
Bush and Blair Nobel Peace Prize Nominees

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Heh, true. Sometimes I wonder what those Norwegians are up to when they select the nominees...

Cannot remember why the Swedes let the Norwegians decide on the peace prize. Mebbe it's a form of "reparations" B|

Santa Von GrossenArsch
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Hmmm. I deliberately avoided citing that nonsense about Hitler and Milosevic.

Do Blair or Bush deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? Not in my opinion. But I won't lump them in with Hitler or Milosovic any more than I would link the Pope or Havel in with them.

I'm in the business of reading carefully, and I normally do. Yes, I had seen the whole article. But I do not think it serves any really useful purpose putting in the names of Hitler or Slobbo..

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Hmmm. I deliberately avoided citing that nonsense about Hitler and Milosevic.

Do Blair or Bush deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? Not in my opinion. But I won't lump them in with Hitler or Milosovic any more than I would link the Pope or Havel in with them.

I'm in the business of reading carefully, and I normally do. Yes, I had seen the whole article. But I do not think it serves any really useful purpose putting in the names of Hitler or Slobbo..

Well it might give a skewed impression to people who don't know all that much... like "gee, they got nominated for the nobel prize, what an honor, see, they really are great guys..." It might not serve useful purpose to throw in those names, but you obviously thought it served useful purpose not to since you deliberately left them out.

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Regardless of his performance in office;

I doubt anyone would question Jimmy's intentions. Nor some of the good results he's shown from his non-government service efforts.

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Regardless of his performance in office;

I doubt anyone would question Jimmy's intentions. Nor some of the good results he's shown from his non-government service efforts.

Even in government, I mean hell, he negotiated peace between the Egyptians and Israelis...

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GDI You politicos better get to flaming each other. I paid good money for this here chair and popcorn. It's not going to waste!!

:: reply reply::

::something argumentative and opinionated. Blah blah. My opinion is all that matter s and is corrected everyone eslses is wrong!:::P

There I did my part. Hope you are entertained now:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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Same reason Milli Vanilli won a grammy! Who Fuck Cares!!!!!!!! It's a fucking award!

And my catholic opinion...

Sex between same-sex consenting adults is a "sin", but fucking one (or all) of your altar boys is OK? Swept under the carpet? Get out of the fucking dark ages!!!!!!

Arafat does what he thinks is best for his people. They lost their land, their home and identity. I'd be fighting like a caged animal too!

I'm going to go kick a puppy now >:(

Blog Clicky

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That's sort of like nominating a meth lab operator for the Nobel prize in Chemistry, ain't it?

Actually, that would be quite fitting. Seeing as the prize itself is named after a man who invented dynamite for the purpose of warfare. Nobel believed it would make war so intolerable that no one would again venture into it. He later established the Peace Prize himself so that he wouldn't be remembered as the man who gave the world it's (to date) most lethal weapon. :S


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Rather more than Bush, I'd guess.

Oh really, so how come you're not on the list of nominees?

I find it interesting that you feel comfortable spewing your opinion on the forums, but you have your profile setup to deny pm's. What's the matter, can't take the heat?


You can say to me in public anything you wish to say to me, or you can e-mail me at my regular (non secret) address if what you have to say is not suitable for public consumption. I don't need any additional channels of communication.

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Regardless of his performance in office;

I doubt anyone would question Jimmy's intentions. Nor some of the good results he's shown from his non-government service efforts.

Even in government, I mean hell, he negotiated peace between the Egyptians and Israelis...

Come on Benny - you are from the crowd that if someone does a single thing wrong, then it doesn't matter what they might have done right. Or are you just so completely partisan that actions don't matter just party?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Regardless of his performance in office;

I doubt anyone would question Jimmy's intentions. Nor some of the good results he's shown from his non-government service efforts.

Even in government, I mean hell, he negotiated peace between the Egyptians and Israelis...

Come on Benny - you are from the crowd that if someone does a single thing wrong, then it doesn't matter what they might have done right. Or are you just so completely partisan that actions don't matter just party?

Come on now, I'm the first to admit when I'm wrong or someone else is right, but frankly, the only thing I've seen the Bush administration do right is invade Afghanistan (and they only did a half-ass job of that).

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Find it whatever you like, but at the very least the first person to cook the shit up understood something about chemistry. More than we can say of full-scale ground invasions of sovereign nations in the pursuit of "peace".

Ah yes, while the dictionary will define peace as a "state of freedom from war" it is also the end result of a war. Has Korea been at peace for the last 50 years? Was the US at peace for the last ten? Think carefully, we have troops in hundreds of countries. Just because it's not in the news doesn't mean it isn't happening. I saw an interview with Colin Powell when he was still Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (or shortly after retirement) and he remarked that during GHW Bush's 4 years in office, they oversaw more than 50 active military operations and actions. How many do you think Clinton did during his 8 years in office. I know everyone here thinks he's a nice guy and all... While I don't understand it fully, I am not blind to the fact that there is sh*t going on in this world that the mass media doesn't need or want to hear about. It would disrupt their errands and ability to get their Latté.

I know it's just terrible what has happened in Iraq, too. No more Ministry of Information, no more secret police, no more rape rooms, no more torture chambers, no more palaces (soon).

As your sig line states, "Damned if you do, damned if you don't". Iraq was never an issue of "if", it was always an issue of when.
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Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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that is definately cool that that prick got nominated for the nobel. but in a way...he may actually bring about peace. after he steals this next elaction ...imagine the destruction and bad will he's gonna create with his next antics. i can't even imagine what he's gona do next. theres oil in venezuala...shit , he could get rid of the evil dictator chavez. he could bomb the whole infrastructue of venazuela and then get haliburton to build it back at higher rates than the local companies would do it for. and he could create the same hatred the arabs have for us in south america.

or who knows what else....sorry got carried away there. but whatever he does....after wards...he's gonna cause a huge peace movement to build afterwards. so maybe he is the right one for this award......i hope he wins really.

oh and bush only has 3 years on the job ...so its to early to compare to some of the before mentioned past nominees....... peace out .... and bush if your out there reading this.....why don't you chill out bro?

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Can you honestly say that Jimmy Carter has not worked for peace? He may not have been the best president, but he's devoted his life to helping people to realize democracy in developing nations, or poor people in this nation to have a home.

True, Carter is much better at being an ex-president, than he was as president.

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How about the short list?

I know...no specifics. Isn't it weird that I was talking about Mother Teresa and her work, and he mentions Bush?:S

Oh, I forgot, she was Catholic and Catholic bashing is OK these days.>:(



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Well, we should cut him some slack. We know that everything that is wrong in the world is Bush's fault. In fact, I blame him for falling down the stairs and injuring my head. That election stealing bastard.;)



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Well, we should cut him some slack. We know that everything that is wrong in the world is Bush's fault. In fact, I blame him for falling down the stairs and injuring my head. That election stealing bastard.;)


At last you're beginning to understand.

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