
This is sad and quite dissapointing...

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I'm not sure exactly when it happened. I noticed it only sometimes and thought it was just some strange anomoly. But then more recently its frequency has increased to an alarming rate. Yes my tolerance seems to be fading away quickly. I now suffer from hangovers from just small amounts of alcohol. Where as in the past I could drink like a wild crazed Viking and party until late late late in the evenings with little or no suffering. Recently I find myself unable to function the next day after any hard liquor. WHAT IS HAPPENING!!![:/] Dear me this is horrible... I just, oh man where did it go!? Am I... am I.. am I getiing old? Responsible? Why Why Why!? I'd do anything to get my tolerance back to what it used to be but,... alas... it may be hopeless, futile...:(

Dear Tolerance,

I miss you. Please come home. I promise to let bygons be bygons and we can start fresh.

Love Seb


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Oh dear Lord, this is a tragedy!!!;) GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!! RUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!:P Is it contageous?!?:o Should I be careful around others who suffer from such a problem...I'm worried...:D:ph34r:

~R+R:) .... Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!...
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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That happened to me in my early twenties. I doubt my tolerance was ever anywhere close to yours, but I had to start laying off.

It can be fun being the only sober person at a party. :S

Wanna do yoga instead? It gives you a wonderful, relaxed feeling, with no hangover. :)

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Sounds like you're not drinking enough. You have to get your body past the "small amount of alcohol" hangover in order to not have a hangover.
Oh and if youre not drinking a big glass of water and taking 2 Ibuprofen before passing out, then youre a dummy and youre gonna have a hangover.
Dont forget the other age-old cure... greasy cheeseburgers and a BIG Dr. Pepper with lots of ice.
now.. there ya go.. well on your way to being old and fat, but feelin fine! :ph34r:

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Me too. I can't drink beer so had to move to hard liquor though. Beer is just way to filling - rough on the system.

The trick is to find that one liquor that doesn't give you the hangover and just stick with that. Most people it's usually vodka.

For me - tequila

Then you can continue to hide bottles around the house and at work and stay in tune like always.;)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Well, if you get past the "small amounts" and then

hide bottles around the house and at work and stay in tune like always

Basically, you just stay mildly drunk all the time. Eventually, people won't even notice and you'll never have a hang over again.

OR... you can just admin that you're old :P & just like basically everything else, you can't do it like you use to :|.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Dude that is really really nice thing to say Keith, thanks!

Honestly it is true. I just can't seem to hang any more. Huge alcoholohic binges in the past would take one nights sleep or so to recover but now it seems like days and days. It must be the age. Oh well. Guess it was inevitable.

Like metnioned above I have more $$$ for jumps now...

Drink more wine...

Lighter beer...

Pop more ibuprophen...

drink more agua...

no mas hard liquor...

though I can still occasionally sip a fine El Tessoro out of a snifter...B|

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You really do sound depressed about it.

I backed off a ton the last couple years and am actually having a lot more fun in the evenings and especially in the mornings. Just cause the campfire is on every friday and saturday at the DZ, doesn't mean it's a drunk fest like college.

This might be a good thing.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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There are benefits to getting older. Drinking less is one of them. You'll soon find a new freedom in less alcohol consumption B| Really, you'll see. It's kinda like quitting smoking. At first you miss it and long for it. Then one day you look back and realize you're no longer chained to the convenience store, and you get a different sort of satisfaction :)

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Dude. Our ladies hoops are in the Sweet 16, and now you are telling me you sold out your UCSB history by a lack of tolerance.>:(

Dude. I'm upset with you. Next thing you know you'll be saying that you get tipsy and horny off of a Midori sour.

Still, I can offer some advice. First, drink some water - plenty of it - a couple of hours before you start drinking. Starting off hydrated will not only help you avoid problems, but the large volume of water will prepare your stomach to hold the alcohol (hopefully, you down it with nachos, wings, or some other barroom fare).

We are aging, and thus must prepare ourselves for such things as self-abuse. A little preparation beforehand should help.

Now, pound water and drink, dad raddit.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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[toy s r us theme song]

I don't wanna sober up
I'm an Isla Vista Drunk
It all started back in high shool when I was a punk
From beer to weed to LSD
What a wonderful place to be

I don't wanna sober up
cause if I did
I wouldn't be an IV kid

[toy s r us theme song]


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I had this problem for a while. Then I quit drinking anything that came in gallon-sizes and plastic bottles. Hangovers improved as the quality of the alcohol improved. Also, a chemist-friend of mine offered up a hangover-minimizing recipe. Someday i'll whip up a batch for you.

Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me
Feel the hate...
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Yes it is a pretty good indicator that my body has a few miles on it now. Not new anymore ya know...

I hate to admit it but I can't drink like I used to either. I remember the days of Korea in 98 when I could literally drink a case of beer every night. Stay up till 1AM then be to PT by 6AM. Where I did all the cals and ran 3-6 miles while sipping on the water in my Camelback. Then I would go to work all day and start the process over at 730PM each evening. Had to dry out a little when I came back to the states but not much. I still do the party then work thing occasionally but I have to be a bit more resposible these days. Lately...if I stay out drinking till 2-4AM I am in bed till at least 11. :S Something about going past 30 put the hurt on me. I have learned to drink AT LEAST one glass of water before bed. Two is better and it SERIOUSLY reduces any hangover effects. Getting old sucks though! At least I'm not a candidate for Viagra. :D

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