
I'd never have guessed YOU are a skydiver!

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I buy duct tape by the case!

"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy." Red Green

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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That hasn’t happened to me for a while – mainly because I don’t mention the fact I skydive much. Guess I just got sick of the same old whuffo questions… :S:D

What gets up my nose in a BIG way is when my boyfriend mentions to a new acquaintance that he skydives… and they then turn to me and ask if he’s “taught” me yet :S. Yeah right! I’ve been jumping twice as long as him and have double his jump numbers! I just laugh at it now but at first it used to bug the hell out of me as it just seems so sexist – because I’m small and female the fact that I skydive MUST be down to my boyfriend!:D :D:D


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Yea i've gotten dirty looks when skydiving comes up. Like i don't care about life.
Here's my latest problem : Wearing an arm sling because of broken shoulder..... (everyone who knows me) THEM:" what did you do bounce ? get hurt SKYDIVING ? ME: No , mother fucker. the chain came off my PEDDLE bike and I rode it to the ground. Them: So were you drunk ? me: No mother fucker I wasn't drunk... the chain came off shit brain.
Most still don't believe me although i have no reason to lie.
Sorry I'm just in a bad mood because I'm getting shit from many about something that just "happened". can't seem to find a moment to rest either.
Advice : Never spend time explaining anything to a whuffo. Mentioning skydiving just causes them to think less of you and it's a waste of your breath. The public knows skydiving exists. If they want to do it or know more about it, great , go do it.They don't need us to try to encourage them to try it, or to justify our secret love.

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I think the people that really get the looks are the ones who are 50 and above. Not just someone who does an occasional tandem, but ones that are really into the sport.

Within the sport, we have some terrific story-telling seniors (late-jake comes to mind) and we can admire those folks because they usually have larger jump numbers. But I am talking about starting at 50+ with zero and sticking with it.

The mentality of most of the other folks in that age bracket is a bit different than 20 or 30 somethings. The "geez, I play tennis or enjoy the theatre or work out three times a week - but that's nuts for a person your age" can be a unique blend of sarcasm and jealousy actually. I think most people that get up in age have some things they wish they would have tried, but were not really gutsy enough to do, or feared family criticism, etc. Yet, when a fellow 1/2 centenarian goes for it, their not really jumping up and down with praise. Actually, many will tell you that it is "irresponsible" and things like that.

This I expect - not as a rule, but it is more often true than not in this circumstance.

But I am surprised to hear about the women getting a hard time in this thread from folks in their life. You mean people actually say, "but you're a girl??" Seriously lame! Girls rock and I think they are fantastic to jump with. Had a woman coach that was really great too. If anything, I'd like to see (as a man, of course...!) MORE women in the sport!

It sort of sucks that THAT sterotype would still be lurking the halls. When you think about it, the sport is almost better suited to women in the realm of aerial dance, grace, etc. You know, like ice skating... err... well.. except most of the guys are not gay in this sport... oh and you don't risk your life unless you overhead someone that is just too big. Okay, bad analogy ... :)

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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I also get
"You don't look like the sort of person who has tattoos"

Yep - people are normally more surprised that I have a tattoo. Of course it normally takes them a little longer to find that out...:PB|

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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High heels and suits on week days, jump suit on weekends.

I went to a luncheon one day with a group of contractors & land developer guys....when they saw my license plate (PINCHEK)...one asked me what it means. I turned and told him it's just one of "skydiving" terms. They all dropped their jaws....and replied, "you skydive, and how often?"

Now the whole building knows....they asks me every Friday afternoon....are you jumping this weekend?

"Love is doing small things with great love."

Lacrosse: Legally beating men with sticks since 1492

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never happened to me............... there are a few people that if i didn't know they skydived i wouldof never guessed though.......... the school teachers are the best at this.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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That's just one of the many reasons I love Skydiving!!! Where else in the world would you find, an Electrician, Casino Manager, Metalurgist, Carpenter, Doctor, Physiotherapist, Engineering Manager, high school drop out, bum, Musician, IT whizz, etc all sitting at a bar pissing it up being friends.
It's the Sky that binds us!!!
...drags me down like some sweet gravity!!!

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I was searching for the entire study conducted by Bruce Ogilvie, professor emeritus of psychology at San Jose State University. I at least found the abstract included in this web site. Scroll about 3/4 way down the page.


"Why we jump. The explanation use to be simple: jumpers were crazy! Some psychologists talked of Freudian death wishes while others believed in fear displacement or denying one fear in their lives by directing their attention to another more manageable one. Others theorized that participants in high risk sports were acting out psychopathic fantasies in an attempt to make up for feelings of inadequacy or to demonstrate omnipotence. So much for the non-jumping ground hog, whuffo head shrink community.

Fortunately, in the last 25 years, the shrinks have decided that pursuing a high risk sport is not all that bad. Perhaps more of them have tried skydiving. Bruce Ogilvie, professor emeritus of psychology at San Jose State University conducted a study of 293 high-risk competitors including skydivers, race car drivers, fencers and aerobatic pilots in 1973 using psychological batteries and personal interviews. Ogilvie found risk-takers to be success oriented, strongly extroverted, above average in abstract ability and superior in intelligence when compared to the general population. He found these athletes are rarely reckless in their risk taking; their risk-taking is cool and calculated. He estimates that 6% of the athletes compete out of anger or out of deep feelings of inferiority or because they are trying to prove something about themselves. The other 94% are emotionally stable."


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I just tell them I'm not REALLY a skydiver, I just got a good nights rest at the holiday inn.

oh god our pilot tells that one whenever we have a first jump class. the students all giggle nervously while we roll our eyes. :D

MB 3528, RB 1182

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