
Tired of being used!!!

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I have some "friends" that the only time I hear from them is when they are in town and need a place to stay... I'm fed up with it!!! Not this time.... Go get a hotel. >:( I don't want to be a d*ck about it, but when I call them and leave messages.....they won't call back... but a few days before they come into town, its "Hey how you been?", "How's things going?" ect......BULLSHIT!!! Ok, I'm through venting.....

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I have some "friends" that the only time I hear from them is when they are in town and need a place to stay... I'm fed up with it!!! Not this time.... Go get a hotel. >:( I don't want to be a d*ck about it, but when I call them and leave messages.....they won't call back... but a few days before they come into town, its "Hey how you been?", "How's things going?" ect......BULLSHIT!!! Ok, I'm through venting.....

But I see complete strangers offering a couch here on DZ.com all the time. So, what's the difference? Where's the skydiver love?

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hehe... simple...

they can't stay with you because:
you're busy
your place is a mess right now
your significant other would object
make something up!

and then give them the address of the local days inn.

Living half an hour from Disneyland, I get this a lot. Friends can stay for a week, once a year. GOOD friends, more often. As long as they're good houseguests and don't impose on me financially.

A lot of times its "well, you're letting us crash at your place, so we'll cover your food, and disneyland ticket." and I'm FINE with that. If someone just wants to stay and be a leech, then, well, BYE!

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Personally, I hate talking on the phone or writing letters. The only times I correspond with out of town friends are with email. I'd probably be that person that never called you back. But, if I came to your town, I'd want to see you and hang out. If they're leaching off you though, that's a different story. I'd offer money or take you to dinner or something to thank you for the crash pad.

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I hear ya! I seem to be the great shoulder to cry on when things are tough, but other than that I am no good......so the other guy MUST be better! Ehh venting too, but I am with ya!

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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Personally, I hate talking on the phone or writing letters. The only times I correspond with out of town friends are with email. I'd probably be that person that never called you back. But, if I came to your town, I'd want to see you and hang out. If they're leaching off you though, that's a different story. I'd offer money or take you to dinner or something to thank you for the crash pad.

I'm like that too. I'm horribly bad at keeping contact with my friends. Doesn't mean I don't think about 'em or care about 'em - I'm just bad at making contact. Phone, email - anything not face to face and I am likely to be rather passive.

However, I ain't a leech. But one should just keep people's dispositions in mind before one calls someone such a thing

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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A lot of times its "well, you're letting us crash at your place, so we'll cover your food, and disneyland ticket." and I'm FINE with that. If someone just wants to stay and be a leech, then, well, BYE!

OOOOH DISNEYLAND! I want to go there so I can tear it down.

I'll give backrubs for food - and more specialized services are available upon request.

We could even video that and show it in Disneyland!

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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My brother lived in Irvine (Bio Engineer) we always stayed at a hotel and kept beenig at his place to a minimum his wife was a bitch/psycho(police report confirmed) now single;)
2 weeks there and one visit to his house. Our hotel was 1 min away too.:ph34r:
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Sounds like somebody's having a "case of the Mondays":([:/]

ohhhh no you didnt!!!!! :o

Ohhhh..YES I did!:P I truly believe that we are our own pilots of our life and we can choose to go down whatever path we want..we can choose to be happy regardless of the crap day to day or we can choose to be a victim and have a pity party. But where does it get you? Just food for thought. Life is an endless opportunity for personal development and growth. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.B|


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Cool.. so say THAT instead of "sounds like somebodys having a case of the mondays!" Youre much less likely to get kicked in the shins.

Sounds to me like Lizard is just fed up of people taking advantage of his generosity. Dont let the people who go through life being assholes change who you are though.

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Personally, I hate talking on the phone or writing letters. The only times I correspond with out of town friends are with email. I'd probably be that person that never called you back. But, if I came to your town, I'd want to see you and hang out. If they're leaching off you though, that's a different story. I'd offer money or take you to dinner or something to thank you for the crash pad.

I'm like that too. I'm horribly bad at keeping contact with my friends. Doesn't mean I don't think about 'em or care about 'em - I'm just bad at making contact. Phone, email - anything not face to face and I am likely to be rather passive.

However, I ain't a leech. But one should just keep people's dispositions in mind before one calls someone such a thing

I am the same here, except if someone calls me I have the courtesy to call them back. I agree that if I call you and you never return my calls then do not call me for nothing. Now if you respond to me in email or through PM, at least you kept in touch. IT sounds to me that in this case they only make contact when they want something and that is wrong.

I had a friend like this that I thought was my best friend back in my early twenties. Eventually I stopped calling. A year later he shows up at my house, I let him and his new wife in but made it clear I was busy and getting ready to leave. I made no attempt to be welcoming other than light conversation. I never saw them again and have never missed them at all.

Real friends take the time in their busy schedules to call and make contact. Period. We all have lives yet somehow some of us take the time to make our friends feel important to us.

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My husband had a cousin who 'stopped in' all of the time, ate our food, used our phone for his long distance (business) telephone calls. Did this for years, and was pretty expensive as a guest. Finally one day he called from a place 3 and a half hours away, saying that he was 'in the neighborhood'. I told him 'great come on over!' 'We're having pizza, it's your turn to buy' and then I mentioned that my 4 ravenous nephews were staying with us, and they would need to eat, too. Well, he bought the pizza, pop and beer, for the first time ever, and never came over to leach off of us again.
[email protected]

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>>Sounds to me like Lizard is just fed up of people taking advantage of his generosity. Dont let the people who go through life being assholes change who you are though>>

True: Just don't step in their crap more than once or they'll think you like it, any give them a roll of toilet when the next time they visit so they know you aren't going to wipe their butt for them.

Don't worry be happy!:)


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Hey Lizard. How have you been lately? I haven't talked to you in a while.

I might be comin down there in a few weeks actually, if you wouldn't mind...maybe I could stay at your place??? >:(




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I totally understand what you mean Lizard! ... I have friends that have been like that also, and for many, many years... I don't expect a change, but it is nice to know what comes around goes around...I have always been there for my friend, and she; I'm sorry to say... has never been there for me.
I have always been a give give give... and she has always been a take take take. But I knew this almost from the begining, and continue to be her friend because we have such a history. I am choosing to be her friend... and if I have complaints, it is my fautlt. The only thing you can say when they ask to come around after they haven't talked to you otherwise is "I'm sorry, but it can't happen this time" ... It is up to you.
Peace ;)

My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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I totally understand what you mean Lizard! ... I have friends that have been like that also, and for many, many years... I don't expect a change, but it is nice to know what comes around goes around...I have always been there for my friend, and she; I'm sorry to say... has never been there for me.
I have always been a give give give... and she has always been a take take take. But I knew this almost from the begining, and continue to be her friend because we have such a history. I am choosing to be her friend... and if I have complaints, it is my fautlt. The only thing you can say when they ask to come around after they haven't talked to you otherwise is "I'm sorry, but it can't happen this time" ... It is up to you.
Peace ;)


Lany, I agree that what goes around, comes around..but when you are in a friendship and that person plays the role of being the taker and doesn't ever give back, that's not a friendship. That person is using you as a sounding board and nothing else. It's a two way street. Give, Take. You obviously have a loving, caring, forgiving heart and that's why you've stayed in the friendship. Your compassion will come back to you over time. Those that suck the life/energy out of you, you'll eventually hit your wall and will cut away and ask for space. :S


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You're not missing too much. I wouldnt personally race to the video shop to hire it. ;)
Could you send me over some snow? It's really hot here. I went jumping yesterday and I wasnt impressed when I landed short and had to walk the long walk back in the heat of the day, in long grass that was up to my neck and noisy cicada's buzzing around my headB|

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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