
Am i getting old?

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Ok am I getting old or does music really suck that bad.

This weekend there must have been at lest 3 or 4 times where I had my Radio on scan, and couldn’t find any thing for hours. After a few times of that happening I just turned the radio off and then it hit me.

Is it them or me?
I mean has music turned to total crap or am I just getting to old to get it?
Like is Ashley Simpson or her sister really good and I am too old to get it or do they really suck monkey balls. Am I the only one who finds the NEW punk bands so annoying that I would rather have a fork in my eye balls or do most feel that way.
There are a few new bands that I do like but their songs seem to not get played.

While I am ranting what ever happened to Rap- hip-hop. I used to like rap. People who spoke about real issues oh I know some of you might not remember but there was time the Rapers actually had something to say. Other then I get paid I get laid in my Escaliad. Wow Darius Raps.

So what the fuck happened.
Yes I know Supply and demand but has the youth lost there IQ I know………. I am sounding old again.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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you ARE old man. but the music does suck in general.

I like chevelle and a few like that now adays.

so since we all agree that the music sucks name at least ONE NEW band that doesn't so us old folk can be educated on modern music! LOL
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Speaking of IQ . . . I think I'm gonna require that all of my clients and co-workers take an IQ test. If they get below a 40, which I'm sure most of them would, then I wouldn't work with them. F***ing dumbasses are getting on my last nerve today.

And yes, you're getting old . . . or maybe just picky. :P;):D

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Hey Dar,
Unless you live in a major metro area, (NYC, LA, SF, etc.) it seems there's a radio waste land out there unless you have sattellite radio. When I drove truck OTR it seemed that the only good stations were near big cities. I've heard better sounds come from a clothes drier with a couple of sneakers in it than come from some radio stations!!!! Every now and then to keep myself from going totally mad, I go into my archives, find my old original 45rpm single of Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode" and play it!!! Remember, John Lennon is suppose to have said at some time," If they didn't call it Rock and Roll they'd have to call it Chuck Berry!!" Get to the Roots of it all. Turn off your radio, get your guitar and strum C-Am-F-G, have fun.
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Is it them or me?

It's them, mostly Clear Channel which owns 1200 radio stations, 19 TV stations, 700,000 bill boards, and a concert promotion company.

You make the most money airing non-descript music that offends the fewest people, with a focus on musicians who are playing concerts for your promotion company.

For some people it's not about the money, although the FCC doesn't have to give them a license and lobying by the media monopoly has made that more difficult (for example you now need three empty channels between stations).

As a result, arround here the only stations worth listening too are the public classical/jazz stations and Radio Free Boulder (pirate radio which plays everything from classic rock to ambient).

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