
What did you get for Xmas?

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I was spending Christmas eve alone, not in a good mood. I spoke with superwoman around midnight, went to bed at 1or2am. At 7am my phone rang and it's superwoman on the phone asking if i'll open my door to let her in.

She drove all night to be here and spend Christmas morning with me.

Nicest Christmas present I've ever gotten
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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I got a new computer (don't have it set up yet), a gift certificate for 10 sessions with a personal trainer at my club, perfume, a necklace, a couple tempur-pedic pillows, some clothes, some little flower fairie figurines (I collect Fairies) some gift certificates from Bed Bath and Beyond, a new set of kitchen knives, and an antique Persian lamp made of brass that you put candles in.

Pretty good year.


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I could blather on and on about my gifts, but I'll just say that I realised I had been given the best gift I've ever received: a wonderful holiday season with someone who loves me for who I am. Next to that, material things just don't have the same appeal they used to.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I felt really special this year. This is the first Christmas in 12 years that my mom was actually there. She is bipolar and has sesonal defective disorder and like clockwork goes into a mental hospital around my birthday (Nov. 21) and returns in February - always missing my very favorite holiday (christmas) - but not this year!!! I was able to get her a nice gift basket with lots of lotions and a 6 pack of unreleased barbara streisand CDs (her fav., and now my dad and brother hate me as they live with her). Got my dad a bunch of omaha steaks, which he was loving! Got my brother a GC for a tandem jump at my DZ - now he has no excuse to not go with me next year! LOL I got my hubby a ham radio and some wireless headphones, gamecube games, clothes and some other small stuff.

My folks got me a brand spank new sewing machine (about $300!!) which I was so surprised to get. I also got a nice suit for work, a really nice perfume set, swarovski crystal from hubby (xmas tradition), some scrapbooking stuff (I'm addicted), a wicked kewl MP3 palyer, lots of lotions etc. and money.

Then I spent Christmas day with my family - dinner with my Nana and great aunt and her son (dads cousin) whom I hadn't seen since my wedding. Then over to my great aunt and uncles house. They're getting on in years, but it was so great to see them. They're really special people to us. Then it was home, to sit in our lonely house with our cats and wonder if we should clean up or not :P

Hope everyone has a really great new year!

Arianna Frances

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lots of $$, some jump tickets from my sister and galen's family, some gift cards for pier 1 and BBBeyond, a bonsai tree, wine bible, sweet new omlette pan, and if I can get bumped off my flight tomorrow, tickets to the Ravens game. Those tix are going for almost 500$ on ebay and in the paper! yahoo!


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some scrapbooking stuff (I'm addicted),

Super cool! I am, too! Glad to know I am not the only one. I wonder is there is a S.A. for us? I would go to the meetings if it means getting all of our books and equipment out! ;)
-Converting the world one whuffo at a time.

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A baloon jump and the cahnce to meet and greet alot of the people that I wanted to meet from here @ Dz.com - and a couple of jumps with some of the best in the world.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Mom gave me a blank check for one of those "wrist thingies that tell me when to open my parachute" and a hackey sack to sew on the bottom of the back pack I wear while riding my bicycle to school (gettin healthy an all ya know). I told her about a month ago that after I put the back pack on, I keep checkin and my hackey is gone, so......:P

Merry Christmas allB|


Just make sure you don't go jumping with that backpack, hacky or not, it won't save your life :o

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This is one of the sweeter, more creative presents I got.

I'm moving to California in January... so my cousin got me a T-shirt that says Brooklyn (where we grew up together), with a note that said " A little something to remind you of home and all the people who love you." and a bottle of California wine, with a note that said "A little something from California where I know good things will happen for you." I got all teary eyed when i read the notes.

Other than that I got lots of gift certificates. Can't wait to go out shopping now. :)

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Mom gave me a blank check for one of those "wrist thingies that tell me when to open my parachute" and a hackey sack to sew on the bottom of the back pack I wear while riding my bicycle to school (gettin healthy an all ya know). I told her about a month ago that after I put the back pack on, I keep checkin and my hackey is gone, so......

Merry Christmas all



Just make sure you don't go jumping with that backpack, hacky or not, it won't save your life

But the backpack DOES have Emergency Medical Service books in it, so if I DID accidentally.....:P

The Dude Abides.

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My sweetie gave me the Sharpe's Rifles DVD boxed set! Yowza!

I gave her some tools (she loved 'em! She builds furniture, etc., so she likes getting tools) and a paired DVD anime set: "Spirited Away", and "Princess Mononoke".

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I got lotion and soap and bubble bath from Victoria Secrets, a gift certificate to Dillards, charms for my bracelet, earrings, jump suit, my b/f took a Ruby ring that my grandmother left me and had it set in white gold and 2 diamonds put on each side of it, a watch, and got to see my whole family and spend time with them. I live in Texas and family lives in Alabama and Florida so it was nice to relax and spend some time with them. I haven't seen my mom in a year and the rest of my family in 2 years...
Samantha Weaver

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I got the best gifts I got my heart filled with joy,laughter, and piece of mind. My husband is just the most awesome man in the world. I got alot of time with him. We got a candle called HARMONY from a really great person who loves us, and we got to talk to him. That was the coolest. Our friends and family sent us really great gifts too. I got a call that my dad was in the hospital, but he is going to be fine. I got to hear from some of the great people I've got to meet on this website. We are so thankful for the gifts recieved on this Christmas, tears are falling-Thanks everybody!-Caress:)
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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"im gonna freeze in eloy" quit yer whining.least you go to go to eloy.ive had 7 weekends of clouds and rain and fu&^%n cold! and the flu to boot.cats been sidk and the dog pees on my foot.geez some people get all the luck.***never use wesson oil in your own water bed

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the best gift i got were from BASE813... yup.. him... he knows that i dont have much mony as i work part time after an injury,so he told me that next time ill visit him in UK,he wil pay me a trip to Belgium(talking travel here) to BASE,now thats cool as fuckB|

Cheers brother 7 weeks to goB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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