
Posion Ivy

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ok, how do I get rid of this? I've got it on my forearms and wrists. and no, I'm not scratching it. but I work with my hands, and have to wear latex gloves, so it might be prolonging it, at least on my wrists.

when I first got it on Sunday I didn't realize it & I scratched, so now the bumps have come up & won't go away.>:( I also realized that if you scratch a poison ivy rash, and then scratch another area of your body, it will spread to that area.>:(

so I've been using Vitamin E oil, and it's not doing much. Does anyone have any secret remedies?
Speed Racer

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I had a WICKED case a few years ago... all over arms and legs. The two products I used:

Tecnu - I'm pretty sure that's how it's spelled. S'posed to help pull the oils that cause the reaction out of your skin. Rub it onto the infection, wait a few minutes, then hop in the shower. I did this before every shower.

Rhuli Gel - mostly just an alcohol gel. It says it helps relieve the symptoms... but I think mostly what it does is cool your skin when the alcohol evaporates. Feels good, even if it is just a placebo.

CVS or another pharmacy probably has both products. Wish I had more info... it took a while for mine to heal, but different people react differently.
Continue NOT scratching, and change your sheets more frequently... it's possible to deposit the oil onto your bedding and furniture and actually re-infect yourself.


Elvisio "scratch master" Rodriguez

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Hmm. Thanks to Uncle Sam, I've got plenty of experience with Poison Oak. Fundamentally, there isn't much you can do about it. In really bad cases, cortisone shots can be helpful.

I don't buy the part about scratching the blister and spreading it that way. What I have seen is people re-dose themselves by not having completely clean clothes and re-wearing them with the poison oil on them.

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I use to get that crap ALL THE TIME. It's not the best & it stings like a bitch, but I ust to put either rubbing alcohol or clorox bleach on w/ a soft wash cloth.

I subscribe by the no matter the pain get this shit off my skin manner though - many people do not.

I use to get in on my arms or legs while playing in the woods when I was younger. I'd scratch it to hell, open the wound, then accidentally scratch my stomach or neck or something - end up w/ it all over.

A bath I think w/ oat meal is suppose to help it feel better also.

good luck!! i catch it if I stand downwind from a plant - it sucks!! Recently cought it on public transit. Was talkin w/ a co-worker, holding onto the same train balance pole - didn't know till the next day that he had a case on his hands - by then, I had it.:S

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I used to get extreme cases when i was younger....completely swollen-shut eyes, shots, the whole 9 yards.

This will sting for about 2 minutes, but it's a guaranteed cure.

Scrape the sores until they are open and weeping. Next, dip a rag into Chlorox (non-diluted), wring out the rag, then "blot" the sore with the Chlorox. Like i said, it will sting like hell for a little bit, but with only 1 or 2 applications the Chlorox will dry up the sore in less than two days.

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I did the "scrape open" thing too. However, I put table salt on them. It kills it pretty well.

The key thing that made me itch was heat. As long as I stayed in some cold a/c, I was ok.

When I was a kid, I caught it really bad and we didn't have a/c in the house. Imagine Florida summer, no a/c, poison ivy. No sleep for days.

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Imagine Florida summer, no a/c, poison ivy. No sleep for days.

B|:SB| I would've DIED!!! That sounds horrid!!

I had the same problem in Virginia, bad, but not that bad - once moved to FL, we had A/C - thank goodness for housing built more recenlty than the civil war!!

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I would've DIED!!! That sounds horrid!!

Close enough. We were clearing a pasture by hooking chains to vines and small trees. Had the poison ivy blisters between my fingers even. I had to wait until 3am before it cooled down enough to sleep.


- thank goodness for housing built more recenlty than the civil war!!

Really old houses are built above ground. That allows a cool air layer underneath and the floor stays cool. Also the attics were pretty big.

When I built my last house, I had a foot of insulation blown in and insulated walls. I used a "ridge vent" on the roof that allowed hot air to rise out. The eves had perforated soffit to allow the cool air from the balconies to flow into the attic. The house stayed cool with just ceiling fans on.

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The key thing that made me itch was heat.

Same here....no A/C in my grandparent's house in NC. So, I slept more than one night in the kiddie pool in the side yard. That worked out well for the itching, but i was terrified i would fall asleep and drown (even though the water was only about 8" deep). :o

And Speedy.....don't use the Chlorox on your face. There is a slight risk of scarring, plus it may make you nauseous for a few minutes.

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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Zanfel - I've tried everything, this is the only stuff that really helped.

I feel your pain. I am extremely allergic to poison ivy. I've had it so bad all over my arms, stomache, legs that I was oozing (sp?) all down my skin. I would sit in the bathtub for hours because it was the only relief I had. I couldn't work, eat or sleep because it was so irritating. I had prednisone, lots and lots of it, 60mg the first time, which didn't get rid of it, so my dermatologist put me on 80 mg of prednisone... prednisone is evil. bad bad stuff. That combined with Zanfel and I finally got rid of it. It takes a couple weeks to run it's course though, so no instant cures. they also say each time you get it, you get it worse. which has been true with me.

good luck, watch out for 3 pointy leaves and a red stem!

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poison ivy blisters between my fingers even

holy poo - that would SUCK!!

Our home on VA was built right after the civil war. huge basement, not much of an attic - it got HOT. sounds like your new home is a master of cooling - that's super!! my parent's in FL also has that "ridge vent" it helps a bunch!

Clorox will cause scaring most likely. Basically it just kills everything, including the new skin. I have 2 poison ivy scars (from when I was like 8) on my forhead - they're the only scars, never got any from the pox even.

Lew - dang, that sounds like a very bad case. My parents didn't really believe in doctors till bout 10 yrs ago - clorox or alcohol & time killed every issue any of us ever had. I think that now, DCFS would take kids away.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I don't buy the part about scratching the blister and spreading it that way.

I agree -- I've read that once you've washed off the oils themselves, you can't actually spread it anymore.

I'm one of those lucky people that aren't allergic to the oils -- I've never had poison ivy in my life, even though my yard is full of it...

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You can spread it by scratching immediately after exposure (while the offending urushiol is still on your skin) and then touching or scratching elsewhere. Once it's been washed off (with alcohol) you can't spread it that way. Breaking the blisters won't spread it, but it can cause scarring and secondary infections. DO NOT SCRATCH OPEN THE BLISTERS.

And for god's sake, DO NOT PUT BLEACH OR SALT ON OPEN WOUNDS. Who comes up with this stuff?

Over-the-counter topical corticosteroids (commonly called hydrocortisones under brand names such as Cortaid and Lanacort) will help with temporary itch relief.

Severe cases can be treated with oral corticosteroids. See a doctor or dermatologist.

Tecnu can work very well but is only effective if you get it on there IMMEDIATELY after exposure. It's more like first aid then ongoing treatment.
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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This comes straight from the prescription bottle I have, when I got it last summer.

TRIAMCINOLONE, Its a topical ointment that got rid of it in 3 days. Its available by prescription only.

Also If you can find LYE soap it helps, LYE dries out the skin quickly

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I used to get extreme cases when i was younger....completely swollen-shut eyes, shots, the whole 9 yards.

This will sting for about 2 minutes, but it's a guaranteed cure.

Scrape the sores until they are open and weeping. Next, dip a rag into Chlorox (non-diluted), wring out the rag, then "blot" the sore with the Chlorox. Like i said, it will sting like hell for a little bit, but with only 1 or 2 applications the Chlorox will dry up the sore in less than two days.


Holy crap! I don't know if I could do that, no matter how bad it is :S I seem to be getting it frequently now out here in NC. It'd friggin everywhere! (along with spiders and other creatures I don't even know what they are!)


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When I was in survival school for the Navy there were several methods for treating poison ivy.

- If it's happened within 24 hours apply rubbing alcohol. It helps drawing the poison to the top.

- Rub plantain on the infected area. Prevents it from spreading and assists in preventing the itching.

- Calamine lotion.

- Aloe.

- Rub watermelon and the rine over the infected area (this is unproven. More of an old wise tale. May work).


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ugggh. I will probably get it by just reading your post title. I swear the stuff is my Achilles heel.

I always go to the doctor the min i see any of it develop. If i get it soon, it never gets worse and gets better quickly. If i wait...[:/]

fortunately when i mountian bike i wear gators, and i havent gotten it in years.

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I don't buy the part about scratching the blister and spreading it that way.

I agree -- I've read that once you've washed off the oils themselves, you can't actually spread it anymore.

I'm one of those lucky people that aren't allergic to the oils -- I've never had poison ivy in my life, even though my yard is full of it...

Ahhh! So, I'm not alone!

I also am not sensitive to it.

Damn, after reading this thread, I'm REALLY lucky! :)
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I've only had it once, and then not real bad. I can practicly roll around in it and not be affected.
That said I've always been told that if you think you've been in contact with it wash the affected area right away with gasoline. This cuts the oil and dries the skin. My uncle and cousins swear by it, and it seems to be a common thing for many people I know to do.

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when i was in the reserves and working in the medical inspection room a woman came in with poison ivy all over her like she had been using it to bath. 2 hrs later a male came in with the same condition. its seems they did not know what poison ivy looked like and decided to get intimate in the ivy patch. the doc on call gave them both calamine lotion and within a week they were healed but lots of scariing in the nether regions. never heard of the bleach thing, but that sounds pretty interesting.

who Jah bless Let no man curse.

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I have a small farm in Kentucky and you'd think all we raise there is Poisn Ivy since I've gotten it every time I'm out "riding fences" so to speak.

The second occurance, I went to the doctor and he gave me a cortizone injection and a course of cortizone pills to take over the next week.

After the injection, I could feel the itching and burning starting to lessen immediately and by that evening it didn't even bother me anymore.

I urge you to go to the doctor and not suffer needlessy for two weeks.
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sorry.....ivy sucks big time.

Dont scratch it, and put some vitamins on it.

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Yep, what a pain it is!

I was on a rafting trip a few years ago in Idaho and these two young girls were taking pictures of themselves next to the river-all smiles-until I told them they were covered in poision ivy! That was the 1st day of a 6 day trip, they were not happy campers!:P They actually thought I was kidding:|

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