
Smokers, listen up . . .

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I would never date a smoker. Tastes foul, smells foul. Yuck!:S

I just quit!!

Wanna get drunk and screw? Seriously it would keep my mind off wanting another cigarette.. We could hole up in bed for a couple of weeks and evertime I want a smoke we could do something to curb my need for nicotene!!

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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I would never date a smoker. Tastes foul, smells foul. Yuck!:S

I just quit!!

Wanna get drunk and screw? Seriously it would keep my mind off wanting another cigarette.. We could hole up in bed for a couple of weeks and evertime I want a smoke we could do something to curb my need for nicotene!!

Hey!!! Get off my band wagon!:P

. . . . . . Tumble tumble. . .
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Hey!!! Get off my band wagon!

Just because you weren't able to come up with the idea first you gota kick me? sheeeesh these non-smokers nowadays pretty violent!! Go eat a patch or something :P

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Wanna get drunk and screw? Seriously it would keep my mind off wanting another cigarette.. We could hole up in bed for a couple of weeks and evertime I want a smoke we could do something to curb my need for nicotene!!

Um, it would have to be more often than that.:P

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Wanna get drunk and screw? Seriously it would keep my mind off wanting another cigarette.. We could hole up in bed for a couple of weeks and evertime I want a smoke we could do something to curb my need for nicotene!!

Um, it would have to be more often than that.:P

Well you know, after every round I would want another cigarette.. ;)

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Yeah, kissing smokers is the most disgusting thing. They could be a wonderful kisser, but the taste of smoke completely turns me off.

A friend of a friend's motivation to get her boyfriend to stop smoking: BJ Tuesdays. If he doesn't have a single smoke the whole week, he gets extra special attention Tuesday nights! :D (She didn't do that very often...so once a week was astounding for them.)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Tell your friend to keep smoking and ace the lady, get a new one who likes to smoke pole and ciggs.

He's not my friend! He didn't feel so special anymore after he heard about "25 in 25 days." I think she has since modified her motivational strategy.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Oooh, I dunno... Smokers smell pretty stinky! :S

I have to admit, I used to be a smoker... quit about 3 years ago. I was going to Peru to hike the Inca Trail, so I quit to get in shape for that and I never went back.

So, this may make me a hypocrit, but I'd never kiss a smoker. Ick! Yuck! Blehk! Pahtooey! :P

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Its pretty disgusting. I used to smoke like a fukn chimney but I quit 4 years ago.

I dont like kissing a smoker and I dont intend to. sometimes it just happens:D

I wonder, if I stopped brushing my teeth would she would stop smoking? LOL

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Yeah - Smokers- Urgh!

I was off cigarettes for three years, started back for six months, then back off about a month ago. Already I feel so much better and smoke reeks like ass to me. Shitty thing is my wife and my daughter both smoke. Yuck. I insist they keep the damn things away from me. Hopefully I can get them to keep it out of the house, too.

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the only time I whine is when some jackass lights up in my car or house. other then that have at it;)

I feel your pain. almost everyone in my family smoke. last time I was in NY I stayed at my mothers- my throat closed up everytime I spent more then an hour in the house. (and its not a dirty house either, but the smoke stays on everything)
try sleeping when you are choking. literally.

No more trip home unless I stay some where that I can sleep
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Im a considerate smoker, I won't even smoke in my car with the window open if there is a non-smoker in it let alone non-smokers houses or blow smoke towards people. It's just when people go out of there way to openly show their 'disgust' that gets to me. What I choose to do is my business, nobody elses.

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It's just when people go out of there way to openly show their 'disgust' that gets to me. What I choose to do is my business, nobody elses.

I have to agree 100% with you on this one Dave. I try and keep my smoke to myself as much as possible. When someone makes a smartass comment or fiegns choking I really ticks me off..

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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For those that have quit.

Is it hard to find something to do with your hands (seriously).

What do you do with all the extra time? (Since we used to have to walk outside to smoke)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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