
If you could change your career.....

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Seriously leaning towards getting my instructors rating ASAP. I think I just lost my job in cell phone sales.:(:)

you should try selling cell phones by the sea shore B|

no, in all honesty, selling cell phones gives me pains, i'd much rather jump out of planes, if it happened by shore, you can be sure I would not complain :P

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Wilderness guide
Stunt man
Well paid Creative Genius <== no one said I'm either of these, I'd just like to be
Artist <==goes along the lines of creative genius.
Race car driver
... to name a few.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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ahh... dreams

At the moment working as a 'computer-analyst-who-does-everything-no-one-else-wants-to-do' for what could be called an architectural/engineering firm.

Going to school for computer programming. My dream job is as a manager of a team of game programmers. I can't see myself actually doing alot of the programming, but can see myself managing a team.

Some day...

Arianna Frances

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I'm an interpreter for the deaf and teach sign language at the college. I love my job. It was the job I had before this one that caused me to go back to school and change my career. I'm glad I did. I love my job. Oh wait, I already said that.:S

That sounds (no pun intended):)
I was a engineer, after college, math was no longer an issue. Depending on who/what/where, you work the job could be good or bad.:(

I've heard with the popularity of CSI and the other shows, forensic science is becoming populer. I think the education requirements would be more challenging than a being engineer.[:/]

My second career choice would be a piano player in a whore house. "Play it again sam".B|

My suggestion? Do some intern/part time jobs in the area you think your interested in befor you commit to 4 years of college. B|

There's always the military where you can be all you want to be. Travel the world see exciteing places and kill people. However I wouldn't reccomend accepting anyhting below the rank of General:S


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I don't think I would change my career, just be better educated sooner in my life with it. I have my own business. I subcontract construction. I would much rather hold my license, and be fluent in reading plans. Things would have been so much easier had I got the knowlege first, then jump in with both feet.;)-Caress
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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Train dolphins or orcas. That would be my dream job. I've already worked with big cats, i.e. lions, leopards, pumas, tigers, etc. That was a blast, but I'm a child of the ocean. I'd be happiest training dolphins.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Seriously leaning towards getting my instructors rating ASAP. I think I just lost my job in cell phone sales.:(:)

you should try selling cell phones by the sea shore B|

no, in all honesty, selling cell phones gives me pains, i'd much rather jump out of planes, if it happened by shore, you can be sure I would not complain :P

Do you want to quit your day job, move to California, live in a trailer with no running water, work for peanuts and jump tickets?

If you do, PM me!

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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I am a realtor. I really enjoy that.

If I could wave a magic wand, I'd get a college degree, and then go to law school. I think I'd be pretty good at law.

Or I'd wave my other magic wand and write - prolifically, and sagely.

Pity I haven't got any wands, magic or otherwise.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I've changed careers or career paths involuntarily a few times now......I'm currently a machinist again.......after being a wanna be airline pilot, then I kicked tires and pumped gas on fighter jets, then became a machinist, then a tool maker, then a tooling designer (it's like being an architect or an engineer, except my designs actually work) :P, then a project manager.......now I'm "just a machinist" again, and flying again for fun.

In a perfect world, I'd be designing, building, and flying the "perfect" airplane........and making mass quantities of money in the process.

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Currently have a B.S. and work in the field of physical therapy.

If I had to do it over again, I would have continued with school and completed my DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) and gone into research for the neurologically challenged.

I LOVE working with the accident victims that come through our rehab hospital, but would like to have alot more background into what's new on the horizon and be a part of bringing that into fruition.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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How old are you and have you ever thought about flying jets or helicopters?

If you're a college grad and under 27.5, then I have an idea for you.

You know, I have a few patients who went that route early in life. They now have the most awesome stories to tell! I could sit at their feet all day long and listen to their adventures.

Kind of like living vicariously through them....it's intriguing.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I think I would be a teacher (preferably a high-paid one)... The summers off would be really nice.

I travel a lot with my curent job (truck driver), which is cool too. I get to stop at various dz's when I want to. It would be nice to have a less time consuming career, though.

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I was a Firefighter for 30 years, 15 as a Paramedic. Also working in test and development of aircraft egress systems.(parachute testing). Now retired. If I had it to do over again, I would not change a thing. It did not happen often but every once in awhile I got a chance to make a real difference in someones life. That gives you a feeling deep down in your soul that is like none I have ever felt.:)Sparky
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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I often wonder how differen't my life would be had I gone to college instead of joining the Air Force. However....it's going pretty well. I've gotten to do a lot of things that most people only see in movies. I've got a kick ass job and even though I have no real degree I make more money than most people that have one. Now....if I can just get out of Cleveland and go back to Atlanta life will be a bowl of cherries. :D

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How old are you and have you ever thought about flying jets or helicopters?

If you're a college grad and under 27.5, then I have an idea for you.

Well, I'm under 27 by only a year, but not a college grad. That's why I'm looking to change careers, I need to get into school.

I would LOVE to be a pilot, or something of the like.

I too wonder what life would be like if I went to school rather than join th Army.

What's the idea, quade?

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We are both loking for a new life, eh?
Get something with fair pay and security.
Without that, the shiney things in in will tarnish & fade fast.
As a future: a surf bum or skydive bum. be sure that you like being a "bum". There's no retirement package with that.
I have to move south and soon (less than 20 months) and I have kids: 2,14&17yrs old or I would n't be sitting up here frozen.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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