
Have you guys ever met a girl that......

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LOL.. here's a blast from the past!!! Hey Viking, whatever happened with this gal anyways? And for that matter, the gal from the grocery store?

how're the CoCoHo's doin?
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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She was very friendly, made eye contact when she talked, and was an engaging conversationalist.

And the whole Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus debate continues...

I'm a friendly person who smiles alot and while talking to someone, I am usually interested in what they have to say. I never thought that meant I was sending mixed signals, though.

As for Bill's comment, women really might be more of the aggressors! However, I know that I am not subtle. I don't like trying to read hints, blah blah blah, so I try to give others the same courtesy.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Does no one pay attention to dates anymore?
... and how the hell did you find this thread? Do a search for EAT THAT THANG ...??! :D:D

no fucking shit dude! The last post before suz dug this up was in oct 2001!!!!!!

just for the curious that girl is long gone never heard from her again. Now move along and let this thing die like it should have back in 01!
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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the more you think about it the harder it becomes.. so lets qoute nike and yoda (and my kendo sensei)

"just do it"

"do or do not, there is no try."

"do all things with no intention and the openning will appear"
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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What if this girl is telling her friends, "There is this really cute guy in my photography class. Just seeing him makes me smile!! I am kinda worrieed that he doesn't like me or isn't interested because he doesn't talk a whole lot and he had yet to ask me out!"

Then her girlfriends should be telling her to ask Viking out the same way we're telling him to ask her out.

Ask her out dude... B|


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I haven't read all the posts here...but, if you found someone that makes you smile - you gotta ask her out. It's great the way some people can make you feel by just smiling:)

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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oh wait this probly isn't helping:D:D:D:D

Ok, sorry, last post by me, to let anyone else know reading only parts of this like i did at first, this post originated over a year ago so i think we should all let it go, viking has.

again, sorry this is another post to say stop posting on this... but do whatever you like.

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That was a pretty smooth transition from a year and a half ago to today. So did you learn your lesson Viking? Gaurd your emotions, build walls around yourself so nobody can get inside of who you are, and for god's sake stop telling us about women who smile at you.

(this post can't die yet until you learn your lesson)

Just kidding about some of that stuff, you can post cheesy stuff in your life. We need good fodder to last until September of 2004!

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Lets find the hint:
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
and she is always smiling at me and talking and asking questions and stuff
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

I went every weekend to this pool hall across the street from where I lived, and there was this absolutely gorgeous young lady working there, hourglass figure, long dark hair, big dark eyes, beautiful smile. After a while of going there, she got to know what I liked (tea and the newspaper, while I was waiting for a table) (I'm 21). Eventually, when I'd go in, she'd just come over with the tea and paper. So I started talking to her a little more, and weeks later I was at the point where I'd shoot a few games with her when she had 5 minutes to spare.
This girl had everything. She could play, she was in a band, she was a industrial design student, it just kept getting better. Then I got a job offer to move away, and I took it, I just went. No time to say good bye. In retrospect, I missed out big time, because I was too chicken.
But this story's not over.
I went back on holiday's last week. I went back to the pool hall (like 8 months later), just to see in she was there. She was. She asked me where I had run off too, and how things were, and how work was, and we talked and caught up and everything was great. As I left the hall, I got her email address, and told her I'd write her. I said I'd be back in the spring.
I quit my job the other day (nothing to do with her)(that'd make me look crazy) and in 2 weeks, I'll be back down in that city, and I'll go in, and I'll take her out for coffee, for anything, I just know I wont run the risk of missing out on potential like that again.

So man, if this girl girl makes you feel that good, and that sad when you don't see her, consider what it'd be like knowing (and having to live with) the idea that you probably missed out big-time. Go, ask her out, be confident, and let me know how it goes. I'll try to follow my advice and conviction when I get back to the city. I'll do it if you do it.....
Good luck

HAHA! And now she's my girlfriend! Hahaha I haven't posted on here for a long time, but I was remembering this for some reason thought I'd share the update.

I cannot remember being so happy.

Viking how did things turn out for you??

If I ventured in the slipstream; Between the via-ducts of your dreams.......could you find me?

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I feel your pain man. I also have something of a shyness problem myself when it comes to women. But I have to agree with the other replies, just ask her out. I wish I hadn't passed up so many possible opportunities when I was younger. Not that I'm old now (turned 30 yesterday), but I rarely meet interesting single women these days. I really wish there were more single female jumpers at my DZ. Oh well, they say love comes along when you least expect it. It just seems like I haven't been expecting it for an awfully long time. :-)

U not that old!! I turned 30 the other day and also wish there were more single guys out there! Not always easy huh!! **Sori viking, didn't mean to hi jack ur thread!! U know what some times it really is work plucking up the courage and asking her, you will for ever regret the things which you have not done in life and very seldom the things that you did **go on take the plunge and let us all know the good news **

Mike D-23312
"It's such a shame to spend your time away like this...existing." JMH

"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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So, did you ever even talk to her about going out?! Damn, photography class could have made so easy for a fun date! And you never know what kinda pics you could have taken together;)........Dude that is sad.......I went back to school last semester and I am turning so much down, it is painful!:)

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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And i don't take rejection very well so her saying no would supper suck ass.

What is so bad about the word "no"? It's just a word, and wouldn't knowing if the chick likes you be better than just wondering and never getting around to anything exciting. What if she was just waiting for you to make the move and you don't? What is there to loose? She says no, big deal! Find someone who will say yes. You have to ask though. Don't be shy, if you really dig this chick, go out on a limb and live a little. I've also been out on maybe 4 dates in my 22 years of existance and I've had to ask the guy out on all 4. If you don't ask, there will never be excitment, don't let it pass you by! Have confidence in yourself, you're hot-don't let that go to your head, but confidence is sexy. Show off yours!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Viking how did things turn out for you??

I found another girl that dispite being very far away I still love very much, and am waiting for the time when she isn't half a country away. :)
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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And don't take too long asking her either. Sometimes these things can fall apart if they don't gel. She might get the wrong idea, that you don't like her, or must be gay, or something (actually not, since most of the gays I know get along with women just fine). But the opportunity can pass. Somebody else might take the bold step first and win her heart.

The worst that can happen is if she says no, and then you'll be out of your misery. You can come out to the dropzone, make a bunch of jumps and cry about her later in the bar... Oh - be careful about telling her you jump, let that wait just a bit, or else be REALLY low key about it.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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