
Would you shoot someone robbing your house?

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I just don't think citizens should be required to determine whether a person invading their home is armed before using force.

There is one point we agree on 100%. A felon does not need to be armed in order to constitute a threat.

I agree with you and anyone else who would assess the situation before firing. Anyone saying "he's in my house, he's dead," I have a serious issue with. Anyone saying "he does something that threatened me, he's dead" has my full support and thanks. I simply cannot condone a death penalty for trespassing.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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OK, first off, your poll and point of view are seriously screwed up.

You don't kill a person for things. EVER.

I believe you have a skewed sense of reality there. Trust me - someone comes into and tries to take from me and mine - as was said before you better be right with your God.


If I have to shoot someone, I shoot to stop. Not to kill, and sure as shit none of the silverscreen to wound crap. I shoot them to stop them from threatening me or others.

If I have to shoot someone that is treatening me enough to make me shoot them - They get NO second chance.


It just so happens that center mass is the best place to hit a felon if you want to stop them, so that's where I'd aim.

Now you are statring to get it. But actually, from my point of view - 4 or five rounds in the center mass, MIGHT be enough to do the job - But 6 will do , just in case.

I won't vote in your poll because it doesn't have an answer I accept.


edit: if possible, I'd hold him at gunpoint until the cops arrived, but don't take that to mean I'd hesitate to shoot him if he became a threat.

Interesting point of view - but no. You are in my house taking my stuff - pray as soon as you can - you won't last the night.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Well, for me I guess it depends on what kind of damage he inflicted. If he just broke in and I caught him, I'd hold him at gunpoint, unless he tried to attack me, then I'd shoot him somewhere that I know he wouldn't get up, but would still be alive.

However, if he actually touched one of my family, you bet your ass I'd shoot his kneecaps, genitals, and elbows before I blew his brains out.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Well, for me I guess it depends on what kind of damage he inflicted. If he just broke in and I caught him, I'd hold him at gunpoint, unless he tried to attack me, then I'd shoot him somewhere that I know he wouldn't get up, but would still be alive.

However, if he actually touched one of my family, you bet your ass I'd shoot his kneecaps, genitals, and elbows before I blew his brains out.

i think we all feel the same way to some extent. I do not want to kill anyone. And i dont know anyone who really does. But if the presure of the moment are you seriously going to shoot at his knees? The best place to shoot is for center mass chest area. Why casue its a big target and yes you can stop somone with it. Will they die? good posibality, but i know for a fact that if i ever get put in that situation where i am forced to shoot... aka getting attacked or family getting attacked.... i am going to empty my clip in him. I am not trained to wound, i am trained to kill. You never point a weapoin at someone with the entintion of just slowing someone down, you point it at them with the intention of killing that person. if you want to slow someone down then you need a taiser, peperspray, or somehintg like that. Or know alot of martial arts. but if take a gun out and dont plan to use it that person could take it from you and use it on you. So be careful
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I see two different assumptions here:

1 - The robber is a poor downtrodden type, but actually good of heart, just trying to quietly take enough to feed his 17 kids and he wouldn't hurt a fly except that lifes been tough - oh please don't hurt him! it's your fault you have stuff and made him jealous. DON'T SHOOT

2 - The robber has the poor morals and total disrepect of others to break into your house - and you have no idea whether he will or will not kill or hurt you and your family. So you have to assume the worst because he's already given evidence of the worst by breaking in in the first place. SHOOT. And shooting is not an exact science, so if he dies or not, it's his fault.

I'd go with the second assumption. And not give the opportunity for him to touch my little girl. And if I didn't have a gun, I'd use a sword, and if I didn't have a sword I'd stick him with a fork, and if I didn't have a fork I'd use a board with a nail in it, and so on and so forth.

I'd like to see how people with families answered compared to singles. It's completely different when you are responsible for others.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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...I'd shoot him somewhere that I know he wouldn't get up, but would still be alive.


Where exactly would that be?

I don't know, the ocean?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I haven't read this entire thread but thought I'd point something out. Keep in mind that if you shoot the person that broke in to your house and do not kill them, you could be sued by the individual as you obviously did not feel completely threatened since you did not kill them.
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thast the key thing, if they are after me or my family.

if i can hold someone at gun point till the cops get there then i will, but if i are after me they are gone.

did you read the post i had put up earler about what had happened with me and my brother? that is why i dont shoot at first sight.
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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...I'd shoot him somewhere that I know he wouldn't get up, but would still be alive.


Where exactly would that be?

I'll give you a clue. You piss with it. B| And after that, either a kneecap or hold the gun to his head.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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If he just broke in and I caught him, I'd hold him at gunpoint, unless he tried to attack me, then I'd shoot him somewhere that I know he wouldn't get up, but would still be alive.

Shooting somebody is utilizing deadly force. If you shoot somebody just to injure them, in the courts eyes you did not feel threatened enough to use deadly force, but did anyways. That's called attempted murder. Don't be stupid. If you are going to shoot somebody, you damn well better feel threatened, and do NOT shoot to injure. When you shoot, you shoot to kill.

Before somebody spazzes out, I don't mean keep shooting them until they are dead....I mean you shoot with the intent of killing them. If the threat becomes neutralized and they are still alive, lucky them.


However, if he actually touched one of my family, you bet your ass I'd shoot his kneecaps, genitals, and elbows before I blew his brains out.

And if that became common knowledge, you would then be charged with murder...probably murder with special circumstances which would make you eligible for the death penalty. Like I said before, don't be stupid.


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Shooting to wound is a TERRIBLE idea. If you try to shoot something noncritical (an appendage), you are very likely to miss. While you are missising, anyone you were justified in shooting at all will be causing you or an innocent thrid party death or serious bodily harm.



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...I'd shoot him somewhere that I know he wouldn't get up, but would still be alive.


Where exactly would that be?

I'll give you a clue. You piss with it. B| And after that, either a kneecap or hold the gun to his head.

Jason - I think you watch too much TV or you are better than almost every marksman in the world.

Put yourself in a VERYU stressful situation and see where you talent is.

Set that EXACT scenario up at a gun range in the dark - or with your eyes ajusting to the light and let someone shoot at you with paint balls - I give 50 to 1 that you will hit him in the (area) once - Maybe twice out of 10. 5 out of ten will be in center mass - the rest will miss completely. Then add the stress of a"Real" situation and the stats go down from there.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Well, I have to say that if I would ever find myself in that situation I like the ideas that winsor and Aggie dave put forward in their posts. It at leasts gives the burglar an option to live.

However, the chances of me owning a gun are slim. The chances that I would own a gun and keep it in my bedroom are even slimmer :)

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Brits are far more likely to face a violent confrontation with a young, strong intruder

You can't make that conclusion from the data you have presented. Just because in England a higher percentage of burglaries are done with some one in the house does not mean that Brits are more likely to face an intruder in their house. You would still have to take into account number of burglaries and population size.

You are usually well prepared with your data. Sometimes your conclusions seem to be somewhat twisted to fit your agenda though.

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Jason - I think you watch too much TV or you are better than almost every marksman in the world.

You shoot someone in the groin and they bleed to death in a very messy and agonizing way. It's torture of the worst kind. If they live, a shattered pelvic and pubic area is completely crippling. Nice choice.

But the response to always 'hit em in the nads' is usually a flip response or just a junior high mentality/posturing in action. I'm surprised how often I see this on these forums. However, I think Jason, in this case, is likely just being flip here as he's not one of the childish posers here.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Wow, lots of posts. Duckwater's point about shooting to kill and emptying the gun is a good one. If you wound somebody or try to do so and miss, if they weren't planning on killing you then at that point they will be. And when there's only one side to the story... also a good thing.

When I went to get the CCDW permit in my previous home state of KY, they talked about all the situations in which you are justified and all the situations where you are NOT. Here's my conclusion on the situation: THE LAW SUCKS (sorry, lawrocket and other litigators). There are so many loopholes and technicalities that it's impossible to guess. So here's how I look at it:

Plan on the worst case scenario: that even if you ARE justified in using deadly force that the injured party will have a good lawyer and will get you caught on one of these myriad technicalities and put you away for the next ten years of your life. Now, when you find yourself in a "to shoot or not to shoot" situation, take (literally) a half-second to ask yourself:

Is stopping the crime I'm about to stop by shooting and/or killing somebody worth spending the next ten years of my life in prison:

1.) Murder? Definitely. Take the shot. I lose ten years, but I can give somebody else back the decades of their life that they were about to lose.

2.) Rape? Definitely. That's the kind of thing that f**ks somebody up for life. They won't die, but trade ten years of shitty life for a lifetime of shitty life anytime.

3.) An ass-kicking? Maybe. Are just fists involved, or is it baseball bats and brass knuckles? If somebody isn't going to be able to walk again, it may be worth the stretch. But if it's just a matter of a couple black eyes or having a jaw wired shut for a few weeks, keep it in the holster.

4.) I catch a guy in my house holding a knife? He's a dead son of a bitch. Nuff said. BUT:

5.) I catch a guy in my house holding my TV? Try to hold him until the cops get there, but I'm not willing to go to jail for my 27" JVC. If he decides to rush me, THEN AT THAT POINT it's more than my TV, it's "sorry officer, but I genuinely believed my life to be in direct danger, so I put nine hollowpoint .45s in his chest."

So that's how I see it: there aren't many possesions in my house that I'm willing to go to jail to protect. If my life and the lives of those I care about are not in DIRECT danger, I'm inclined to shy away from deadly force. But come for my life or to harm or kill somebody I love and I will do everything in my power to stop you.

Elvisio "maybe if it was a 42" plasma screen..." Rodriguez

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5.) I catch a guy in my house holding my TV? Try to hold him until the cops get there, but I'm not willing to go to jail for my 27" JVC. If he decides to rush me, THEN AT THAT POINT it's more than my TV, it's "sorry officer, but I genuinely believed my life to be in direct danger, so I put nine hollowpoint .45s in his chest."

Where I live (TX), it is 100% for you to shoot that perp dead for being in your house. No prison, just the remorse and mental anguise that will follow such an event.

It amazes me to read the responses in this thread.

Some of the answers make it painfully obvious that a majority of folks only dealings with an actual firearm is what they saw in a movie.

If they had actually been trained in tactical defense or even if they've ever actually shot a weapon, they'd understand how ludicris some of their answers have been!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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People are way too protective of the shit they own. It's just that people, shit. Ever heard someone say they'd kill someone if they fucked with their car? Jesus... it's just a car!! Yeah, I'd be pissed, but I wouldn't kill someone over it. You want to take all my crap? Fine, I probably won't kill you over it. Most of the time, they wait until you're not home anyway - most thieves don't want confrontation.

This might have already been said (sorry, I didn't read through 200 replies) but could someone in Canada verify this for me? - I heard once that in Canada, there's one place in your home where you can shoot & kill someone with basically no questions asked. That one place is the bathroom. Makes sense - you keep nothing of value (typically) in the bathroom. If an intruder is in there with you, he's coming after you. Makes sense to me. If I think you're coming after me, I won't hesitate to kill you. If I see you crawling out my back window with my VCR, I'll probably yell and scream.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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This might have already been said (sorry, I didn't read through 200 replies) but could someone in Canada verify this for me? - I heard once that in Canada, there's one place in your home where you can shoot & kill someone with basically no questions asked. That one place is the bathroom. Makes sense - you keep nothing of value (typically) in the bathroom. If an intruder is in there with you, he's coming after you. Makes sense to me. If I think you're coming after me, I won't hesitate to kill you. If I see you crawling out my back window with my VCR, I'll probably yell and scream

I have never heard of that, at all.

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If they had actually been trained in tactical defense or even if they've ever actually shot a weapon, they'd understand how ludicris some of their answers have been!

You know, if you can shoot off their belt so their pants fall down, they'll trip and fall. Then you could throw a butter knife or three to pin down their shirt to the floor. That'll work and give you plenty of time to take the golden idle and escape with the girl. They'll not get loose until its too late and the ravenous beetles will kill them for you. :D

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I have never heard of that, at all.

Well, it was years ago, and I heard it from a Canadian. You know how trustworthy those sneaky Canadians are.... :D
(yes, I've turned a gun thread into a 'bash Canada' thread)

"We're sneaky like that...you can never trust a Canadian.
Next thing you know, we'll be supplying your natural resources!"
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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