
Energy drinks

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This topic hasn't been covered here for awhile so I'm resurrecting it.

If you drink energy drinks, which one is your favorite? Post why it's your favorite, which other ones you've tried, where you buy 'em and where you'd like to be able to buy them too if you're so inclined.

I've tried Red Bull, Rock Star and Go Fast. I prefer Go Fast.

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i've tried go fast and red bull, and i like the taste of the go fast best, but the red bull is more readily available in your average convenience store and i find it has a better kick to it.

being a can-eh-dian, we can't buy any of the good ones up here so the only time i get to try them is when i travel south.
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180 baby!

As a BASE jumper, I just got to love the name. It'd be like an energy drink named "bag lock" for skydivers.

I'm also a big fan of Go Fast! because of all the cool things they've done for skydiving (in general) and BASE jumping (in particular). For many of the same reasons, I've long had a certain distaste for Red Bull (sponsoring people to flagrantly violate BASE ethics just isn't so cool, in my opinion).
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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180 actually doesn't taste bad. It's kind of like thickened Orange Fanta.

You may have gotten me really really excited! Does it taste like a thickened version of the Orange Fanta in the US or in Spain???? The Orange Fanta in Spain was orgasmic. I'm considering selling a kidney to get some shipped over here.
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The US, unfortunately. I know what you mean about the Euro-Fanta. It's quite different from the US version.

Have you tried the Latin American version? It's a bit better than the US, in my opinion. And there are a variety of other, similar products marketed in Mexico. You can find some of them in the ethnic section of some supermarkets.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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I've only recently tried Red Bull, and I love the taste... and the buzz... I love caffeine. But I think they're too expensive... never cheaper than $1.99.
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I hate them all. The only thing I like is Red Bull with vodka. I can't stand Red Bull on its own, but vodka really improves its taste.

I can't drink vodka, it makes me forget what I did:S

I have tried a few energy drinks, and have never noticed that they have given me any extra energy. Maybe it's cause I can drink a whole pot of coffee in the morning.
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I have tried so many and I think the better ones are : Red bull, Rock star, 180, and energy. The best name of a energy drink that I have seen is "Whoop Ass". Yes, there is a such thing as a can of 'Whoop Ass". It taste okay but I wouldn't drink it all the time.

TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
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