
Either Or

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Average sex with someone you like alot or mindblowing sex with someone you don't really like all that much?

Already been down that road - binned the 'mind blowing sex' because I didn't really like her and ended up getting none for ages!! B|:S

So on balance I will go with "whatever is on offer"!:)

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Average sex with someone you like alot or mindblowing sex with someone you don't really like all that much?

Now let's think this through:
If someone I really didn't like that much gave me mindblowing sex, I'm damn sure that when it was over, I would find myself liking them a lot!
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Average sex with someone you like alot or mindblowing sex with someone you don't really like all that much?

Mindblowing sex with someone you don't like?! Oh my. There are other issues at play here.


Don't knock masturbation. It's safe sex with someone you love.

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depends on how much you're paying....


Seriously tho I don't have to make that choice cause I have both...
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Average sex with someone you don't really like all that much?

Yeah, well... I have this love hate relationship with my right hand, ya know???
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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I have this love love relationship with that SAME hand.

Nu uh...... stop it!!! you're making the left hand jealous now...

NOw look... it's off sulking....
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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I'd MUCH rather have mindblowing sex with someone I don't really like all that much.

I'm sure that I can find positives in that person. :$

While it can be developed to a certain degree, mindblowing sexual chemistry with another person is not something that you can teach. Like someone else said, I don't have the time for average sex (Is that wrong?)...unless I was totally in love. I have yet to have that problem.

Btw, I only have sex with someone if I really, really, really like or love him. :$

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I would say average sex with someone I like alot, But since there isn't anyone I like a lot it would have to be mindblowing sex with someone I don't really like all that much?
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
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I'd rather have ongoing sex with someone I like or love. If the relationship's there, the sex will usually take care of itself, especially with practice. I don't think I could do it with someone I actually don't like, unless I was really drunk or else being mean & nasty. And as far as mean & nasty goes, pretend is fun, the real thing is not.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Average sex with someone you like alot or mindblowing sex with someone you don't really like all that much?[/reply

It has been my expereince that mind-blowing sex relationships only last about 2 months. And average sex relationships will last longer, but clouded with thoughts, memories and lust for the mind-blowing partner by default. :| Though sex is about 10% of the relationship, if that is bad it will ruin the other 90%.

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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