
Who had a suckie day

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Not me. I had an excellent day. Slept in, got a little bit of work done (a very little bit) both at work and at home, made a skydive, got my new car insured, went for a bike ride and took a nap. :)
Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

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Well, mine has turned into a pretty suckie day too. :(

Got up this morning, feeling fairly happy... saw my kitty and bent over to pick him up when OUCH! - something pulled in my neck/shoulder and now I've have had a nasty throbbing pain down my whole left side all day... from my fingertips to my toes! It is my anniversary today, and my friend's birthday, and I was supposed to go fly in the tunnel with my buddies... but now I've had to bail out because I am in too much pain. :(:(:( It's dangerous to pick up cats! :o:S

So yeah, I've had a suckie day too... but I'll stop whining now. [:/]

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Mine was a big pile of SNOT!

Mine was more of a stirred up pool of mucus. :P Got the "reject" notice on two job opportunities and a "maybe" on another. Went to go workout and my trainer let me take it out with some kickboxing, then I ran .9 miles in 7 min. I feel a little better...but it didn't get rid of the pool... :S[:/]
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Well the day was fine till now....I am sitting in the bathroom in the middle of my apartment with the tornado sirens screaming....what fun...

at least i have power and wireless interent...HAHA
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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My day was Yin/Yang. Work pretty much sucked. Yeah I know.....most people would pay to do what I did today but for me......it sucked! I spent ALL DAMN day at the range. Left my house at 740AM and got home at 6 PM. I ut a few hundred rounds of hollow points down range and now my hands hurt. Anyway......so the first part wasn't so great.......but then I got home. I was screwing around on DZ.com and then went to check my email. My reaction to a couple of emails I got......"HOLY SHIT!!!!!!" Can't say why but it was RATHER amazing. Absolutely crazy shit. It's good shit though. Now the question is......can I pull this off? :S:D

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mine was ok, today for my Army ROTC we went paint balling in the woods and it was cold and rainny but ever so much fun.:ph34r: But what made it such a good day is that I nailed my ex b/f a number of times with the paint ballB|, o0o0o that was sweet:ph34r:. He didn't like it too much. he he he:P
Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.

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my day sucked. I work in a lab& just spent most of the day doing an assay on the WRONG batch of virus. :S

Tomorrow my hyper-workaholic Type-A Japanese boss will probably give me shit about that. sometimes I wish I worked at a boring, routine job where there aren't so many things to screw up.

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Today was good. No real complaints here, well maybe about the weather. Its looks and feels like winter is back. Burr it's cold outside.

TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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It's been a sucky MONTH. How else would you describe a month in which Skydive SoBe shuts down and leaves you with a choice of Clewiston (1.5 hours away), Sebastian (2+ hours away) or Lake Wales (3+ hours away) when the place was shaping up to be KICKASS and had a great crowd of regulars?!


On the personal front, things have been pretty good, though. But inability to go skydiving due to lack of DZs is a big overall damper.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I hate you have had a bad day and with the job opportunities not going so well either. :(I hear that a lot of people. I know of a friend of mine been looking for a job for about 5 months now in the computer field and nothing this is in Atlanta, Ga . Everyone is sending jobs over seas or cutting back. I wish you luck in finding a job and hope things get better.

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