
Are you going to vote for Dubya?

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The socialist statement is so ludicrous I won’t even dignify it with a response.

And... as you will see a bit later in the post - the retraction/correction. I would hope you wouldn't think the fascist analogy to be as ludicrous though.

As they say"...you can see the writing on the walls..."

Arianna Frances

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No surprise to anyone as to whom I'm voting for.

As for all the talk about the "government" and its "intimate" knowledge of everything/everyone etc. Let's examine some basic facts:

1) The government, in one way or another, has known the following about its citizens:
--- Where we live
--- Own or rent our home
--- How much money we make
--- Any crimes we're accused/convicted of
--- Driving record
--- What kind of car we drive
--- What kind of gun, if any, we own
--- Where/when we fly
--- Where/when we travel via rail
--- Where/when we leave/enter the country, or another country
--- What "watch" books are checked out of a library

2) If credit/debit/charge cards are used, and there's a legal investigation involved, the government will also know:
--- What you buy
--- What you rent
--- Where you eat
--- Where you play

3) If words are written, muttered in a "public" domain that match a pattern of a plot, per se. It is within all our interests that technology be used to monitor and decipher that information. It is, afterall, the main mission of our government, noted several times in Article I; Section 8 of our Constitution. As such, "freedom" of speech does not extend to the point that what I may say could risk the welfare of others (e.g. yelling fire in a crowded theater).

It has been this way for decades folks.

Now, how has this infringed on my "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" (Declaration of Independence)?

Where does that Patriot Act infringe on my liberties, protected by the Bill of Rights?

It's about "association". Unfortunately, it's no different from communists in the cold war, to the Japanese during WWII, to being a caucasian in a quota-driven-EEO environment.

The issues surrounding the election in November have little to do with real solutions. None of the democratic candidates are offering any real solution to Iraq, foreign affairs or even domestic policy. Their overall plan is raise taxes, expand social programs even more and snivel to the UN with our tail tucked between our legs.

Here are real facts:
--- 2003 was real growth in GDP
--- 2003 saw unprecedented new home ownership
--- 2003 saw the beginning of a turning point in job creation
--- 2003 saw the fall and capture of Saddam Hussein
--- 2003 saw Qaddafi begin to come to his senses
--- 2003 saw Pakistan and India actually begin to diplomatically engage on Kashmir
--- 2003 saw prescription drug coverage added to medicare
--- 2002 saw the groundwork laid to redirect the economy upward
--- 2002 saw the implementation of the largest education bill ever signed
--- 2001/2 saw the fall of the Taliban
--- 2001 saw 3000 people from over 50 countries snuffed in an act of rage which awoke this giant yet again

Not everything is rosy, I'll readily acknowledge that.
Edit to add:
--- The deficit is a real concern, but the government should be netting "zero" in the best of times and running a deficit, as it did during all times of war.
--- I do not like this new "guest worker"/amnesty proposal.
--- The expansion of social services at its core should have completely revamped the systems as a whole.
--- There should be more aggressive privatization of many of these services, with basic federal oversight and/or framework. There are plenty of non-profits and watch groups to keep everyone on their toes.

The past three years for me have seen plenty of turbulence, life changing events. Overall, I feel better about the future, than I did in 2000. Part of this has to do with "W", some of it, not.

The venom from the left only strengthens my resolve to stay committed to the current leadership. By not playing the same game, "W" is on a high road, and is being underestimated.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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in a fascist society private property ownership continues, but entrepreneurs must submit to government's ideologies and goals - chief of which is the task of funding government programs with the proceeds of private enterprise.

Wow, that's where I feel the more extreme actions of the liberals will take us.

Extremists suck.

Bo - Which candidate was that? The one trying to be clean?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I've quite a few talks with friends on how GW has helped/hurt the economy, and I usually get a pretty strong answer one way or the other.

Are you going to vote for George W. Bush for President for a second term?

You don't have an entry for my category.

My dilemma is to vote for him or throw away a vote on whoever runs on the Libertarian ticket. If he signs renewal of the firearms ban, I'm going Libertarian.

I will die of old age before voting for a Democrat, and at this point the only thing dubya has going for him is that he might keep a Democrat out of office.

I'm wildly unimpressed with any of the options (as usual).

Blue skies,


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I wasn't able to vote in the first election, but I know that I wanted to vote for Bush b/c that's who my parents were voting for. Now, my perceptions have changed about things and I don't think I would now. It would have to depend on who he's running against actually. I vote for the person, not the party. And right now, I don't know what my opinion about Bush is. I just can't decide. We'll just have to see when election time rolls around.
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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I'd be happy to pay an extra $10 a jump for a natural-gas-fueled aircraft; they exist but there are none in skydiving yet. I would vote for a guy that would help that transition happen. Skydiving (or any motor sport) is not worth thousands dead; if I could stop a war by not jumping I would. There's always BASE . . .

The only part about that is that you're a "wealthy" professional guy married to an educated professional and another $10 isn't a big deal to you. I get concerned that you'd be happy to force YOUR choice on everybody else. I could stay in the sport now that I'm on staff, but I'd really miss all the young jumpers that would be excluded, forced out, or prevented from joining me at the DZ.

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I'm not allowed to vote yet.. I can pay taxes though ! :S

If your young or old enough you can enlist in the military and go play in the sand:S

BTW when we had a active military draft Viet Nam commie domino theory. US citizenship was not required to be drafted. Of course there was a option some folks packed their bags and returned to their home country.

Now the draftee's (we still have draft boards and require registration) has been replaced by the reserves and the national guard. Those poor folks have no options.

I support our troops and their families.

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>The only part about that is that you're a "wealthy" professional guy
> married to an educated professional and another $10 isn't a big
> deal to you. I get concerned that you'd be happy to force YOUR
> choice on everybody else.

No, I just want one airplane on my DZ that runs on an alternate fuel. Other jumpers can keep jumping the JP-4 Otters if they want; that way they have a choice as well.

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