.. as in the case of idiots cutting off 18 wheelers.

I hardly ever get pissed off when I am driving...about the only thing that really gets me seething is people going slower than the speed limit... and when you flash your lights at them.. instead of just pulling over into the other lane.... they stomp on the breaks. Or even better slow way down forcing you to start to pass then they speed up and keep you in the left lane not allowing you past them. Some idiot tried that the other day on me on the way to work... He really does not know how very close he came to being involved in a serious accident.. because there was oncoming traffic in the left lane when he would not let me into the right lane and even had the stupidity to slow down as I was trying to slow to get back over. There was traffic in front of him I could not pass either.. I came within about 1 second of just pushing him over into the BIG ditch rather than taking a headon. I finally jammed on my breaks.. nearly came to a stop and swerved back into the right lane quivering with ANGER.

AS a former police officer how the hell would that scenario be treated.

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Loose, unrestrained kids is one of my biggest pet peeves. I worked a single car motor vehicle accident that was serious enough to warrant emergency transport for all the passengers. The challenge was figuring out how to load 2 adults and 7 (:o)children into 2 ambulances. Of course, all the kids had been squeezed into the back of the vehicle...and of course, unrestrained. Luckily, they were okay...but they're not always and nothing pisses me off more than having to code a kid who should have lived a long life but won't because the parent didn't take responsibility. >:(

I will say this about Florida drivers...they amaze me on a regular basis. Selfish, inconsiderate, dangerous drivers out there. Always stay a step ahead...
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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Shit, and I thought that NJ and NY drivers were bad. :P

Nah...I'd rate the worst drivers a tie between certain parts of Florida (typically central FL, Tampa through Orlando), Oregon (west of I-5 from the WA to CA borders) and suburban Connecticut.;):P:D In a close second, Kentucky (Lexington), suburban Massachusetts (not Boston...for some reason, I have a soft spot for Boston drivers) and Atlanta.

I can vouch for the Lexington, Kentucky one. I live about 30 mintues from Lexington and I hate driving there, esp. downtown Lexington. No one, I repeat, NO ONE knows how to drive.

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a fuckin men brother!!!!!! I would have done the same damn thing with that lady! and cursing infront of them?!?!:o>:(>:(>:( That would be one of the rare times you see steam coming out of my ears!
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Oregon (west of I-5 from the WA to CA borders)

So SE Portland is a prefferred place to drive...that is east of I-5 in OR

BWAHAHAHAHA Ever run into Tonya Harding over by Clackamas Town Center:P

Try driving thru Bend OR during ski season:$

I think its all of OR actually:ph34r:

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I think its all of OR actually:ph34r:

I was tempted to say that, believe me. But when I lived in Portland, I never made it farther east than Molalla.;) But everywhere I went, whether it be Brookings, Coos Bay, Florence, Astoria or Grants Pass (not to mention the whole Portland metro area which includes Vancouver WA :P), it seemed like people had trouble finding the "pedal on the right"...:S:P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I'm driving to work and I notice the guy in front of me (in the fast lane) reading a newspaper while barreling 75 mph down the freeway!

Imagine my elation when I get to work and realize he was one of our new employees. Ha! I harrassed him all day about his driving -

Just friggin amazing the amount of people I have seen lately reading while driving. I guess the rest of the world isn't important enough for them to pay attention to. shitheads


A sweet sound descends
Through blue skies and clouds above
Whispering my name

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Try driving in South Africa Dude!!!
We deal with this shit –and worse- everyday!
The taxi drivers in this country seem to think that the rules of the road don’t apply to them. :S They’ll stop their taxi’s in the middle of rush hour traffic and don’t feel rocks for the twenty-odd cars behind, waiting for a fucking “African village” to climb out (of an unroadworthy van that seats 16) and another 46 to climb in!

I feel your pain [:/]

not jumping sux

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Houston is HORRIBLE. like 90% of the drivers are mexican, dont have insurance, and dont give a fuck. If they hit you, and their vehicle is still semi-driveable, they'll just shrug and keep going. I've never been in an accident, but i've got a baseball bat behind the seat just in case i have to ah.. disable a car. ;) I think they should take cars away from all illegal immigrants, (they walked this far, they can walk more) all soccer moms with cell phones permanently glued to their heads, and anybody over 70 years old. i personally think my grandmother is the worst driver on the planet. if she's driving on the freeway, and doesnt know which exit to get off at, she will slow down to about 20-10 miles per hour and creep along and read the signs. and the traffic is going about 80-90. :S:S

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I just ranted about this a few days ago...

People in general piss me off. One of the things they do that really gets to me is drive. When I start my own country, you'll have to pass a grueling driver's test. None of this simple drive-between-the-cones crap. Things to be included in the test:
* Must be able to demonstrate knowledge that the left lane is for passing. Slower traffic, move right.
* Must be able to take a curve or interstate ramp at or above the 'suggested speed' - conditions permitting.
* Must be able to make a left turn at a stop light without allowing more than a 1.5 car length gap to open up between them and the person turning left in front of them (may adapt this for even going straight through after the light has turned green)
* Obstacles will be introduced when turning at a light, such as oncoming traffic and pedestrians - you must start your turn before the obstacle is completely free of the intersection by 100 yards.
* When merging, you must accelerate to the posted speed limit by the end of the ramp. If your car cannot accomplish this, you will not be permitted onto the interstates.

I'm working on a list of traffic laws as well. Top of the list is: If you kill a biker with your car, you cannot use any form of transportation other than a bike for the rest of your life - regardless of weather conditions.

Another thing that keeps happening to me - at a stop light with two right turn lanes, idiots in the right-most turn lane not only change into the left lane during their turn (where I am also trying to turn right) but they continue into the center lane to immediately turn left into a gas station on the corner!! (the road they're turing onto is is 2 lanes in each direction, plus a center turn lane) What makes it even better is that the gas station is on the corner - they could have gone straight at the light and turned right into the station.


Just friggin amazing the amount of people I have seen lately reading while driving. I guess the rest of the world isn't important enough for them to pay attention to. shitheads

Amazes me too - you're piloting a 4,000lb weapon. Shouldn't you.. oh, I don't know, PAY ATTENTION?!
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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