
When you talk about skydiving...

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Do you talk with a lot of enthusiasm? I do. I talk about it like it's the best thing in the world, because it is..... and people who don't jump give me weird looks, like I'm on crack. It makes me happy to talk about it and sometimes I feel like I start to annoy people who have to listen to me blab about it all the time. :D

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Look at how the people you skydive with listen to you.

If they don't give you 'wierd' looks, then the problem lies with the wuffos.

If they do give you 'wierd' looks, then it you.


Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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. . . I feel like I start to annoy people who have to listen to me blab about it all the time.

If you feel that way, then you probably are.

It's much better to not talk about it unless there is an actual reason to do so. If someone asks you about it, then that's a reason. If not, then there are usually few reasons.

When something happens and it makes the news, it won't be long before you're deluged with questions. Resist the urge to speculate. Clarify miscommunication, but there's no need to go into too much detail. Nobody will understand unless they are a skydiver themselves.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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FYI- When I talk about skydiving, I have trouble trying to hide my erection......:o

but that probly because I get naked:o

LOL...actually I Do blab about it all the time. I got 5 of my co workers to go so far. 2 more will go this weekend and 3 more will on on july 10th.(out of that group three are trying to get certified.)

so far since Ive been skydiving I brought about 40 people to the DZ's. that doesn't happen unless you talk ALOT. thing is, I never tell people I'll take em unless they ask. those are the ones who are really interested.
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I tend to talk about it a lot, but around my wuffo friends I have tapered it back a bit just to ensure I don't annoy them. It's funny the one guy that used to give me the most hell for talking about it asks me about it all the time now.

As I was being put under anesthetic at the oral surgeons on Friday, I actually talked the nurse into coming out to the DZ for a tandem. Even managed to get a business card out of my wallet before I went under.

Nah, I don't talk about it too much.

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. . . I feel like I start to annoy people who have to listen to me blab about it all the time.

If you feel that way, then you probably are.

It's much better to not talk about it unless there is an actual reason to do so. If someone asks you about it, then that's a reason. If not, then there are usually few reasons.

People ask me about it all the time, and then I just go off becasue I get excited that they are interested in it. I ususally dont just start talking about it out of nowhere, though. :D

Well ok, maybe sometimes But not usually. :)

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not so much...
there is no way i could really make them understand what it feels like.
i mean, they know i love it and i do talk about it but its not like talking to someone who feels the same way after a good jump...

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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I talk about it all the time.

I have noticed some times I just bring up skydiving out of nowhere. It goes like this.

Someone any one: "Hey isn't it a nice day?"
Darius: "Yea perfect for skydiving, did I mention I skydive. ammmmmmm you should do a tandem”.

Someone: Slowly walks away giving me weird look.:P
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Be careful while on conference calls...make sure you have the mute button on!

I was chatting with a friend on and off during a call and I said "I'm going to jump my ass off this weekend"....and heard the call leader say "what was that??"

Oops. :$

But people at work ask me all the time about jumping. I have some photos up at my desk. I'll be taking a group over for tandems some point soon!

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People ask me about it all the time, and then I just go off becasue I get excited that they are interested in it. I ususally dont just start talking about it out of nowhere, though. :D

Well ok, maybe sometimes But not usually. :)

I agree with what Quade wrote. I try not to bring it up too much with people who do not jump. There is no reason to talk about it unless they do. Lol...women and men look at me as though I am Angelina Jolie when I admit to loving body flight. :)

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In the first week or so I talked about it non stop, my room-mate almost killed me, I didn’t even realise until she pointed it out that every single conversation did not need to be about skydiving. Since then I’ve resisted the urge to talk about it, I tell her if something important happens but that’s about it. I don’t really tell people I skydive, if it comes out somehow after a while they usually just go oh cool and that’s it. That’s if they don’t think I’m nuts, either way they don’t really seem all that interested so I hold back as I know it can get quite boring listening to things you don’t have a passion in. However when I see my skydiving friends I kind of let out all the stuff I’ve held in all week, we get in the car on the way to the DZ and talk a million miles an hour about anything and everything skydiving, they are like my release. Hehe. I definitely talk with a fair bit of vigour to them.


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'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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I agree with what Quade wrote. I try not to bring it up too much with people who do not jump.

Roger that.

So let's reverse the situation a little. Let's say you know or meet someone who does something that many people think is also very cool - like flying high performance military jets off of carriers or competing as a pro driver on the NASCAR circuit. And let's say the pilot talks a lot about his flying or his missions and the driver goes on and on about his nail-biting performances on the track. Intriguing...perhaps even riveting accounts from both the pilot and the driver, who are enthusiastic, and perhaps even passionate about what they do. But what would you think of that jet pilot and/or that race car driver if they talked about little else?

Skydiving is awesome, and I love what we do as much as anyone else. Enthusiasm and exuberance are great; enthusiasm tempered with genuine modesty is very cool.



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Around whuffos I know well, yes. They're always asking me about my weekend, how many jumps I got in, etc. I'm happy to tell them.
Around whuffos I don't know so well, not unless it's brought up by someone else. That usually happens if someone asks about weekend plans or if a friend of mine brings up the fact that I skydive. At that point, how far I go into it depends on how much they keep it going. If they're really interested, I'm happy to inspire them to try it out for themselves.

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Actually, I don't even have a pin necklace :o :(. At work, poeple get curious when they see the pictures I have on my desk of a few jumps I've done. Or when I meet someone new, they'll ask me what I do for fun, and well, I tell them :D and then they just keep asking questions about it.

Now that I really think about it... I never bring it up unwarranted, although, when it's asked about, you can't shut me up. :)

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This thread reminds me of how my dad has a tendency to make every analogy about flying. (He's a pilot, as am I.)

I remember through the years many times when we'd go outside, and he'd look up at the sky and say, "Nice day/night for flyin'." Also, any time we'd drive near enough to Long Island Islip MacArthur Airport (that's where he flies from), he'd see traffic and say something like, "Ohh, looks like they're using 24," or something like that. Sometimes it seemed like too much, but now that I'm a licensed pilot as well, I think the same way! It's hard to hide enthusiasm.

With regard to skydiving OR flying, I like to talk about it with others, either whuffos or not. I try to not gush or talk too fast or too loud or seem out of my mind, but I do attempt to convey just how great I think flying and skydiving are. I'm still working on getting some of the people I know out to jump (it's harder now that SoBe is gone). Some people at work actually ask me about my recent jumps and adventures, so I tell them stories. These are whuffos though, who gasp about some of the stuff that is quite normal to us. I also enjoy telling them about my (very realistic) skydiving dreams. It takes social sensitivity to detect whether you're playing to an uninterested/bored crowd or not. Watch for signs of interest. If they ask no questions, chances are you should stop talking about it. Questions indicate interest/involvement.

I try to not use skydiving to boast or seem cool. It's easy to want to let someone know that you skydive, to see if it affects how they think of you. But it's cheesy to drop it like a pick-up line, "Hey, baby, I skydive." I avoid that at all costs. But if it comes up, (questions about my pin necklace) I am happy to talk about it.

I generally tell whuffos that I have met very few people in my life who I thought should not skydive. I tell anyone who ever thought for a moment that it looked like fun that they owed it to themselves to do it because they'd love it! So here's the breakdown:

- If you looked at skydiving and thought the people who do it are morons: don't skydive. (Leave the fun to us "morons.")

- If you ever looked at it (on t.v. or elsewhere) and thought it was intriguing ("What's that feel like to actually do it?"): try skydiving

- If you ever actually thought about getting out to a dropzone and buckling up because you think you'd enjoy that feeling: GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR RIGHT NOW. (My friend's wife, down visiting from NY, said she'd been thinking about it: I told her that if she ever even considered it, that means she really has to try it.)

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I dont really talk about it at all unless someone asks me about it. Usually at work I get asked if I jumped on the weekend, so I'll tell them about my jumps, but people dont really seem that interested so I dont want to bore them too much.

I've just started dating a skydiver so I talk to him about it all the time, which is awesome because he has a lot of experience so I can ramble on about it, and he can set me straight on the things I am stuffing up.
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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