
Who hates lawrocket?

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I'm in my office after having deposed a pro per plaintiff. My arms are down, drafing a memo, and wondering what's next on my list.

Lawyers are hated. Spread hate and discontent. Who wants to tell a lawyer that he's hated?

Hugs? Shrugs.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I thought lawyers never asked a question that they didn't already know the answer to?;)


Lawyers are hated. Spread hate and discontent. Who wants to tell a lawyer that he's hated?

Oh, my bad, you DID know the answer:D:P

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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I'm in my office after having deposed a pro per plaintiff. My arms are down, drafing a memo, and wondering what's next on my list.

Make sure your secretary proof-reads that memo ;) You are my bread & butter so I only hate lawyers in the most polite way possible :D

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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lawyer are a nessicary evil.....;)

Sorry not big on the hugs....
looking around hoping no one saw nuffin';)

But you are doing your job and what you are trained to do...... don't let it get you down.....

Lawrocket kicks ass!!!:)

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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One and a half passes, Mr. Shark.

Can you tell he's a lawyer? :P

and it seems like a lot of people here are diplomats...
"You F-ing Suck Monkey Nads. :)or
"You seem nice, Asshole."
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I'm in my office after having deposed a pro per plaintiff. My arms are down, drafing a memo, and wondering what's next on my list.

Lawyers are hated. Spread hate and discontent. Who wants to tell a lawyer that he's hated?

Hugs? Shrugs.

Well, let me be frank.
In today's paper I see an article about a lawyer who wants to take the case of Nathaniel Brazill, who several years ago murdered his teacher in cold blood in a classroom in Lake Worth, Florida. (Local news here in West Palm Beach.)

He was convicted. One of the youngest murder convicts ever in Florida. He had been 13 when he shot the teacher in the face in front of his class. The kid had been sent home on the last day of school because he had been disruptive. He went home, stole a handgun from his grandfather or some dude who lived with his family, brought it back to school. He went to a classroom of one of his "favorite teachers," Barry Grunow, and asked to speak with a girl he liked. He was denied, so he stuck the gun in the teacher's face, racked the slide, and eventually fired.

Now there is this piece of shit LAWYER, Jack Thompson, who wants to champion the young murderer.
According to the article in The Palm Beach Post, 2/26/04, Thompson "emerged from a 2.5 hour meeting with Nathaniel Brazill on Wednesday, calling the 17-year-old a 'fine young man' who was wrongfully convicted of murdering Lake Worth Middle School teacher Barry Grunow."

"A FINE YOUNG MAN"?! HE SHOT AN INNOCENT MAN IN THE FACE! How fuckin' low are this lawyer's standards for what makes someone a "fine young man" if he can say that about a convicted murderer who stole a gun and shot someone in the face?!

Oh, yeah, that's right. He's a lawyer. He hangs around other lawyers. That's how.

THIS is what makes us hate lawyers, dude. Their willingness to TELL US BLATANT LIES RIGHT TO OUR FACES. Their absolute lack of ethics when they try to convince us that bullshit is chocolate, and we should all take a bite.

Or how about the lying scumbag laywers who went to Mr. Grunow's widow and coaxed her into suing the manufacturer and distributor of the gun -- as well as the county school board. The novel theory was that a gun that fired when its trigger was deliberately pulled was somehow "defective" because it did not have some presently-unperfected device capable of preventing it from being fired by a "child." Sue the school board? WHY? What did they do wrong? They didn't throw themselves in front of the bullet? How can anyone foresee a kid coming in with a handgun to commit murder?

Of the dozens of lawsuits being brought against the gun industry, NOT ONE has yet collected damages. They keep getting thrown out of court after court, since there is NO LEGAL MERIT to the notion of suing the legal manufacturers and sellers of a legal product that functioned exactly as designed. In this Brazill case, the jury found the gun company only FIVE PERCENT culpable for a several-million dollar award. Then that jury verdict was overturned by the trial judge who said the law does not consider the gun defective if it fired as designed. (Score one for rationality.)

So even though these bullshit legal gambits have been laughed out of court dozens of times, there are still dozens of such cases pending. That means the lawyers involved are either ignorant of the case law that says their claims have no chance of being given credence, or they are incompetent at formulating legal strategies, or they are deliberately abusing the tort system to attempt to bankrupt a legal industry v ia the "death by a thousand cuts." (This has been admitted by Denis Henigan of Handgun Control Inc., by the way. That's his strategy.)

So when there is a failed legal strategy (I call it a FRAUD) that continues to be attempted, even though it is utterly without merit and has failed numerous times, with judges excoriating the perpetrators of it for being irresponsible in their tort, I say that LAWYERS are complicit in an unethical, fraudulent attack on gun makers.

Meanwhile, their efforts to displace blame result in a climate in which everyone but the actual shooter is accused of responsibility for the crime of murder.

You want to know why I hate lawyers? It's lawyers who come up with these reprehensible strategies to steal money from one pocket to another. And they look at you with a straight face and say that they actually believe their own lies.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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can't live with them, can't live without them

"Can't we all just get along?" Rodney King

See, that's exactly part of the problem: there hadda be lawyers waltzing King into court and trying to convince everyone what a swell guy that piece of shit was. Anyone who can do that... I don't respect that ability in a person. People for whom lying comes so easily... I hate 'em.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Hmm...u are filling me with such hope for my legal career ahead!!!!


I am currently trying to create my legal argument for equity and trusts question....:(:([:/]


"This isn't flying...it's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

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