
are you a "rock star"

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was my first trip to wffc. upon landing over by the spectator area, i soon realized i was a rock star. kids were running around autograph hunting.. really odd feeling someone wanting your autograph.. soon after i started calling it my ego landingB| so who else on here is now as big of a "rock star" as me
My inner child is a mean little fucker

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I did it twice - first time a long skyvan spot had me landing in the spectator parking lot, second time was next to the bleachers. Both times kids asked for my autograph - quite an ego boost, that's for sure! Next year I'll have to bring pull up cords or something to give out.
30005KT 10SM SKC 23/05 A3006

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per standing order I party like one as often as possible..

however i have been on a load where the whole field landed next to some baseball diamonds.. those of use who landed in the close outfield were immediately promoted to demi-god status (and damn near tackled) by the elementary school kids playing ball... B|
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Skymedic and I always land out there (if we can). I love the lack of traffic and the attention from the locals. I also like landing over there so they actually get to see some skydivers. I hate that the main landing area is out of sight for the locals....although I understand the set-up.

I just wish there was a decent place to pack over there. Marc and I pack under a tent, but on grass. Not ideal, but not too bad. Ofter we had locals watching us pack and asking questions.


I'm a Doll!!!!

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however i have been on a load where the whole field landed next to some baseball diamonds

If thats the Orting landing area.. yeah that is KUHL....

SEAKEV's girlfriend Dianna (Shydi on here) did her first AFF jump there a couple months ago.. and got to sign autographs on her first AFF jump...

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Ja the Orting 'out'... I've done a few firsts out that way... interesting feeling not knowing what your landing zone looks like before you get out....reminded me a bit of military static line jumps, minus the cool 3 way FF with Jay and Kristin...;)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Ya that was kinda interesting.. getting out of the plane way the hell out over the hills and forest over to the East southeast of the Soccer fields..... and looking around and going.. WHOA.. way over there huh ok I can make it back there..... oh lookie.. a chop.. John Mitchell doing a tandem.. had to chop. That tandem student had a more special kinda jump...

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