
Weekend Numbers..

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Home DZ is down so I road tripped up to Sebastian for some jumps on Saturday. Winds were a bit squirrely, watched one of their packers break an ankle on landing. Went up to Homestead on Sunday but the winds where a "steady" 25 mph, so no jumping for me that day.

I have no idea how someone else here did 22 jumps over the weekend. I'm wiped out from the 5 I did. Guess I'm an out of shape wimp.

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I have no idea how someone else here did 22 jumps over the weekend. I'm wiped out from the 5 I did. Guess I'm an out of shape wimp.

Iwan is 25 years old.. and he started on Friday with me.. ;) The kid can take it! B|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Taking it easy until training season starts and the Otter gets here. But my teammate got his new rig. The Cessna was shut down by mid afternoon.

2 cases from others (new teammate jumped his new rig with a Samurai, tandem master jumped his new canopy)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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It was too windy last weekend. Low 70's, but too breezy. I mowed the lawn on Saturday.

Sunday was 4-way scrambles. A certain dz.com poster got a shirt for placing 3rd. I'll bet it was his first time to place in 4-way. I'm not going to mention any names, but I'll bet Marc owes beer. B|

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0-humps.... on the Weekend anyway ;)

4 jumps

lots of beer owed for Graduating AFF, making my first solo jump followed by two more solo jumps, first out landing - in a briar patch, ok, it wasn't that far out, just not a good place to land. (SO glad I had protective clothing on... just wish I had a full face helmet :S)
and finishing up the weekend, I just got a new tattoo to commorate graduating AFF & making my first solo jump B|

earthbound misfit

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5 jumps at 3 DZ.. not too bad since I spent most of the weekend being ELSEWHERE.

Got to jump at Toledo WA.. I stopped by hoping the Beech D-18 was running but nooooooooooo...it needs an annual...waaaaa

ON down to Skydive Oregon first thing on Sunday.. not a soul in site at 8:30 am in the morning.. no campers no nuthin... geez..

So I drive over to Skydive BeaverCreek( the Call Ralph place)

A few peeps showed up.. I spent the morning going thru old containers looking for what would have been my "IDEAL" rig back in 1978...found it.. a 1978 Wonderhog and he found me a 26'LoPo to go in it as well. Now I have my Waterjump rig to put my Stratostar in:)
The place is an experience.. you gotta see it and experience it to beleive it....one of a kind.

I also bought my new r-Max reserve and a new Cypres2 for my NEW Infinity....its gonna be sooooo puuuurtyB| and be built for SPEED....Did 3 dives.. out of the C-182.. from the grass strip..( I even got to drive the ancient tractor with the mower thingie to cut the grass on the runway) Now if he would get the dam BEAVER (snicker) annualed so I can jump out of it....I think these DZO have not gotten the memo... SPRING IS HERE

It was fun weekend. I think another DZ crawl is in order soon.

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(500, 5, and 36):11:2 {1 unpaid due to one of the hump numbers}

Long... sorry... but it was fun :)
<<<<< skip below if you don't want to hear about it>>>

500 - The latest 00 number, and cause of the case owed. What an amazing jump! An absolutely georgeous hop'n'pop from 14 K. Mid-afternoon on Sunday I found myself sitting in an otter, rising up into the sky. Surrounding us are stray clouds, few exist, but those that do are massive white towers rising thousands of feet into space. One cloud spire, viewable from takeoff until exit, had been calling to me, "It's time to play". But my playmate would have to wait, as we climbed above it by a couple thousand feet in a matter of seconds (love that fast otter). The plane unloads, leaving only the pilot, Yoshi, myself, and the special kind of silence that only a jump plane at 14k exhibits. The view from 14k is amazingly clear; details rise from the landscape as if a large lense has been placed above it. I see it, My cloud. Easily reachable under canopy. It's time to go... 500.

3... 2... 1... seeya ... wooosh.. foooomp... whishhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... {take helmet off and strap on chests trap} SSSHHHHHHHHHHH.

(side note: an xfire loaded at 1.65 sounds amazingly fast at altitude)

Slider stowed and chest strap loosened, I'm ready. I hit the brakes and wait for Yoshi to do the same.

At thirteen five, it's time for some casual CRW. I watch as pair of feet, visible by shadow only, work themselves from one side of my canopy to the other, exiting from the rear.

I wittness a progression of end cell kisses; a first kiss... brief and smooth, leaving you with a lust for more. Quickly this is followed by an adolescent kiss; rapid, overpowering strokes are intense but unfulfilling. The final result is that of an experienced lover; a slow mingling of the pair, slowly and softly carressing, feeling and reacting in kind to changes.........


It's time for some speed!!


I crack out a riser + harness 270, nearly deffining myself with the sound of speed. Yoshi folows suit, easily keeping up under his borrowed Velo. It's time to dogfight. I'm in the lead whipping out carves, rolls, and switchbacks... he's on my tail at every turn, we have a few thousand feet before we are even with the clouds. I dive and start a slow spiral, he hits breaks and matches my turn rate, we are opposing hands on a giant clock... if I hit a 4 o'clock he is in a perfect 7 o'clock. As the speed builds, the spiral tightens: after 4 revolutions we are nearly topskin to topskin, flying through the sky so tightly that the only reference to another body in space that I can disurn is the man-shaped shadow that appears on my canopy when it is between the sun and my eyes.

Slow… slow… slow… we break the dive in unison, while looking around. Those white towers, the clouds of amazing height, are nearly among us. It is time to choose. I assess one opportunity (slightly downwind) and another (slightly upwind) of our landing area. Both look like fun, and I decide that the upwind one will leave us the best options when closer to the ground. Pointing at the vertical pillar, I begin a snap hook, diving at the milky white boundry, marking the edge of the cloud. WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO. We hit the edge….. dragging toes through the edge of a cloud is amasing! Long carves tracing the edge of the cloud are playing out. We leave trails through the white thickness with bodys and canopys, exploring the structure of our friend. Now I see it, a cloud cavern. Just below a ridge, resides a cavern, in side the cloud. I burry a riser and accelerate through it. For a few thousand feet we play, exhausing arms and minds with the possibilitys.

I crack out a riser + harness 270, nearly deffining myself with the sound of speed. Yoshi folows suit, easily keeping up under his borrowed Velo. It's time to dogfight. I'm in the lead whipping out carves, rolls, and switchbacks... he's on my tail at every turn, we have a few thousand feet before we are even with the clouds. I dive and start a slow spiral, he hits breaks and matches my turn rate, we are opposing hands on a giant clock... if I hit a 4 o'clock he is in a perfect 7 o'clock. As the speed builds, the spiral tightens: after 4 revolutions we are nearly topskin to topskin, flying through the sky so tightly that the only reference to another body in space that I can disurn is the man-shaped shadow that appears on my canopy when it is between the sun and my eyes.

Slow… slow… slow… we break the dive in unison, while looking around. Those white towers, the clouds of amazing height, are nearly among us. It is time to choose. I assess one opportunity (slightly downwind) and another (slightly upwind) of our landing area. Both look like fun, and I decide that the upwind one will leave us the best options when closer to the ground. Pointing at the vertical pillar, I begin a snap hook, diving at the milky white boundry, marking the edge of the cloud. WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO. We hit the edge….. dragging toes through the the edge of a cloud is amasing! Long carves tracing the edge of the cloud are playing out. We leave trails through the white thickness with bodys and canopys, exploring the structure of our friend. Now I see it, a cloud cavern. Just below a ridge, resides a cavern, in side the cloud. I burry a riser and accelerate through it. For a few thousand feet we play, exhausing arms and minds with the possibilitys.

Rest for 2000 ft. Arms and abbs are worn from the exertion. Landing is still to come.

By this point I am in a nearly tantric state of canopy love. With 2000 ft, I begin my setup. Point A, on it, point B, on it.... TURN... (20 ft high, but that's ok) carve it... slow slow slow.. doubles..... release slowly... and yes yes yes... let the mofo fly, tap accuracy disk and keep going..... nice.

Yoshi, thanks again for an amazing jump!!

<<<< start here if you didn't read above>>>

5 - miles landed off the DZ on my first jump Sunday. Speed jump, last off the plane, opened above some clouds. Set it down in a tiny patch of land (with easy access to the road), packed, walked a mile or so before they found me ;).

36 - Number of hours that I was hungover due to Friday night's party. If you saw me that night You didn't see me!!!

11 - Another great weekend filled with jumps. Paying off the weather gods is the best thing I've done since I've started jumping.

2 - 1 for the new jump plane (paid). And 1 for the 500'th jump. Couldn't pay it, as I couldn't even think about beer for few days (yes I really woke up with a hangover on Sunday due to Friday night's events).

Blue ones


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